// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.infobars;
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import org.chromium.ui.widget.OptimizedFrameLayout;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Layout that displays infobars in a stack. Handles all the animations when adding or removing
* infobars and when swapping infobar contents.
* The first infobar to be added is visible at the front of the stack. Later infobars peek up just
* enough behind the front infobar to signal their existence; their contents aren't visible at all.
* The stack has a max depth of three infobars. If additional infobars are added beyond this, they
* won't be visible at all until infobars in front of them are dismissed.
* Animation details:
* - Newly added infobars slide up from the bottom and then their contents fade in.
* - Disappearing infobars slide down and away. The remaining infobars, if any, resize to the
* new front infobar's size, then the content of the new front infobar fades in.
* - When swapping the front infobar's content, the old content fades out, the infobar resizes to
* the new content's size, then the new content fades in.
* - Only a single animation happens at a time. If several infobars are added and/or removed in
* quick succession, the animations will be queued and run sequentially.
* Note: this class depends only on Android view code; it intentionally does not depend on any other
* infobar code. This is an explicit design decision and should remain this way.
* TODO(newt): what happens when detached from window? Do animations run? Do animations jump to end
* values? Should they jump to end values? Does requestLayout() get called when detached
* from window? Probably not; it probably just gets called later when reattached.
* TODO(newt): use hardware acceleration? See
* http://blog.danlew.net/2015/10/20/using-hardware-layers-to-improve-animation-performance/
* and http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/hardware-accel.html#layers
* TODO(newt): handle tall infobars on small devices. Use a ScrollView inside the InfoBarWrapper?
* Make sure InfoBarContainerLayout doesn't extend into tabstrip on tablet.
* TODO(newt): Disable key events during animations, perhaps by overriding dispatchKeyEvent().
* Or can we just call setEnabled() false on the infobar wrapper? Will this cause the buttons
* visual state to change (i.e. to turn gray)?
* TODO(newt): finalize animation timings and interpolators.
public class InfoBarContainerLayout extends OptimizedFrameLayout {
/** Creates an empty InfoBarContainerLayout. */
public InfoBarContainerLayout(
Context context,
Runnable makeContainerVisibleRunnable,
InfoBarAnimationListener animationListener) {
super(context, null);
Resources res = context.getResources();
mBackInfobarHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.infobar_peeking_height);
mFloatingBehavior = new FloatingBehavior(this);
mAnimationListener = animationListener;
mMakeContainerVisibleRunnable = makeContainerVisibleRunnable;
* Adds an infobar to the container. The infobar appearing animation will happen after the
* current animation, if any, finishes.
public void addInfoBar(InfoBarUiItem item) {
mItems.add(findInsertIndex(item), item);
* Finds the appropriate index in the infobar stack for inserting this item.
* @param item The infobar to be inserted.
private int findInsertIndex(InfoBarUiItem item) {
for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); ++i) {
if (item.getPriority() < mItems.get(i).getPriority()) {
return i;
return mItems.size();
* Removes an infobar from the container. The infobar will be animated off the screen if it's
* currently visible.
public void removeInfoBar(InfoBarUiItem item) {
* Notifies that an infobar's View ({@link InfoBarUiItem#getView}) has changed. If the infobar
* is visible in the front of the stack, the infobar will fade out the old contents, resize,
* then fade in the new contents.
public void notifyInfoBarViewChanged() {
/** Returns true if any animations are pending or in progress. */
public boolean isAnimating() {
return mAnimation != null;
// Implementation details
/** The maximum number of infobars visible at any time. */
private static final int MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 3;
// Animation durations.
private static final int DURATION_SLIDE_UP_MS = 250;
private static final int DURATION_SLIDE_DOWN_MS = 250;
private static final int DURATION_FADE_MS = 100;
private static final int DURATION_FADE_OUT_MS = 200;
* Base class for animations inside the InfoBarContainerLayout.
* Provides a standardized way to prepare for, run, and clean up after animations. Each subclass
* should implement prepareAnimation(), createAnimator(), and onAnimationEnd() as needed.
private abstract class InfoBarAnimation {
private Animator mAnimator;
final boolean isStarted() {
return mAnimator != null;
final void start() {
Animator.AnimatorListener listener =
new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
mAnimation = null;
mAnimator = createAnimator();
* Returns an animator that animates an InfoBarWrapper's y-translation from its current
* value to endValue and updates the side shadow positions on each frame.
