
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/metrics/metrics_switches.h"

#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"

namespace metrics {
namespace switches {

// Enables the observing of all UMA logs created during the session and
// automatically exports them to the passed file path on shutdown (the file is
// created if it does not already exist). This also enables viewing all UMA logs
// in the chrome://metrics-internals debug page. The format of the exported file
// is outlined in MetricsServiceObserver::ExportLogsAsJson().
// Example usage: --export-uma-logs-to-file=/tmp/logs.json
const char kExportUmaLogsToFile[] =;

// Forces metrics reporting to be enabled. Should not be used for tests as it
// will send data to servers.
const char kForceEnableMetricsReporting[] =;

// Forces MSBB setting to be on for UKM recording. Should only be used in
// automated testing browser sessions in which it is infeasible or impractical
// to toggle the setting manually.
const char kForceMsbbSettingOnForUkm[] =;

// Enables the recording of metrics reports but disables reporting. In contrast
// to kForceEnableMetricsReporting, this executes all the code that a normal
// client would use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent
// to the server. This is useful for finding issues in the metrics code during
// UI and performance tests.
const char kMetricsRecordingOnly[] =;

// Override the standard time interval between each metrics report upload for
// UMA and UKM. It is useful to set to a short interval for debugging. Unit in
// seconds. (The default is 1800 seconds on desktop).
const char kMetricsUploadIntervalSec[] =;

// Forces a reset of the one-time-randomized FieldTrials on this client, also
// known as the Chrome Variations state.
const char kResetVariationState[] =;

// Overrides the URL of the server that UKM reports are uploaded to. This can
// only be used in debug builds.
const char kUkmServerUrl[] =;

// Overrides the URL of the server that UMA reports are uploaded to. This can
// only be used in debug builds.
const char kUmaServerUrl[] =;

// Overrides the URL of the server that UMA reports are uploaded to when the
// connection to the default secure URL fails (see |kUmaServerUrl|). This can
// only be used in debug builds.
const char kUmaInsecureServerUrl[] =;

}  // namespace switches

bool IsMetricsRecordingOnlyEnabled() {}

bool IsMetricsReportingForceEnabled() {}

bool IsMsbbSettingForcedOnForUkm() {}

void EnableMetricsRecordingOnlyForTesting(base::CommandLine* command_line) {}

void ForceEnableMetricsReportingForTesting() {}

}  // namespace metrics