// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.minidump_uploader;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.base.task.TaskTraits;
import org.chromium.components.minidump_uploader.MinidumpUploadCallable.MinidumpUploadStatus;
import java.io.File;
* Class in charge of uploading minidumps from their local data directory.
* This class gets invoked from a JobScheduler job and posts the operation of uploading minidumps to
* a privately defined worker thread.
* Note that this implementation is state-less in the sense that it doesn't keep track of whether it
* successfully uploaded any minidumps. At the end of a job it simply checks whether there are any
* minidumps left to upload, and if so, the job is rescheduled.
public class MinidumpUploadJobImpl implements MinidumpUploadJob {
private static final String TAG = "MDUploadJobImpl";
/** The delegate that performs embedder-specific behavior. */
@VisibleForTesting protected final MinidumpUploaderDelegate mDelegate;
* Whether the current job has been canceled. This is written to from the main thread, and read
* from the worker thread.
private volatile boolean mCancelUpload;
// Used to assert only once job at a time.
private boolean mIsActive;
@VisibleForTesting public static final int MAX_UPLOAD_TRIES_ALLOWED = 3;
public MinidumpUploadJobImpl(MinidumpUploaderDelegate delegate) {
mDelegate = delegate;
* Utility method to allow tests to customize the behavior of the crash file manager.
* @param {crashParentDir} The directory that contains the "Crash Reports" directory, in which
* crash files (i.e. minidumps) are stored.
public CrashFileManager createCrashFileManager(File crashParentDir) {
return new CrashFileManager(crashParentDir);
* Utility method to allow us to test the logic of this class by injecting
* test-specific MinidumpUploadCallables.
public MinidumpUploadCallable createMinidumpUploadCallable(File minidumpFile, File logfile) {
return new MinidumpUploadCallable(
minidumpFile, logfile, mDelegate.createCrashReportingPermissionManager());
* Runnable that upload minidumps.
* This is where the actual uploading happens - an upload job consists of posting this Runnable
* to the worker thread.
private class UploadRunnable implements Runnable {
private final MinidumpUploadJob.UploadsFinishedCallback mUploadsFinishedCallback;
public UploadRunnable(MinidumpUploadJob.UploadsFinishedCallback uploadsFinishedCallback) {
mUploadsFinishedCallback = uploadsFinishedCallback;
private void invokeCallback(boolean reschedule) {
mIsActive = false;
// No point in posting to UI thread since job scheduler's onStopJob() is not called on
// the UI thread.
// https://crbug.com/1401509
public void run() {
// If the directory in where we store minidumps doesn't exist - then early out because
// there are no minidumps to upload.
File crashParentDir = mDelegate.getCrashParentDir();
if (!crashParentDir.isDirectory()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Parent crash directory doesn't exist!");
invokeCallback(/* reschedule= */ false);
final CrashFileManager fileManager = createCrashFileManager(crashParentDir);
if (!fileManager.crashDirectoryExists()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Crash directory doesn't exist!");
invokeCallback(/* reschedule= */ false);
File[] minidumps = fileManager.getMinidumpsReadyForUpload(MAX_UPLOAD_TRIES_ALLOWED);
Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to upload %d minidumps.", minidumps.length);
for (File minidump : minidumps) {
Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to upload " + minidump.getName());
MinidumpUploadCallable uploadCallable =
createMinidumpUploadCallable(minidump, fileManager.getCrashUploadLogFile());
@MinidumpUploadStatus int uploadResult = uploadCallable.call();
// Record metrics about the upload.
if (uploadResult == MinidumpUploadStatus.SUCCESS) {
} else if (uploadResult == MinidumpUploadStatus.FAILURE) {
// Only record a failure after we have maxed out the allotted tries.
// Note: Add 1 to include the most recent failure, since the minidump's filename
// is from before the failure.
int numFailures = CrashFileManager.readAttemptNumber(minidump.getName()) + 1;
if (numFailures == MAX_UPLOAD_TRIES_ALLOWED) {
// Bail if the job was canceled. Note that the cancelation status is checked AFTER
// trying to upload a minidump. This is to ensure that the scheduler attempts to
// upload at least one minidump per job. Otherwise, it's possible for a crash loop
// to continually write files to the crash directory; each such write would
// reschedule the job, and therefore cancel any pending jobs. In such a scenario,
// it's important to make at least *some* progress uploading minidumps.
// Note that other likely cancelation reasons are not a concern, because the upload
// callable checks relevant state prior to uploading. For example, if the job is
// canceled because the network connection is lost, or because the user switches
// over to a metered connection, the callable will detect the changed network state,
// and not attempt an upload.
if (mCancelUpload) {
mIsActive = false;
// Note that if the job was canceled midway through, the attempt number is not
// incremented, even if the upload failed. This is because a common reason for
// cancelation is loss of network connectivity, which does result in a failure, but
// it's a transient failure rather than something non-recoverable.
if (uploadResult == MinidumpUploadStatus.FAILURE) {
String newName = CrashFileManager.tryIncrementAttemptNumber(minidump);
if (newName == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to increment attempt number of " + minidump);
// Clean out old/uploaded minidumps. Note that this clean-up method is more strict than
// our copying mechanism in the sense that it keeps fewer minidumps.
// Reschedule if there are still minidumps to upload.
boolean reschedule =
fileManager.getMinidumpsReadyForUpload(MAX_UPLOAD_TRIES_ALLOWED).length > 0;
public void uploadAllMinidumps(
final MinidumpUploadJob.UploadsFinishedCallback uploadsFinishedCallback) {
assert !mIsActive;
mCancelUpload = false;
mIsActive = true;
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Note that the upload job might have been canceled by this time. However,
// it's important to start the worker thread anyway to try to make some
// progress towards uploading minidumps. This is to ensure that in the
// case where an app is crashing over and over again, resulting in
// rescheduling jobs over and over again,
// there's still a chance to upload at least one minidump per job, as long
// as that job starts before it is canceled by the next job. See the
// UploadRunnable implementation for more details.
new UploadRunnable(uploadsFinishedCallback));
/** @return Whether to reschedule the uploads. */
public boolean cancelUploads() {
mCancelUpload = true;
// We always return true here to reschedule the job even in cases where the are no minidumps
// left to upload. We choose to allow this minor inconsistency to avoid blocking the
// UI-thread on IO operations. The unnecessary rescheduling only happens if we cancel the
// job after it has attempted to upload all minidumps but before the job finishes.
// If a job is rescheduled unnecessarily, the next time it starts it will have no minidumps
// to upload and thus finish without yet another rescheduling.
return true;