ValueAnimator createTranslationYAnimator(final InfoBarWrapper wrapper, float endValue) {
ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(wrapper.getTranslationY(), endValue);
new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
wrapper.setTranslationY((float) animation.getAnimatedValue());
return animator;
* Called before the animation begins. This is the time to add views to the hierarchy and
* adjust layout parameters.
void prepareAnimation() {}
* Called to create an Animator which will control the animation. Called after
* prepareAnimation() and after a subsequent layout has happened.
abstract Animator createAnimator();
* Called after the animation completes. This is the time to do post-animation cleanup, such
* as removing views from the hierarchy.
void onAnimationEnd() {}
* Returns the InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_* constant that corresponds to this
* type of animation (showing, swapping, etc).
abstract int getAnimationType();
* The animation to show the first infobar. The infobar slides up from the bottom; then its
* content fades in.
private class FirstInfoBarAppearingAnimation extends InfoBarAnimation {
private InfoBarUiItem mFrontItem;
private InfoBarWrapper mFrontWrapper;
private View mFrontContents;
FirstInfoBarAppearingAnimation(InfoBarUiItem frontItem) {
mFrontItem = frontItem;
void prepareAnimation() {
mFrontContents = mFrontItem.getView();
mFrontWrapper = new InfoBarWrapper(getContext(), mFrontItem);
Animator createAnimator() {
AnimatorSet animator = new AnimatorSet();
createTranslationYAnimator(mFrontWrapper, 0f).setDuration(DURATION_SLIDE_UP_MS),
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mFrontContents, View.ALPHA, 1f)
return animator;
void onAnimationEnd() {
int getAnimationType() {
return InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_SHOW;
* The animation to show the a new front-most infobar in front of existing visible infobars. The
* infobar slides up from the bottom; then its content fades in. The previously visible infobars
* will be resized simulatenously to the new desired size.
private class FrontInfoBarAppearingAnimation extends InfoBarAnimation {
private InfoBarUiItem mFrontItem;
private InfoBarWrapper mFrontWrapper;
private InfoBarWrapper mOldFrontWrapper;
private View mFrontContents;
FrontInfoBarAppearingAnimation(InfoBarUiItem frontItem) {
mFrontItem = frontItem;
void prepareAnimation() {
mOldFrontWrapper = mInfoBarWrappers.get(0);
mFrontContents = mFrontItem.getView();
mFrontWrapper = new InfoBarWrapper(getContext(), mFrontItem);
Animator createAnimator() {
// After adding the new wrapper, the new front item's view, and the old front item's
// view are both in their wrappers, and the height of the stack as determined by
// FrameLayout will take both into account. This means the height of the container will
// be larger than it needs to be, if the previous old front item is larger than the sum
// of the new front item and mBackInfobarHeight.
// First work out how much the container will grow or shrink by.
int heightDelta =
mFrontWrapper.getHeight() + mBackInfobarHeight - mOldFrontWrapper.getHeight();
// Now work out where to animate the new front item to / from.
int newFrontStart = mFrontWrapper.getHeight();
int newFrontEnd = 0;
if (heightDelta < 0) {
// If the container is shrinking, this won't be reflected in the layout just yet.
// The layout will have extra space in it for the previous front infobar, which the
// animation of the new front infobar has to take into account.
newFrontStart -= heightDelta;
newFrontEnd -= heightDelta;
// Since we are adding the infobar to the top of the stack, make the container fully
// visible since it could be at hidden or partially hidden state.
AnimatorSet animator = new AnimatorSet();
createTranslationYAnimator(mFrontWrapper, newFrontEnd)
// If the container is shrinking, the back infobars need to animate down (from 0 to the
// positive delta). Otherwise they have to animate up (from the negative delta to 0).
int backStart = Math.max(0, heightDelta);
int backEnd = Math.max(-heightDelta, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < mInfoBarWrappers.size(); i++) {
createTranslationYAnimator(mInfoBarWrappers.get(i), backEnd)
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mFrontContents, View.ALPHA, 1f)
return animator;
void onAnimationEnd() {
// Remove the old front wrappers view so it won't affect the height of the container any
// more.
