// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import './help_content.js';
import './help_resources_icons.html.js';
import './os_feedback_shared.css.js';
import {I18nMixin} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {strictQuery} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/typescript_utils/strict_query.js';
import {stringToMojoString16} from 'chrome://resources/js/mojo_type_util.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {btRegEx, buildWordMatcher, FeedbackFlowButtonClickEvent, FeedbackFlowState} from './feedback_flow.js';
import {showScrollingEffectOnStart, showScrollingEffects} from './feedback_utils.js';
import {getHelpContentProvider} from './mojo_interface_provider.js';
import {FeedbackContext, HelpContent, HelpContentProviderInterface, SearchRequest, SearchResponse} from './os_feedback_ui.mojom-webui.js';
import {domainQuestions, questionnaireBegin} from './questionnaire.js';
import {getTemplate} from './search_page.html.js';
/** The maximum number of help contents wanted per search. */
const MAX_RESULTS = 5;
/** The host of untrusted child page. */
export const OS_FEEDBACK_UNTRUSTED_ORIGIN = 'chrome-untrusted://os-feedback';
/** Regular expression to check for wifi-related keywords. */
const wifiRegEx =
buildWordMatcher(['wifi', 'wi-fi', 'internet', 'network', 'hotspot']);
/** Regular expression to check for cellular-related keywords. */
const cellularRegEx = buildWordMatcher([
'2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'LTE', 'UMTS',
'SIM', 'eSIM', 'mmWave', 'mobile', 'APN', 'IMEI',
'IMSI', 'eUICC', 'carrier', 'T.Mobile', 'TMO', 'Verizon',
'VZW', 'AT&T', 'MVNO', 'pin.lock', 'cellular',
/** Regular expression to check for display-related keywords. */
const displayRegEx = buildWordMatcher([
/** Regular expression to check for USB-related keywords. */
const usbRegEx = buildWordMatcher([
/** Regular expression to check for thunderbolt-related keywords. */
const thunderboltRegEx = buildWordMatcher([
* @fileoverview
* 'search-page' is the first step of the feedback tool. It displays live help
* contents relevant to the text entered by the user.
const SearchPageElementBase = I18nMixin(PolymerElement);
export class SearchPageElement extends SearchPageElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'search-page' as const;
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
feedbackContext: {type: Object, readOnly: false, notify: true},
descriptionTemplate: {
type: String,
readonly: true,
observer: SearchPageElement.prototype.descriptionTemplateChanged,
descriptionPlaceholderText: {
type: String,
readonly: true,
observer: SearchPageElement.prototype.descriptionPlaceholderTextChanged,
helpContentSearchResultCount: {
type: Number,
notify: true,
noHelpContentDisplayed: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
feedbackContext: FeedbackContext;
descriptionTemplate = '';
descriptionPlaceholderText: string = '';
private helpContentSearchResultCount: number = 0;
private noHelpContentDisplayed = false;
private helpContentProvider: HelpContentProviderInterface;
* The event handler called when the iframe is loaded. It is set in the
* html.
private resolveIframeLoaded: Function;
/** A promise that resolves when the iframe loading is completed. */
private iframeLoaded: Promise<void>;
private iframe: HTMLIFrameElement|null;
/** The content list received when query is empty. */
private popularHelpContentList: HelpContent[];
* The list of questionnaire questions that have already been appended to
* the input text.
private appendedQuestions: string[] = [];
/** Whether the search result content is returned with popular content. */
private isPopularContentForTesting = false;
/** Timer used to add a delay to fire a new search. */
private searchTimerID: number = -1;
* The unique id of a query. Whenever a new query is scheduled, this number
* will be incremented by 1. New query will have a bigger sequence number
* than older queries.
* @private {number}
private querySeqNo: number = 0;
* The most recent query sequence number whose result has been posted to the
* iframe and thus seen by the user. Results for two queries fired at
* different times may come back in reverse order. By recording this number,
* we can prevent displaying the result from older queries.
private lastPostedQuerySeqNo: number;
* Delay in milliseconds before firing a new search.
* This variable needs to remain public because the unit tests need to
* set its value.
searchTimoutInMs: number = 250;
constructor() {
this.helpContentProvider = getHelpContentProvider();
this.lastPostedQuerySeqNo = -1;
this.iframeLoaded = new Promise(resolve => {
this.resolveIframeLoaded = resolve;
// Set focus on the input field and decide whether to show scrolling effect
// after iframe is loaded.
this.iframeLoaded.then(() => {
showScrollingEffectOnStart(this as HTMLElement);
override ready() {
this.iframe = strictQuery('iframe', this.shadowRoot, HTMLIFrameElement);
// Fetch popular help contents with empty query.
