
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/invalidation/public/invalidation.h"

namespace gcm {
class GCMDriver;

namespace instance_id {
class InstanceIDDriver;

namespace invalidation {

// For the migration from topic based (Fandango) invalidations to direct
// message invalidations, this is a thin wrapper around the topic based
// invalidations. The only reason for having this is to provide the `type`
// method in the interface (as opposed to using the `topic` method).
// TODO(b/350013667) Once we fully migrated to direct message
// invalidations, we can delete `invalidation::Invalidation` and rename this to
// Invalidation.
class DirectInvalidation : public invalidation::Invalidation {};

// Interface to handle obtained registration tokens.
class RegistrationTokenHandler {};

// Represents invalidations availability status.
enum class InvalidationsExpected {};

// The `InvalidationListener` is receiving invalidation data messages via FM
// (formerly known as FCM formerly known as GCM). It also obtains the FM app
// registration token, aka app instance id.
// Expected elements of FM message data:
// {
//   "type": string, # used to route the message to the correct observer.
//   "version" : int,
//   "payload" : string
// }
// Note that invalidation messages might get dropped while the service is not
// listening.
class InvalidationListener {};

}  // namespace invalidation