// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertEquals} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {FileSnapshot, LastLoadedFilesResponse, TestMessageQueryData, TestMessageResponseData, TestMessageRunTestCase} from './driver_api.js';
import {TEST_ONLY} from './launch.js';
const {
// See message_pipe.js.
function assertCast<A>(condition: A): NonNullable<A> {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error('Failed assertion');
return condition;
* Promise that signals the guest is ready to receive test messages (in addition
* to messages handled by receiver.js).
const testMessageHandlersReady = new Promise(resolve => {
guestMessagePipe.registerHandler('test-handlers-ready', resolve);
/** Host-side of web-driver like controller for sandboxed guest frames. */
export class GuestDriver {
* Sends a query to the guest that repeatedly runs a query selector until
* it returns an element.
* @param query the querySelector to run in the guest.
* @param property a property to request on the found element.
* @param commands test commands to execute on the element.
* @return JSON.stringify()'d value of the property or tagName if unspecified.
async waitForElementInGuest(
query: string, property?: string, commands: Object = {}) {
const message: TestMessageQueryData = {testQuery: query, property};
await testMessageHandlersReady;
const result: TestMessageResponseData =
await guestMessagePipe.sendMessage('test', {...message, ...commands});
return result.testQueryResult;
* Runs the given `testCase` in the guest context.
export async function runTestInGuest(testCase: string) {
const message: TestMessageRunTestCase = {testCase};
await testMessageHandlersReady;
await guestMessagePipe.sendMessage('run-test-case', message);
export async function sendTestMessage(data?: Object):
Promise<TestMessageResponseData> {
await testMessageHandlersReady;
return guestMessagePipe.sendMessage('test', data);
* Gets a concatenated list of errors on the currently loaded files. Note the
* currently open file is always at index 0.
export async function getFileErrors(): Promise<string> {
await testMessageHandlersReady;
const message = {getFileErrors: true};
const response: TestMessageResponseData =
await guestMessagePipe.sendMessage('test', message);
return response.testQueryResult;
export class FakeWritableFileSink {
writes: Array<{position: number, size?: number}> = [];
resolveClose!: (blob: Blob) => void;
closePromise = new Promise<Blob>(resolve => {
this.resolveClose = resolve;
constructor(public data = new Blob()) {}
async write(dataParam: BufferSource|Blob|string|WriteParams) {
const position = 0; // Assume no seeks.
if (!dataParam) {
this.writes.push({position, size: 0});
interface HasLengthOrSize {
size?: number;
length: number;
const data = dataParam as BlobPart & HasLengthOrSize;
const dataSize = data.size === undefined ? data.length : data.size;
this.writes.push({position, size: dataSize});
this.data = new Blob([
this.data.slice(0, position),
this.data.slice(position + dataSize),
async truncate(size: number) {
this.data = this.data.slice(0, size);
/** Resolves the close promise. */
async close() {
async seek(_offset: number) {
throw new Error('seek() not implemented.');
export class FakeFileSystemHandle implements FileSystemHandle {
kind: FileSystemHandleKind = 'file';
constructor(public name: string = 'fake_file.png') {}
async isSameEntry(other: FileSystemHandle): Promise<boolean> {
return this === other;
export class FakeFileSystemFileHandle extends FakeFileSystemHandle implements
FileSystemFileHandle {
override kind: 'file' = 'file';
lastWritable: FakeWritableFileSink;
nextCreateWritableError?: DOMException|Error;
/** Used simulate an error thrown from directory traversal. */
errorToFireOnIterate?: null|DOMException;
name = 'fake_file.png', public type: string = '',
public lastModified: number = 0, blob: Blob = new Blob()) {
this.lastWritable = new FakeWritableFileSink(blob);
async createWritable(_options: FileSystemCreateWritableOptions) {
if (this.nextCreateWritableError) {
throw this.nextCreateWritableError;
const sink = this.lastWritable;
const stream = new WritableStream(sink);
// The FileSystemWritableFileStream supports both streams and direct writes.
