
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module history_clusters.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Available annotations for a visit.
enum Annotation {
  // Indicates that the visited URL was added to the bookmarks or was already
  // bookmarked.
  // Indicates that the visited URL was the search results page of the default
  // search provider.

// Each MatchPosition is the [begin, end) positions of a match within a string.
// Equivalent to MatchPosition in components/query_parser/snippet.h.
struct MatchPosition {
  uint32 begin;
  uint32 end;

// Represents a search query related to a visit to the search results page.
struct SearchQuery {
  // Text of the search query.
  string query;
  // URL of the search query page.
  url.mojom.Url url;

 * The following enum must be kept in sync with their respective source in
 * components/history/core/browser/history_types.h.

// A cluster's visit's interaction state.
enum InteractionState {
  // The default state of visits. Visible in both zero-state and searches.
  kDefault = 0,
  // User has marked the visit hidden. Hidden in all surfaces.
  kHidden = 1,
  // User has dismissed the visit with positive intent. Hidden in the
  // zero-state but still searchable.
  kDone = 2,

 * The following enums must be kept in sync with their respective variants in
 * //tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/history/histograms.xml and
 * //components/history_clusters/core/cluster_metrics_utils.h

// Raw visit data needed to properly do deletion of all the duplicates.
struct RawVisitData {
  url.mojom.Url url;
  mojo_base.mojom.Time visit_time;

// Represents the most recent visit to a URL within a Cluster. Visits for which
// there are more recent visits to the same (or a qualifying near-duplicate) URL
// within the Cluster are omitted.
// However, the time of the least recent visit as well as the raw URLs of those
// duplicative visits are preserved for deletion purposes.
struct URLVisit {
  // ID for this visit in the history DB.
  int64 visit_id;

  // Normalized URL of the visited webpage. Only Search Results Page urls will
  // be normalized for now; This is because SRP visits for the same search terms
  // have slightly different URLs due to various query params such as the AQS.
  url.mojom.Url normalized_url;

  // String version of the URL suitable for display. This has been stripped of
  // extraneous details like the scheme, and has IDN hostnames pre-converted.
  // The actual URL formatting is similar to the omnibox popup.
  string url_for_display;

  // Title of the visited webpage.
  string page_title;

  // The positions within the `page_title` and `url_for_display` that match the
  // search terms. Used for bolding in the WebUI.
  array<MatchPosition> title_match_positions;
  array<MatchPosition> url_for_display_match_positions;

  // Raw visit data that's not displayed by the UI, but needed to do proper
  // deletion. Visits with no duplicates will have an empty `duplicates` array.
  RawVisitData raw_visit_data;
  array<RawVisitData> duplicates;

  // Localized string of approximate `last_visit_time`, e.g., "2 days ago".
  string relative_date;

  // Annotations for this visit.
  array<Annotation> annotations;

  // Set to true for visits known to Chrome Sync, which can be:
  //  1. Remote visits that have been synced to the local machine.
  //  2. Local visits that have been sent to Sync.
  bool is_known_to_sync;

  // A key-value dictionary of additional debug info to show. This is not
  // visible in production, and used for development only. Disabled by default,
  // but can be enabled by the 'JourneysUserVisibleDebug' flag.
  map<string, string> debug_info;

  // Whether there is a URL-keyed image for this visit.
  bool has_url_keyed_image;

// Represents a cluster of visits generated from device history by the browser
// and displayed in chrome://history/journeys. Contains cluster-level metadata
// (e.g., last_visit_time) derived from the metadata of constituent visits.
struct Cluster {
  // Cluster identifier. See //components/history/core/browser/history_types.h
  int64 id;

  // A flat list of all the visits in the cluster. The first one is the
  // "top visit" if the UI needs to specially display a "top visit".
  array<URLVisit> visits;

  // A label for the whole cluster.
  string label;

  // If the whole cluster is opened in a new tab group, this should be used as
  // the tab group name.
  string? tab_group_name;

  // The positions within `label` that match the search terms. Used for bolding
  // in the WebUI.
  array<MatchPosition> label_match_positions;

  // Search queries related to this cluster's visits.
  array<SearchQuery> related_searches;

  // The image URL associated with this cluster.
  url.mojom.Url? image_url;

  // Set to true if this cluster was loaded from SQL rather than dynamically
  // generated.
  bool from_persistence;

  // Additional debug string to show. This is not visible in production, and
  // used for development only. Disabled by default, but can be enabled by the
  // 'JourneysUserVisibleDebug' flag.
  string? debug_info;