
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "components/lookalikes/core/safety_tips.pb.h"
#include "components/security_state/core/security_state.h"

class GURL;

namespace lookalikes {

// Sets the global configuration for Safety Tips retrieved from the component
// updater. The configuration proto contains the list of URLs that can trigger
// a safety tip.
void SetSafetyTipsRemoteConfigProto(
    std::unique_ptr<reputation::SafetyTipsConfig> proto);

// Gets the global configuration for Safety Tips as retrieved from the component
// updater. The configuration proto contains the list of URLs that can trigger
// a safety tip.
const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* GetSafetyTipsRemoteConfigProto();

// Checks permutations of |visited_url| against the component updater allowlist
// and returns whether the URL is explicitly allowed to spoof |canonical_url|.
// Cases when canonical_url is unknown (as in kFailedSpoofChecks) are treated as
// if they're trying to spoof themselves, so set canonical_url = visited_url.
bool IsUrlAllowlistedBySafetyTipsComponent(
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* proto,
    const GURL& visited_url,
    const GURL& canonical_url);

// Checks |hostname| against the component updater target allowlist and returns
// whether it is explicitly allowed.
bool IsTargetHostAllowlistedBySafetyTipsComponent(
    const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* proto,
    const std::string& hostname);

// Returns whether |word| is included in the component updater common word list
bool IsCommonWordInConfigProto(const reputation::SafetyTipsConfig* proto,
                               const std::string& word);

}  // namespace lookalikes