// Splice on the direct writing capabilities by delegating to the sink.
const writable = stream as FileSystemWritableFileStream;
writable.write = (data: BufferSource|Blob|string|WriteParams) =>
writable.truncate = (size: number) => sink.truncate(size);
writable.close = () => sink.close();
return writable;
async getFile() {
return this.getFileSync();
getFileSync() {
return new File(
[this.lastWritable.data], this.name,
{type: this.type, lastModified: this.lastModified});
export class FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle extends FakeFileSystemHandle
implements FileSystemDirectoryHandle {
override kind: 'directory' = 'directory';
/** Internal state mocking file handles in a directory handle. */
files: FakeFileSystemFileHandle[] = [];
/** Used to spy on the last deleted file. */
lastDeleted?: null|FakeFileSystemFileHandle = null;
constructor(name = 'fake-dir') {
* Use to populate `FileSystemFileHandle`s for tests.
addFileHandleForTest(fileHandle: FakeFileSystemFileHandle) {
* Helper to get all entries as File.
getFilesSync(): File[] {
return this.files.map(f => f.getFileSync());
async getFileHandle(name: string, options?: FileSystemGetFileOptions) {
const fileHandle = this.files.find(f => f.name === name);
if (!fileHandle && options && options.create === true) {
// Simulate creating a new file, assume it is an image. This is needed for
// renaming files to ensure it has the right mime type, the real
// implementation copies the mime type from the binary.
const newFileHandle = new FakeFileSystemFileHandle(name, 'image/png');
return Promise.resolve(newFileHandle);
return fileHandle ? Promise.resolve(fileHandle) :
'NotFoundError', `File ${name} not found`)));
async getDirectoryHandle(
_name: string, _options?: FileSystemGetDirectoryOptions):
Promise<FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle> {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
async * entries(): AsyncIterableIterator<[string, FileSystemHandle]> {
for (const file of this.files) {
yield [file.name, file];
async * keys(): AsyncIterableIterator<string> {
for (const file of this.files) {
yield file.name;
async * values(): AsyncIterableIterator<FileSystemHandle> {
for (const file of this.files) {
if (file.errorToFireOnIterate) {
const error = file.errorToFireOnIterate;
file.errorToFireOnIterate = null;
throw error;
yield file;
async *
AsyncIterableIterator<[string, FileSystemHandle]> {
for (const file of this.files) {
if (file.errorToFireOnIterate) {
const error = file.errorToFireOnIterate;
file.errorToFireOnIterate = null;
throw error;
yield [file.name, file];
async removeEntry(name: string, _options: FileSystemRemoveOptions) {
// Remove file handle from internal state.
const fileHandleIndex = this.files.findIndex(f => f.name === name);
// Store the file removed for spying in tests.
this.lastDeleted = this.files.splice(fileHandleIndex, 1)[0];
resolve() {
return Promise.resolve(null);
* Structure to define a test file.
export interface FileDesc {
name?: string;
type?: string;
lastModified?: number;
arrayBuffer?: () => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
* Creates a mock directory with the provided files in it.
export async function createMockTestDirectory(files: FileDesc[] = [{}]):
Promise<FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle> {
const directory = new FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle();
for (const file of files) {
const fileBlob = file.arrayBuffer !== undefined ?
new Blob([await file.arrayBuffer()]) :
new Blob();
directory.addFileHandleForTest(new FakeFileSystemFileHandle(
file.name, file.type, file.lastModified, fileBlob));
return directory;
* Creates a mock LaunchParams object from the provided `files`.
export function handlesToLaunchParams(files: FileSystemHandle[]): LaunchParams {
return {files};
* Helper to "launch" with the given `directoryContents`. Populates a fake
* directory containing those handles, then launches the app. The focus file is
* either the first file in `multiSelectionFiles`, or the first directory entry.
