
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers


#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

// TODO( Move this file to a more appropriate directory.
// A bidirectional mapping between enum values and strings.
// Typical Usage
// -------------
// The typical way to use this class is to define a specializtion of
// EnumTable<E>::instance for a specific enum type, which is initialized with
// a table of enum values and their corresponding strings:
//     // In .h file:
//     enum class MyEnum { kFoo, kBar, ..., kOther, kMaxValue = kOther };
//     // In .cc file:
//     template <>
//     constexpr EnumTable<MyEnum> EnumTable<MyEnum>::instance({
//         {MyEnum::kFoo, "FOO"},
//         {MyEnum::kBar, "BAR"},
//         ...
//         {MyEnum::kOther},  // Not all values need strings.
//       },
//       MyEnum::kMaxValue);  // Needed to detect missing table entries.
// The functions EnumToString() and StringToEnum() are used to look up values
// in the table.  In some cases, it may be useful to wrap these functions for
// special handling of unknown values, etc.:
//     const char* MyEnumToString(MyEnum value) {
//       return EnumToString(value).value_or(nullptr).data();
//     }
//     MyEnum StringToMyEnum(const std::string& name) {
//       return StringToEnum<MyEnum>(name).value_or(MyEnum::kOther);
//     }
// NOTE: Because it's a template specialization, the definition of
// EnumTable<E>::instance has to be in the cast_util namespace.  Alternatively,
// you can declare your own table with any name you want and call its members
// functions directly.
// To get a the string for an enum value that is known at compile time, there is
// a special zero-argument form of EnumToString(), (and a corresponding member
// function in EnumTable):
//     // Compiles to std::string_view("FOO").
//     EnumToString<MyEnum, MyEnum::kFoo>();
// The syntax is a little awkward, but it saves you from having to duplicate
// string literals or define each enum string as a named constant.
// Consecutive Enum Tables
// -----------------------
// When using an EnumTable, it's generally best for the following conditions
// to be true:
// - The enum is defined with "enum class" syntax.
// - The members have the default values assigned by the compiler.
// - There is an extra member named kMaxValue which is set equal to the highest
//   ordinary value.  (The Chromium style checker will verify that kMaxValue
//   really is the maximum value.)
// - The values in the EnumTable constructor appear in sorted order.
// - Every member of the enum (other than kMaxValue) is included in the table.
// When these conditions are met, the enum's |kMaxValue| member should be passed
// as the second argument of the EnumTable.  This will create a table where enum
// values can be converted to strings in constant time.  It will also reliably
// detect an incomplete enum table during startup of a debug build.
// Non-Consecutive Enum Tables
// ---------------------------
// When the conditions in the previous section cannot be satisfied, the second
// argument of the EnumTable constructor should be the special constant
// |NonConsecutiveEnumTable|.  Doing so has some unfortunate side-effects: there
// is no automatic way to detect when an enum value is missing from the table,
// and looking up a non-constant enum value requires a linear search.
// Why use an EnumTable?
// ---------------------
// If you're only doing one-way conversions from an enum to a string, using an
// EnumTable is almost identical to a switch statement.  Typically a switch
// statement that converts an enum value to a string will compile to a simple
// constant-time lookup in a static array, and a call to an EnumTable's
// GetString() method will compile to almost exactly the same code (with one
// additional shlq instruction compared to the switch statement).
// If your enum values are non-consecutive, the GetString() method will perform
// a linear search instead of an array lookup.  The search should be competitve
// in performance with a switch statement in this case.  To avoid getting this
// sub-optimal behavior by accident, you must explicitly request it with an
// extra argument to EnumTable's constructor.  If you don't do this, failure to
// put the values in the correct order will cause your unit tests to fail on
// startup with a decriptive error message.
// EnumTable really shines when you need to convert strings to enum values.  A
// typical implementation without EnumTable looks like this:
//     constexpr char kMyEnumFooString[] = "FOO";
//     constexpr char kMyEnumBarString[] = "BAR";
//     ...
//     MyEnum StringToMyEnum(const std::string& str) {
//       if (str == kMyEnumFooString) return MyEnum::kFoo;
//       if (str == kMyEnumBarString) return MyEnum::kBar;
//       ...
//       return kOther;
//     }
// If you roll your own solution, you can't do much better than this without
// jumping through some hoops.  Obvious improvements, like storing the data in a
// global base::flat_map, are off-limits because Chromium requires all global
// variables to have trivial destructors.  A simple chain of "if" statements
// works fine, but it has a number of drawbacks compared to an EnumTable:
// - You have to write and maintain a function separate from the one that
//   converts enum values to strings.  With an EnumTable, a single declaration
//   lets you convert in both directions.
// - Since you will almost certainly be using the strings in more than one
//   place, you have to either define a named constant for each one, or live
//   with the fact that the string literals are duplicated, causing maintenance
//   headaches.  With an EnumTable, each string naturally appears in only one
//   place, so there's no need for supplementary named constants.  When you need
//   to refer to the string for a particular enum value, you can get it directly
//   from the table at compile time using the zero-argument EnumToString()
//   function or the zero-argument EnumTable<E>::ToString() method.
// - If you want to follow best practices, you'll need to write unit tests for
//   your functions that convert between strings and enums.  When you use an
//   EnumTable, you don't write any functions, so there's nothing to test; all
//   the necessary testing is done by EnumTable's own unit tests.
// - The conversion function is essentially a fully-unrolled linear search
//   through all the possible string values.  This bloats your code and causes
//   unnecessary churn in the instruction cache.  Using an EnumTable, this
//   search is compiled into a single loop shared by all enums, which the
//   compiler can unroll, or not, as appropriate.  On 64-bit platforms, the main
//   table uses only 16 bytes per entry, so memory locality is excellent and
//   impact on the data cache is minimal.
// - The hand-written function performs a function call for each candidate
//   string.  EnumTable's search loop compares the lengths of the strings before
//   doing anything else, so most iterations don't call any functions and don't
//   access any memory aside from the lookup table itself.
// - If you accidentally duplicate any lines in the function, you're on your
//   own.  EnumTable detects duplicate strings on startup (in debug builds), so
//   you'll never accidentally try to map a string to two different enum values.