// Now set any Y offsets to 0 as there is no need to account for the old front wrapper
// making the container higher than it should be.
for (int i = 0; i < mInfoBarWrappers.size(); i++) {
int getAnimationType() {
return InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_SHOW;
* The animation to show a back infobar. The infobar slides up behind the existing infobars, so
* its top edge peeks out just a bit.
private class BackInfoBarAppearingAnimation extends InfoBarAnimation {
private InfoBarWrapper mAppearingWrapper;
BackInfoBarAppearingAnimation(InfoBarUiItem appearingItem) {
mAppearingWrapper = new InfoBarWrapper(getContext(), appearingItem);
void prepareAnimation() {
Animator createAnimator() {
return createTranslationYAnimator(mAppearingWrapper, 0f)
public void onAnimationEnd() {
int getAnimationType() {
return InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_SHOW;
* The animation to hide the front infobar and reveal the second-to-front infobar. The front
* infobar slides down and off the screen. The back infobar(s) will adjust to the size of the
* new front infobar, and then the new front infobar's contents will fade in.
private class FrontInfoBarDisappearingAndRevealingAnimation extends InfoBarAnimation {
private InfoBarWrapper mOldFrontWrapper;
private InfoBarWrapper mNewFrontWrapper;
private View mNewFrontContents;
void prepareAnimation() {
mOldFrontWrapper = mInfoBarWrappers.get(0);
mNewFrontWrapper = mInfoBarWrappers.get(1);
mNewFrontContents = mNewFrontWrapper.getItem().getView();
Animator createAnimator() {
// The amount by which mNewFrontWrapper will grow (negative value indicates shrinking).
int deltaHeight =
(mNewFrontWrapper.getHeight() - mBackInfobarHeight)
- mOldFrontWrapper.getHeight();
int startTranslationY = Math.max(deltaHeight, 0);
int endTranslationY = Math.max(-deltaHeight, 0);
// Slide the front infobar down and away.
AnimatorSet animator = new AnimatorSet();
startTranslationY + mOldFrontWrapper.getHeight())
// Slide the other infobars to their new positions.
// Note: animator.play() causes these animations to run simultaneously.
for (int i = 1; i < mInfoBarWrappers.size(); i++) {
createTranslationYAnimator(mInfoBarWrappers.get(i), endTranslationY)
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mNewFrontContents, View.ALPHA, 1f)
return animator;
void onAnimationEnd() {
for (int i = 0; i < mInfoBarWrappers.size(); i++) {
int getAnimationType() {
return InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_HIDE;
* The animation to hide the backmost infobar, or the front infobar if there's only one infobar.
* The infobar simply slides down out of the container.
private class InfoBarDisappearingAnimation extends InfoBarAnimation {
private InfoBarWrapper mDisappearingWrapper;
void prepareAnimation() {
mDisappearingWrapper = mInfoBarWrappers.get(mInfoBarWrappers.size() - 1);
Animator createAnimator() {
return createTranslationYAnimator(
mDisappearingWrapper, mDisappearingWrapper.getHeight())
void onAnimationEnd() {
int getAnimationType() {
return InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_HIDE;
* The animation to swap the contents of the front infobar. The current contents fade out,
* then the infobar resizes to fit the new contents, then the new contents fade in.
private class FrontInfoBarSwapContentsAnimation extends InfoBarAnimation {
private InfoBarWrapper mFrontWrapper;
private View mOldContents;
private View mNewContents;
void prepareAnimation() {
mFrontWrapper = mInfoBarWrappers.get(0);
mOldContents = mFrontWrapper.getChildAt(0);
mNewContents = mFrontWrapper.getItem().getView();
Animator createAnimator() {
int deltaHeight = mNewContents.getHeight() - mOldContents.getHeight();
InfoBarContainerLayout.this.setTranslationY(Math.max(0, deltaHeight));
AnimatorSet animator = new AnimatorSet();
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mOldContents, View.ALPHA, 0f)
Math.max(0, -deltaHeight))
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mNewContents, View.ALPHA, 1f)
return animator;
void onAnimationEnd() {
int getAnimationType() {
return InfoBarAnimationListener.ANIMATION_TYPE_SWAP;
* Controls whether infobars fill the full available width, or whether they "float" in the
* middle of the available space. The latter case happens if the available space is wider than
* the max width allowed for infobars.
