// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.infobars;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.ColorRes;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.infobar.ActionType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.infobar.InfoBarIdentifier;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
* The base class for all InfoBar classes.
* Note that infobars expire by default when a new navigation occurs.
* Make sure to use setExpireOnNavigation(false) if you want an infobar to be sticky.
public abstract class InfoBar implements InfoBarInteractionHandler, InfoBarUiItem {
/** Interface for InfoBar to interact with its container. */
public interface Container {
/** @return True if the infobar is in front. */
boolean isFrontInfoBar(InfoBar infoBar);
* Remove the infobar from its container.
* @param infoBar InfoBar to remove from the View hierarchy.
void removeInfoBar(InfoBar infoBar);
/** Notifies that an infobar's View ({@link InfoBar#getView}) has changed. */
void notifyInfoBarViewChanged();
/** @return True if the container's destroy() method has been called. */
boolean isDestroyed();
private final int mIconDrawableId;
private final Bitmap mIconBitmap;
private final @ColorRes int mIconTintId;
private final CharSequence mMessage;
private @Nullable Container mContainer;
private @Nullable View mView;
private @Nullable Context mContext;
private boolean mIsDismissed;
private boolean mControlsEnabled = true;
private @Nullable PropertyModel mModel;
// This points to the InfoBarAndroid class not any of its subclasses.
private long mNativeInfoBarPtr;
* Constructor for regular infobars.
* @param iconDrawableId ID of the resource to use for the Icon. If 0, no icon will be shown.
* @param iconTintId The {@link ColorRes} used as tint for the {@code iconDrawableId}.
* @param message The message to show in the infobar.
* @param iconBitmap Icon to draw, in bitmap form. Used mainly for generated icons.
public InfoBar(
int iconDrawableId, @ColorRes int iconTintId, CharSequence message, Bitmap iconBitmap) {
mIconDrawableId = iconDrawableId;
mIconBitmap = iconBitmap;
mIconTintId = iconTintId;
mMessage = message;
* Stores a pointer to the native-side counterpart of this InfoBar.
* @param nativeInfoBarPtr Pointer to the native InfoBarAndroid, not to its subclass.
private final void setNativeInfoBar(long nativeInfoBarPtr) {
assert nativeInfoBarPtr != 0;
mNativeInfoBarPtr = nativeInfoBarPtr;
protected void resetNativeInfoBar() {
mNativeInfoBarPtr = 0;
/** Sets the Context used when creating the InfoBar. */
public void setContext(Context context) {
mContext = context;
* @return The {@link Context} used to create the InfoBar. This will be null before the InfoBar
* is added to an {@link InfoBarContainer}, or after the InfoBar is closed.
protected Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* Creates the View that represents the InfoBar.
* @return The View representing the InfoBar.
public final View createView() {
assert mContext != null;
if (usesCompactLayout()) {
InfoBarCompactLayout layout =
new InfoBarCompactLayout(
mContext, this, mIconDrawableId, mIconTintId, mIconBitmap);
mView = layout;
} else {
InfoBarLayout layout =
new InfoBarLayout(
mContext, this, mIconDrawableId, mIconTintId, mIconBitmap, mMessage);
mView = layout;
return mView;
/** @return The model for this infobar if one was created. */
PropertyModel getModel() {
return mModel;
* If this returns true, the infobar contents will be replaced with a one-line layout.
* When overriding this, also override {@link #getAccessibilityMessage}.
protected boolean usesCompactLayout() {
return false;
* Prepares the InfoBar for display and adds InfoBar-specific controls to the layout.
* @param layout Layout containing all of the controls.
protected void createContent(InfoBarLayout layout) {}
* Prepares and inserts views into an {@link InfoBarCompactLayout}.
* {@link #usesCompactLayout} must return 'true' for this function to be called.
* @param layout Layout to plug views into.
protected void createCompactLayoutContent(InfoBarCompactLayout layout) {}
* Replaces the View currently shown in the infobar with the given View. Triggers the swap
* animation via the InfoBarContainer.
protected void replaceView(View newView) {
mView = newView;
/** Returns the View shown in this infobar. Only valid after createView() has been called. */
public View getView() {
return mView;
* Returns the accessibility message to announce when this infobar is first shown.
* Override this if the InfoBar doesn't have {@link R.id.infobar_message}. It is usually the
* case when it is in CompactLayout.
protected CharSequence getAccessibilityMessage(CharSequence defaultTitle) {
return defaultTitle == null ? "" : defaultTitle;
public CharSequence getAccessibilityText() {
if (mView == null) return "";
CharSequence title = null;
TextView messageView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(R.id.infobar_message);
if (messageView != null) {
title = messageView.getText();
title = getAccessibilityMessage(title);
if (title.length() > 0) {
title = title + " ";
// TODO(crbug.com/41349249): Avoid string concatenation due to i18n.
return title + mContext.getString(R.string.bottom_bar_screen_position);
public int getPriority() {
return InfoBarPriority.PAGE_TRIGGERED;
public int getInfoBarIdentifier() {
if (mNativeInfoBarPtr == 0) return InfoBarIdentifier.INVALID;
return InfoBarJni.get().getInfoBarIdentifier(mNativeInfoBarPtr, InfoBar.this);
/** @return whether the infobar actually needed closing. */
private boolean closeInfoBar() {
if (!mIsDismissed) {
mIsDismissed = true;
if (!mContainer.isDestroyed()) {
// If the container was destroyed, it's already been emptied of all its infobars.
mContainer = null;
mView = null;
mContext = null;
return true;
return false;
* @return If the infobar is the front infobar (i.e. visible and not hidden behind other
* infobars).
public boolean isFrontInfoBar() {
return mContainer.isFrontInfoBar(this);
* Called just before the Java infobar has begun hiding. Give the chance to clean up any child
* UI that may remain open.
protected void onStartedHiding() {}
* Returns pointer to native InfoBarAndroid instance. TODO(crbug.com/40120294): The function is
* used in subclasses typically to get Tab reference. When Tab is modularized, replace this
* function with the one that returns Tab reference.
protected long getNativeInfoBarPtr() {
return mNativeInfoBarPtr;
/** Sets the Container that displays the InfoBar. */
public void setContainer(Container container) {
mContainer = container;
/** @return Whether or not this InfoBar is already dismissed (i.e. closed). */
protected boolean isDismissed() {
return mIsDismissed;
public boolean areControlsEnabled() {
return mControlsEnabled;
public void setControlsEnabled(boolean state) {
mControlsEnabled = state;
public void onClick() {
public void onButtonClicked(boolean isPrimaryButton) {}
public void onLinkClicked() {
if (mNativeInfoBarPtr != 0) InfoBarJni.get().onLinkClicked(mNativeInfoBarPtr, InfoBar.this);
* Performs some action related to the button being clicked.
* @param action The type of action defined in {@link ActionType} in this class.
protected void onButtonClicked(@ActionType int action) {
if (mNativeInfoBarPtr != 0) {
InfoBarJni.get().onButtonClicked(mNativeInfoBarPtr, InfoBar.this, action);
public void onCloseButtonClicked() {
if (mNativeInfoBarPtr != 0 && !mIsDismissed) {
InfoBarJni.get().onCloseButtonClicked(mNativeInfoBarPtr, InfoBar.this);
interface Natives {
int getInfoBarIdentifier(long nativeInfoBarAndroid, InfoBar caller);
void onLinkClicked(long nativeInfoBarAndroid, InfoBar caller);
void onButtonClicked(long nativeInfoBarAndroid, InfoBar caller, int action);
void onCloseButtonClicked(long nativeInfoBarAndroid, InfoBar caller);