
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "components/lens/lens_entrypoints.h"
#include "components/lens/lens_metadata.mojom.h"
#include "components/lens/lens_rendering_environment.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"

class GURL;

namespace lens {

// Query parameter for the payload.
constexpr char kPayloadQueryParameter[] =;
// Query parameter for the translate source language.
constexpr char kTranslateSourceQueryParameter[] =;
// Query parameter for the translate target language.
constexpr char kTranslateTargetQueryParameter[] =;
// Query parameter for the filter type.
constexpr char kFilterTypeQueryParameter[] =;
constexpr char kTranslateFilterTypeQueryParameterValue[] =;

// Appends logs to query param as a string
extern void AppendLogsQueryParam(
    std::string* query_string,
    const std::vector<lens::mojom::LatencyLogPtr>& log_data);

// Appends or updates the start time query param with the current time if the
// given url is a Lens url.
extern GURL AppendOrReplaceStartTimeIfLensRequest(const GURL& url);

// Appends the viewport width and height query params to the Lens or companion
// request GURL if the width and height of the input size is not zero,
// respectively.
extern GURL AppendOrReplaceViewportSizeForRequest(
    const GURL& url,
    const gfx::Size& viewport_size);

// Returns a modified GURL with appended or replaced parameters depending on the
// entrypoint and other parameters.
extern GURL AppendOrReplaceQueryParametersForLensRequest(
    const GURL& url,
    lens::EntryPoint ep,
    lens::RenderingEnvironment re,
    bool is_side_panel_request);

// Returns a query string with all relevant query parameters. Needed for when a
// GURL is unavailable to append to.
extern std::string GetQueryParametersForLensRequest(
    lens::EntryPoint ep,
    bool is_lens_side_panel_request,
    bool is_full_screen_request,
    bool is_companion_request = false);

// Check if the lens URL is a valid results page. This is done by checking if
// the URL has a payload parameter.
bool IsValidLensResultUrl(const GURL& url);

// Returns true if the given URL corresponds to any Lens webpage. This is done
// by checking if the given URL and lens::features::kHomepageURLForLens have
// matching domains
bool IsLensUrl(const GURL& url);

}  // namespace lens