* Also handles the shadows on the sides of the infobars in floating mode. The side shadows are
* separate views -- rather than being part of each InfoBarWrapper -- to avoid a double-shadow
* effect, which would happen during animations when two InfoBarWrappers overlap each other.
private static class FloatingBehavior {
/** The InfoBarContainerLayout. */
private FrameLayout mLayout;
* The max width of the infobars. If the available space is wider than this, the infobars
* will switch to floating mode.
private final int mMaxWidth;
/** The width of the left and right shadows. */
private final int mShadowWidth;
/** Whether the layout is currently floating. */
private boolean mIsFloating;
/** The shadows that appear on the sides of the infobars in floating mode. */
private View mLeftShadowView;
private View mRightShadowView;
FloatingBehavior(FrameLayout layout) {
mLayout = layout;
Resources res = mLayout.getContext().getResources();
mMaxWidth = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.infobar_max_width);
mShadowWidth = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.infobar_shadow_width);
* This should be called in onMeasure() before super.onMeasure(). The return value is a new
* widthMeasureSpec that should be passed to super.onMeasure().
int beforeOnMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec) {
int width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
boolean isFloating = width > mMaxWidth;
if (isFloating != mIsFloating) {
mIsFloating = isFloating;
if (isFloating) {
int mode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
width = Math.min(width, mMaxWidth + 2 * mShadowWidth);
widthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, mode);
return widthMeasureSpec;
/** This should be called in onMeasure() after super.onMeasure(). */
void afterOnMeasure(int measuredHeight) {
if (!mIsFloating) return;
// Measure side shadows to match the parent view's height.
int widthSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(mShadowWidth, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
int heightSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(measuredHeight, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
mLeftShadowView.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec);
mRightShadowView.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec);
/** This should be called whenever the Y-position of an infobar changes. */
void updateShadowPosition() {
if (!mIsFloating) return;
float minY = mLayout.getHeight();
int childCount = mLayout.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View child = mLayout.getChildAt(i);
if (child != mLeftShadowView && child != mRightShadowView) {
minY = Math.min(minY, child.getY());
private void onIsFloatingChanged() {
if (mIsFloating) {
mLayout.setPadding(mShadowWidth, 0, mShadowWidth, 0);
} else {
mLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
private void initShadowViews() {
if (mLeftShadowView != null) return;
mLeftShadowView = new View(mLayout.getContext());
LayoutParams leftLp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(0, 0, Gravity.LEFT);
leftLp.leftMargin = -mShadowWidth;
mRightShadowView = new View(mLayout.getContext());
LayoutParams rightLp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(0, 0, Gravity.RIGHT);
rightLp.rightMargin = -mShadowWidth;
* The height of back infobars, i.e. the distance between the top of the front infobar and the
* top of the next infobar back.
private final int mBackInfobarHeight;
* All the Items, in front to back order.
* This list is updated immediately when addInfoBar(), removeInfoBar(), and swapInfoBar() are
* called; so during animations, it does *not* match the currently visible views.
private final ArrayList<InfoBarUiItem> mItems = new ArrayList<>();
/** The currently visible InfoBarWrappers, in front to back order. */
private final ArrayList<InfoBarWrapper> mInfoBarWrappers = new ArrayList<>();
/** A observer that is notified when animations finish. */
private final InfoBarAnimationListener mAnimationListener;
/** The current animation, or null if no animation is happening currently. */
private InfoBarAnimation mAnimation;
private FloatingBehavior mFloatingBehavior;
/** The runnable to make infobar container fully visible. */
private Runnable mMakeContainerVisibleRunnable;
* Determines whether any animations need to run in order to make the visible views match the
* current list of Items in mItems. If so, kicks off the next animation that's needed.
private void processPendingAnimations() {
// If an animation is running, wait until it finishes before beginning the next animation.
if (mAnimation != null) return;
// The steps below are ordered to minimize movement during animations. In particular,
// removals happen before additions or swaps, and changes are made to back infobars before
// front infobars.
