
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Keep in sync with corresponding messages in :
// http://google3/privacy/net/common/proto/get_proxy_config.proto

syntax = "proto3";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package ip_protection;

message GetProxyConfigRequest {
  // Descriptor of which service is calling this endpoint, eg. chromeipblinding.
  string service_type = 1;

message GetProxyConfigResponse {
  reserved 1;
  reserved 2;

  // Chain of proxies.
  message ProxyChain {
    string proxy_a = 1;
    string proxy_b = 2;
    // A `chain_id` greater than zero identifies a specific chain, as defined
    // on the server. A `chain_id` of zero indicates an unidentified chain.
    // Values less than zero are not allowed. Note that `chain_id` is not
    // unique: chains with different `proxy_a` or `proxy_b` values may have the
    // same `chain_id`.
    int32 chain_id = 3;

  // Proxy chain each request should be routed through.
  repeated ProxyChain proxy_chain = 3;

  // Geohints represent a coarse user location matching RFC 8805 geolocation
  // parts minus the ip prefix and postal code.
  message GeoHint {
    // Country code of the geo. Example: "US".
    string country_code = 1;
    // ISO region of the geo. Example: "US-CA".
    string iso_region = 2;
    // City name of the geo. Example: "MOUNTAIN VIEW".
    string city_name = 3;

  // Represents the most recent Geo of the client.
  GeoHint geo_hint = 4;