// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// <reference path="media_app.d.ts" />
import {FileSnapshot, LastLoadedFilesResponse, TestMessageQueryData, TestMessageResponseData, TestMessageRunTestCase} from './driver_api.js';
import {ReceivedFileList, TEST_ONLY} from './receiver.js';
interface GenericErrorResponse {
name: string;
message: string;
stack: string;
const {
* TODO(b/314827247): Remove this when imports are converted to TypeScript. This
* is needed because the generated .d.ts doesn't capture non-nullability.
function assertCast<A extends object>(arg?: A|null): A {
return TEST_ONLY.assertCast(arg)!;
* The last file list loaded into the guest, updated via a spy on loadFiles().
let lastLoadedFileList: ReceivedFileList|null = null;
* Test cases registered by GUEST_TEST.
const guestTestCases = new Map<string, () => unknown>();
* Returns the last file list passed to the guest context over the message pipe.
* A file list can be "received" whether or not the app is loaded. If the app is
* loaded, `loadFiles` can `await` the load, and forward that promise over the
* message pipe back to the launchConsumer, which unit tests can `await`. But if
* the app is not loaded (and the test cares) it must await on the effect of the
* load as well. This is because `loadFiles` returns immediately after setting
* the received file list on `window.customLaunchData.files`. Support either.
* This only affects tests: `launchConsumer` cannot be awaited in the real app.
function assertLastReceivedFileList(): ReceivedFileList {
if (lastLoadedFileList) {
return lastLoadedFileList;
if (window.customLaunchData.files.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No file list received.');
console.log('Note: app not loaded. Returning customLaunchData.files.');
return window.customLaunchData.files as ReceivedFileList;
function assertLastReceivedFileArray(): AbstractFile[] {
const fileList = assertLastReceivedFileList();
return Array.from({length: fileList.length}, (_, k) => fileList.item(k)) as
function currentFile(): AbstractFile {
const fileList = assertLastReceivedFileList();
return assertCast(fileList.item(fileList.currentFileIndex))!;
* Flatten out primitives from the file object for transfer over message pipe.
function flattenFile(file: AbstractFile): FileSnapshot {
const hasDelete = !!file.deleteOriginalFile;
const hasRename = !!file.renameOriginalFile;
const lastModified = (file.blob as File).lastModified;
const {blob, name, size, mimeType, fromClipboard, error, token} = file;
return {
type QueryHandler = (data: TestMessageQueryData, arg: any) =>
* Handlers for simple tests run in the guest that return a string result.
const SIMPLE_TEST_QUERIES: {[key: string]: QueryHandler} = {
requestSaveFile: async (data, _resultData) => {
// Call requestSaveFile on the delegate.
const existingFile = assertLastReceivedFileList().item(0);
if (!existingFile) {
return 'requestSaveFile failed, no file loaded';
const pickedFile = await DELEGATE.requestSaveFile(
existingFile.name, existingFile.mimeType,
data.simpleArgs ? data.simpleArgs.accept : []);
return pickedFile.token!.toString();
getExportFile: async (data, _resultData) => {
const existingFile = assertLastReceivedFileList().item(0);
if (!existingFile) {
return 'getExportFile failed, no file loaded';
const pickedFile =
await existingFile.getExportFile!(data.simpleArgs.accept);
return pickedFile.token!.toString();
getLastFile: async (_data, resultData) => {
Object.assign(resultData, flattenFile(currentFile()));
return resultData.name;
getAllFiles: async (_data, resultData) => {
Object.assign(resultData, assertLastReceivedFileArray().map(flattenFile));
return `${resultData.length}`;
notifyCurrentFile: (data, _resultData) => {
DELEGATE.notifyCurrentFile(data.simpleArgs.name, data.simpleArgs.type);
return 'notified';
openFileAtIndex: async (data, _resultData) => {
const handle = assertLastReceivedFileList().item(data.simpleArgs.index);
const domFile = await handle!.openFile();
// Cast to any to access private method.
(handle as any).updateFile(domFile, domFile.name);
return 'opened and updated';
openFilesWithFilePicker: async (data, _resultData) => {
interface Args {
acceptTypeKeys: string[];
explicitToken?: number;
singleFile?: boolean;
const args: Args = data.simpleArgs;
let existingFile: AbstractFile|undefined =
assertLastReceivedFileList().item(0) || undefined;
if (args.explicitToken) {
existingFile = {token: args.explicitToken} as AbstractFile;
await assertLastReceivedFileList().openFilesWithFilePicker(
args.acceptTypeKeys, existingFile, args.singleFile);
return 'openFilesWithFilePicker resolved';
* Acts on received TestMessageQueryData.
async function runTestQuery(data: TestMessageQueryData):
Promise<TestMessageResponseData> {
let result = 'no result';
let extraResultData = {};
if (data.testQuery) {
const element = await waitForNode(data.testQuery, data.pathToRoot || []);
result = element.tagName;
if (data.property) {
result = JSON.stringify((element as any)[data.property]);
} else if (data.requestFullscreen) {
try {
await element.requestFullscreen();
result = 'hooray';
} catch (typeError: any) {
result = typeError.message;
} else if (data.simple !== undefined && data.simple in SIMPLE_TEST_QUERIES) {
result = await SIMPLE_TEST_QUERIES[data.simple]!(data, extraResultData);
} else if (data.navigate !== undefined) {
// Simulate a user navigating to the next/prev file.
