// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.javascript_dialogs;
import android.content.Context;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.DialogDismissalCause;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogManager;
* The controller to communicate with native TabModalDialogViewAndroid for a tab modal JavaScript
* dialog. This can be an alert dialog, a prompt dialog or a confirm dialog.
public class JavascriptTabModalDialog extends JavascriptModalDialog {
private long mNativeDialogPointer;
/** Constructor for initializing contents to be shown on the dialog. */
private JavascriptTabModalDialog(
String title, String message, String promptText, int negativeButtonTextId) {
super(title, message, promptText, false, R.string.ok, negativeButtonTextId);
private static JavascriptTabModalDialog createAlertDialog(String title, String message) {
return new JavascriptTabModalDialog(title, message, null, 0);
private static JavascriptTabModalDialog createConfirmDialog(String title, String message) {
return new JavascriptTabModalDialog(title, message, null, R.string.cancel);
private static JavascriptTabModalDialog createPromptDialog(
String title, String message, String defaultPromptText) {
return new JavascriptTabModalDialog(title, message, defaultPromptText, R.string.cancel);
private void showDialog(WindowAndroid window, long nativeDialogPointer) {
assert window != null;
Context context = window.getContext().get();
ModalDialogManager dialogManager = window.getModalDialogManager();
// If the context has gone away, then just clean up the native pointer.
if (context == null || dialogManager == null) {
.cancel(nativeDialogPointer, JavascriptTabModalDialog.this, false);
// Cache the native dialog pointer so that we can use it to return the response.
mNativeDialogPointer = nativeDialogPointer;
show(context, dialogManager, ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType.TAB);
private String getUserInput() {
return mDialogCustomView.getPromptText();
private void dismiss() {
mNativeDialogPointer = 0;
* Sends notification to native that the user accepts the dialog.
* @param promptResult The text edited by user.
protected void accept(String promptResult, boolean suppressDialogs) {
if (mNativeDialogPointer == 0) return;
.accept(mNativeDialogPointer, JavascriptTabModalDialog.this, promptResult);
/** Sends notification to native that the user cancels the dialog. */
protected void cancel(boolean buttonClicked, boolean suppressDialogs) {
if (mNativeDialogPointer == 0) return;
.cancel(mNativeDialogPointer, JavascriptTabModalDialog.this, buttonClicked);
interface Natives {
void accept(
long nativeTabModalDialogViewAndroid,
JavascriptTabModalDialog caller,
String prompt);
void cancel(
long nativeTabModalDialogViewAndroid,
JavascriptTabModalDialog caller,
boolean buttonClicked);