* @param multiSelectionFiles If provided,
* holds additional files selected in the files app at launch time.
export async function launchWithHandles(
directoryContents: FakeFileSystemFileHandle[],
multiSelectionFiles: FakeFileSystemFileHandle[] =
[]): Promise<FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle> {
await testMessageHandlersReady;
let focusFile = multiSelectionFiles[0];
if (!focusFile) {
focusFile = directoryContents[0]!;
multiSelectionFiles = multiSelectionFiles.slice(1);
const directory = new FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle();
for (const handle of directoryContents) {
const files: FileSystemHandle[] =
[directory, focusFile, ...multiSelectionFiles];
await launchConsumer(handlesToLaunchParams(files));
return directory;
* Wraps a file in a FakeFileSystemFileHandle.
export function fileToFileHandle(file: File): FakeFileSystemFileHandle {
return new FakeFileSystemFileHandle(
file.name, file.type, file.lastModified, file);
* Helper to invoke launchWithHandles after wrapping `files` in fake handles.
export async function launchWithFiles(
files: File[],
selectedIndexes: number[] = []): Promise<FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle> {
const fileHandles = files.map(fileToFileHandle);
const selection = selectedIndexes.map(i => fileHandles[i]!);
return launchWithHandles(fileHandles, selection);
* Creates an `Error` with the name field set.
export function createNamedError(name: string, msg: string): Error {
const error = new Error(msg);
error.name = name;
return error;
export async function loadFilesWithoutSendingToGuest(
directory: FileSystemDirectoryHandle, file: File) {
const handle = await directory.getFileHandle(file.name);
const launchNumber = incrementLaunchNumber();
setCurrentDirectory(directory, {file, handle});
await processOtherFilesInDirectory(directory, file, launchNumber);
* Checks that the `currentFiles` array maintained by launch.js has the same
* sequence of files as `expectedFiles`.
export function assertFilesToBe(
expectedFiles: Array<undefined|{name: string}>, testCase?: string) {
assertFilenamesToBe(expectedFiles.map(f => f!.name).join(), testCase);
* Checks that the `currentFiles` array maintained by launch.js has the same
* sequence of filenames as `expectedFilenames`.
export function assertFilenamesToBe(
expectedFilenames: string, testCase?: string) {
// Use filenames as an approximation of file uniqueness.
const currentFilenames = currentFiles.map(d => d.handle.name).join();
expectedFilenames, currentFilenames,
`Expected '${expectedFilenames}' but got '${currentFilenames}'` +
(testCase ? ` for ${testCase}` : ''));
* Wraps `chai.assert.match` allowing tests to use `assertMatch`.
* @param string the string to match
* @param regex an escaped regex compatible string
* @param message logged if the assertion fails
export function assertMatch(string: string, regex: string, message?: string) {
chai.assert.match(string, new RegExp(regex), message);
* Returns the files loaded in the most recent call to `loadFiles()`.
export async function getLoadedFiles(): Promise<FileSnapshot[]> {
const response: LastLoadedFilesResponse =
await guestMessagePipe.sendMessage('get-last-loaded-files');
if (response.fileList) {
return response.fileList;
// No callers currently want this to return null.
throw new Error('No last loaded files');
* Puts the app into valid but "unexpected" state for it to be in after handling
* a launch. Currently this restores part of the app state to what it would be
* on a launch from the icon (i.e. no launch files).
export function simulateLosingAccessToDirectory() {
export function launchWithFocusFile(directory: FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle):
{handle: FakeFileSystemFileHandle, file: File} {
const firstFile = assertCast(directory.files[0]);
const focusFile = {
handle: firstFile,
file: firstFile.getFileSync(),
setCurrentDirectory(directory, focusFile);
return focusFile;
export async function assertSingleFileLaunch(
directory: FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle, totalFiles: number) {
assertEquals(1, currentFiles.length);
await sendFilesToGuest();
const loadedFiles = await getLoadedFiles();
// The untrusted context only loads the first file.
assertEquals(1, loadedFiles.length);
// All files are in the `FileSystemDirectoryHandle`.
assertEquals(totalFiles, directory.files.length);
* Check files loaded in the trusted context `currentFiles` against the working
* directory and the untrusted context.
export async function assertFilesLoaded(
directory: FakeFileSystemDirectoryHandle, fileNames: string[],
testCase?: string) {
assertEquals(fileNames.length, directory.files.length);
assertEquals(fileNames.length, currentFiles.length);
const loadedFiles = await getLoadedFiles();
assertEquals(fileNames.length, loadedFiles.length);
// Check `currentFiles` in the trusted context matches up with files sent
// to guest.
assertFilenamesToBe(fileNames.join(), testCase);
assertFilesToBe(loadedFiles, testCase);