if (data.navigate.direction === 'next') {
await assertLastReceivedFileList().loadNext(data.navigate.token!);
result = 'loadNext called';
} else if (data.navigate.direction === 'prev') {
await assertLastReceivedFileList().loadPrev(data.navigate.token!);
result = 'loadPrev called';
} else {
result = 'nothing called';
} else if (data.overwriteLastFile !== undefined) {
// Simulate a user overwriting the currently open file.
const testBlob = new Blob([data.overwriteLastFile]);
const file = currentFile();
try {
await assertCast(file.overwriteOriginal).call(file, testBlob);
result = 'overwriteOriginal resolved';
} catch (error: unknown) {
result = `overwriteOriginal failed Error: ${error}`;
if (data.rethrow) {
throw error;
extraResultData = {
receiverFileName: file.name,
receiverErrorName: file.error,
} else if (data.deleteLastFile) {
// Simulate a user deleting the currently open file.
try {
await assertCast(currentFile().deleteOriginalFile).call(currentFile());
result = 'deleteOriginalFile resolved success';
} catch (error: unknown) {
result = `deleteOriginalFile failed Error: ${error}`;
} else if (data.renameLastFile) {
// Simulate a user renaming the currently open file.
try {
const renameResult = await assertCast(currentFile().renameOriginalFile)
.call(currentFile(), data.renameLastFile);
if (renameResult === RenameResult.FILE_EXISTS) {
result = 'renameOriginalFile resolved file exists';
} else if (
renameResult ===
result = 'renameOriginalFile resolved ' +
} else {
result = 'renameOriginalFile resolved success';
} catch (error: unknown) {
result = `renameOriginalFile failed Error: ${error}`;
} else if (data.saveAs) {
// Call save as on the first item in the last received file list, simulating
// a user clicking save as in the file.
const existingFile = assertLastReceivedFileList().item(0);
if (!existingFile) {
result = 'saveAs failed, no file loaded';
} else {
const file = currentFile();
try {
const token = (await DELEGATE.requestSaveFile(
existingFile.name, existingFile.mimeType, []))
const testBlob = new Blob([data.saveAs]);
await assertCast(file.saveAs).call(file, testBlob, token!);
result = file.name;
extraResultData = {blobText: await file.blob.text()};
} catch (error: unknown) {
result = `saveAs failed Error: ${error}`;
extraResultData = {filename: file.name};
} else if (data.getFileErrors) {
result = assertLastReceivedFileList().files.map(file => file.error).join();
} else if (data.suppressCrashReports) {
// TODO(b/172981864): Remove this once we stop triggering crash reports for
// NotAFile errors.
// Remove the implementation of reportError so test code
// can safely check that the right errors are being thrown without
// triggering a crash.
const chromeWindow = window as unknown as {chrome: any};
if (chromeWindow.chrome) {
chromeWindow.chrome.crashReportPrivate.reportError = () => {};
return {testQueryResult: result, testQueryResultData: extraResultData};
* Acts on TestMessageRunTestCase.
async function runTestCase(data: TestMessageRunTestCase):
Promise<TestMessageResponseData> {
const testCase = guestTestCases.get(data.testCase);
if (!testCase) {
throw new Error(`Unknown test case: '${data.testCase}'`);
await testCase(); // Propate exceptions to the MessagePipe handler.
return {testQueryResult: 'success'};
* Registers a test that runs in the guest context. To indicate failure, the
* test throws an exception (e.g. via assertEquals).
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
export function GUEST_TEST(testName: string, testCase: () => unknown) {
guestTestCases.set(testName, testCase);
* Tells the test driver the guest test message handlers are installed. This
* requires the test handler that receives the signal to be set up. The order
* that this occurs can not be guaranteed. So this function retries until the
* signal is handled, which requires the 'test-handlers-ready' handler to be
* registered in driver.js.
async function signalTestHandlersReady() {
/No handler registered for message type 'test-handlers-ready'/;
let attempts = 10;
while (--attempts >= 0) {
try {
// Try to limit log output from message pipe errors.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage('test-handlers-ready', {});
} catch (error: unknown) {
const e = error as GenericErrorResponse;
if (!EXPECTED_ERROR.test(e.message)) {
console.error('Unexpected error in signalTestHandlersReady', e);
console.error('signalTestHandlersReady failed to signal.');
/** Installs the MessagePipe handlers for receiving test queries. */
function installTestHandlers() {
parentMessagePipe.registerHandler('test', (data: TestMessageQueryData) => {
return runTestQuery(data);
// Turn off error rethrowing for tests so the test runner doesn't mark
// our error handling tests as failed.
parentMessagePipe.rethrowErrors = false;
'run-test-case', (data: TestMessageRunTestCase) => {
return runTestCase(data);
parentMessagePipe.registerHandler('get-last-loaded-files', () => {
// Note: the `ReceivedFileList` has methods stripped since it gets sent
// over a pipe so just send the underlying files.
const response: LastLoadedFilesResponse = {
fileList: assertLastReceivedFileList().files.map(flattenFile),
return response;
// Log errors, rather than send them to console.error. This allows the error
// handling tests to work correctly, and is also required for
// signalTestHandlersReady() to operate without failing tests.
parentMessagePipe.logClientError = error =>
// Install spies.
const realLoadFiles = loadFiles;
async function watchLoadFiles(fileList: ReceivedFileList) {
lastLoadedFileList = fileList;
return realLoadFiles(fileList);
// Ensure content and all scripts have loaded before installing test handlers.
if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
window.addEventListener('load', installTestHandlers);
} else {