// First, remove any infobars that are no longer in mItems, if any. Check the back infobars
// before the front.
for (int i = mInfoBarWrappers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
InfoBarUiItem visibleItem = mInfoBarWrappers.get(i).getItem();
if (!mItems.contains(visibleItem)) {
if (i == 0 && mInfoBarWrappers.size() >= 2) {
// Remove the front infobar and reveal the second-to-front infobar.
runAnimation(new FrontInfoBarDisappearingAndRevealingAnimation());
} else {
// Move the infobar to the very back if it's not already there.
InfoBarWrapper wrapper = mInfoBarWrappers.get(i);
if (i != mInfoBarWrappers.size() - 1) {
// Remove the backmost infobar (which may be the front infobar).
runAnimation(new InfoBarDisappearingAnimation());
// Second, run swap animation on front infobar if needed.
if (!mInfoBarWrappers.isEmpty()) {
InfoBarUiItem frontItem = mInfoBarWrappers.get(0).getItem();
View frontContents = mInfoBarWrappers.get(0).getChildAt(0);
if (frontContents != frontItem.getView()) {
runAnimation(new FrontInfoBarSwapContentsAnimation());
// Third, check if we should add any infobars in front of visible infobars. This can happen
// if an infobar has been inserted into mItems, in front of the currently visible item. To
// detect this the items at the beginning of mItems are compared against the first item in
// mInfoBarWrappers.
if (!mInfoBarWrappers.isEmpty()) {
// Find the infobar with the highest index that isn't currently being shown.
InfoBarUiItem currentVisibleItem = mInfoBarWrappers.get(0).getItem();
InfoBarUiItem itemToInsert = null;
for (int checkIndex = 0; checkIndex < mItems.size(); checkIndex++) {
if (mItems.get(checkIndex) == currentVisibleItem) {
// There are no remaining infobars that can possibly override the
// currently displayed one.
} else {
// Found an infobar that isn't being displayed yet. Track it so that
// it can be animated in.
itemToInsert = mItems.get(checkIndex);
if (itemToInsert != null) {
runAnimation(new FrontInfoBarAppearingAnimation(itemToInsert));
// Fourth, check if we should add any infobars at the back.
int desiredChildCount = Math.min(mItems.size(), MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
if (mInfoBarWrappers.size() < desiredChildCount) {
InfoBarUiItem itemToShow = mItems.get(mInfoBarWrappers.size());
? new FirstInfoBarAppearingAnimation(itemToShow)
: new BackInfoBarAppearingAnimation(itemToShow));
// Fifth, now that we've stabilized, let listeners know that we have no more animations.
InfoBarUiItem frontItem =
mInfoBarWrappers.size() > 0 ? mInfoBarWrappers.get(0).getItem() : null;
private void runAnimation(InfoBarAnimation animation) {
mAnimation = animation;
if (isLayoutRequested()) {
// onLayout() will call mAnimation.start().
} else {
private void addWrapper(InfoBarWrapper wrapper) {
addView(wrapper, 0, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
private void addWrapperToFront(InfoBarWrapper wrapper) {
addView(wrapper, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
mInfoBarWrappers.add(0, wrapper);
private void removeWrapper(InfoBarWrapper wrapper) {
private void updateLayoutParams() {
// Stagger the top margins so the back infobars peek out a bit.
int childCount = mInfoBarWrappers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View child = mInfoBarWrappers.get(i);
LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
lp.topMargin = (childCount - 1 - i) * mBackInfobarHeight;
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
widthMeasureSpec = mFloatingBehavior.beforeOnMeasure(widthMeasureSpec);
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
public void announceForAccessibility(CharSequence text) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) return;
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
// Animations start after a layout has completed, at which point all views are guaranteed
// to have valid sizes and positions.
if (mAnimation != null && !mAnimation.isStarted()) {
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
// Trap any attempts to fiddle with the infobars while we're animating.
return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev)
|| mAnimation != null
|| (!mInfoBarWrappers.isEmpty()
&& !mInfoBarWrappers.get(0).getItem().areControlsEnabled());
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Consume all touch events so they do not reach the ContentView.
return true;
public boolean onHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Consume all hover events so they do not reach the ContentView. In touch exploration mode,
// this prevents the user from interacting with the part of the ContentView behind the
// infobars. http://crbug.com/430701
return true;