
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.components.minidump_uploader;

/** Interface for uploading minidumps. */
public interface MinidumpUploadJob {
     * Try to upload all the minidumps in the crash directory.
     * This method will be called on the UI thread of our JobService.
     * @param uploadsFinishedCallback a callback that will be called when the uploading is finished
     * (whether or not all of the uploads succeeded).
    void uploadAllMinidumps(UploadsFinishedCallback uploadsFinishedCallback);

     * Cancel the current set of uploads.
     * @return Whether there are still uploads to be done.
    boolean cancelUploads();

     * Provides an interface for the callback that will be called if all uploads are finished before
     * they are canceled.
    public interface UploadsFinishedCallback {
        public void uploadsFinished(boolean reschedule);