// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/nacl/renderer/ppb_nacl_private.h"
namespace nacl {
class JsonManifest;
struct NaClResourcePrefetchRequest;
class JsonManifest {
struct ErrorInfo {
PP_NaClError error;
std::string string;
JsonManifest(const std::string& manifest_base_url,
const std::string& sandbox_isa,
bool pnacl_debug);
// Initialize the manifest object for use by later lookups. Returns
// true if the manifest parses correctly and matches the schema.
bool Init(const std::string& json_manifest, ErrorInfo* error_info);
// Gets the full program URL for the current sandbox ISA from the
// manifest file.
bool GetProgramURL(std::string* full_url,
PP_PNaClOptions* pnacl_options,
ErrorInfo* error_info) const;
// Gets all the keys and their URLs in the "files" section that are
// prefetchable.
void GetPrefetchableFiles(
std::vector<NaClResourcePrefetchRequest>* out_files) const;
// Resolves a key from the "files" section to a fully resolved URL,
// i.e., relative URL values are fully expanded relative to the
// manifest's URL (via ResolveURL).
// If there was an error, details are reported via error_info.
bool ResolveKey(const std::string& key,
std::string* full_url,
PP_PNaClOptions* pnacl_options) const;
bool MatchesSchema(ErrorInfo* error_info);
bool GetKeyUrl(const base::Value::Dict& dictionary,
const std::string& key,
std::string* full_url,
PP_PNaClOptions* pnacl_options) const;
bool GetURLFromISADictionary(const base::Value::Dict& parent_dictionary,
const std::string& parent_key,
std::string* url,
PP_PNaClOptions* pnacl_options,
ErrorInfo* error_info) const;
std::string manifest_base_url_;
std::string sandbox_isa_;
bool pnacl_debug_;
// The dictionary of manifest information parsed in Init().
base::Value::Dict dictionary_;
} // namespace nacl