namespace cast_util {

#ifdef ARCH_CPU_64_BITS
        GenericEnumTableEntry {};

// Yes, these constructors really needs to be inlined.  Even though they look
// "complex" to the style checker, everything is executed at compile time, so an
// EnumTable instance can be fully initialized without executing any code.

inline constexpr GenericEnumTableEntry::GenericEnumTableEntry(int32_t value)

inline constexpr GenericEnumTableEntry::GenericEnumTableEntry(
    int32_t value,
    std::string_view str)

struct NonConsecutiveEnumTable_t {};
constexpr NonConsecutiveEnumTable_t NonConsecutiveEnumTable;

// A table for associating enum values with string literals.  This class is
// designed for use as an initialized global variable, so it has a trivial
// destructor and a simple constant-time constructor.
template <typename E>
class EnumTable {};

// Converts an enum value to a string using the default table
// (EnumTable<E>::instance) for the given enum type.
template <typename E>
inline std::optional<std::string_view> EnumToString(E value) {}

// Converts a literal enum value to a string at compile time using the default
// table (EnumTable<E>::GetInstance()) for the given enum type.
// TODO( Once C++17 features are allowed, change this
// function to have only one template parameter:
//   template <auto Value>
//   inline std::string_view EnumToString() {
//     return EnumTable<decltype(Value)
//         >::GetInstance().template GetString<Value>();
//   }
template <typename E, E Value>
inline std::string_view EnumToString() {}

// Converts a string to an enum value using the default table
// (EnumTable<E>::instance) for the given enum type.
template <typename E>
inline std::optional<E> StringToEnum(std::string_view str) {}

}  // namespace cast_util