/* query= */ '', /* querySeqNo= */ this.getNextQuerySeqNo());
'input', () => this.checkForShowQuestionnaire());
window.addEventListener('message', (e: MessageEvent) => {
const message = e.data;
if (message.iframeHeight) {
'--iframe-height', message.iframeHeight.toString() + 'px');
}, false);
protected handleInputChanged(e: InputEvent): void {
const textArea = e.target as HTMLTextAreaElement;
const query = textArea.value.trim();
// As the user is typing, hide the error message.
if (query.length > 0) {
// When the user is not logged in, the feedback app does not allow access to
// external websites. Therefore, search is not needed.
if (!this.isUserLoggedIn()) {
const querySeqNo = this.getNextQuerySeqNo();
this.searchTimerID = setTimeout(() => {
this.fetchHelpContent(query, querySeqNo);
}, this.searchTimoutInMs);
private getNextQuerySeqNo(): number {
return this.querySeqNo++;
* When the feedback app is launched from OOBE or the login screen, the
* categoryTag is set to "Login".
protected isUserLoggedIn(): boolean {
return this.feedbackContext?.categoryTag !== 'Login';
* Fetches help content/popular search and notifies iframe if querySeqNo is
* greater than previous.
private async fetchHelpContent(query: string, querySeqNo: number) {
if (!this.iframe) {
console.warn('untrusted iframe is not found');
// When the user is not logged in, the feedback app does not allow access to
// external websites. Therefore, search is not needed.
if (!this.isUserLoggedIn()) {
const request: SearchRequest = {
query: stringToMojoString16(query),
maxResults: MAX_RESULTS,
const isQueryEmpty: boolean = (query === '');
let isPopularContent: boolean;
let response: {response: SearchResponse};
if (isQueryEmpty) {
// Load popular help content if they are not loaded before.
if (this.popularHelpContentList === undefined) {
response = await this.helpContentProvider.getHelpContents(request);
this.popularHelpContentList = response.response.results;
this.helpContentSearchResultCount = this.popularHelpContentList.length;
isPopularContent = true;
} else {
response = await this.helpContentProvider.getHelpContents(request);
isPopularContent = (response.response.results.length === 0);
this.helpContentSearchResultCount = response.response.results.length;
this.isPopularContentForTesting = isPopularContent;
const data = {
(isPopularContent ? this.popularHelpContentList :
isQueryEmpty: isQueryEmpty,
isPopularContent: isPopularContent,
this.noHelpContentDisplayed = (data.contentList.length === 0);
// Wait for the iframe to complete loading before postMessage.
await this.iframeLoaded;
// Results from an older query will be ignored.
if (querySeqNo > this.lastPostedQuerySeqNo) {
this.lastPostedQuerySeqNo = querySeqNo;
// TODO(xiangdongkong): Use Mojo to communicate with untrusted page.
private getInputElement(): HTMLTextAreaElement {
return strictQuery(
'#descriptionText', this.shadowRoot, HTMLTextAreaElement);
/** Focus on the textarea element. */
focusInputElement(): void {
private onInputInvalid(): void {
private getErrorElement(): HTMLElement {
return strictQuery('#emptyErrorContainer', this.shadowRoot, HTMLElement);
private showError(): void {
// TODO(xiangdongkong): Change the textarea's aria-labelledby to ensure the
// screen reader does (or doesn't) read the error, as appropriate.
// If it does read the error, it should do so _before_ it reads the normal
// description.
const errorElement = this.getErrorElement();
errorElement.hidden = false;
errorElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');
const descriptionTextElement = this.getInputElement();
private hideError(): void {
const errorElement = this.getErrorElement();
if (errorElement.hidden) {
errorElement.hidden = true;
errorElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
const descriptionTextElement = this.getInputElement();
protected feedbackWritingGuidanceUrl(): string {
// TODO(xiangdongkong): append ?hl={the application locale} to the url.
const url = 'https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/2982029';
return url;
private handleContinueButtonClicked(e: Event): void {
const textInput = this.getInputElement().value.trim();
if (textInput.length === 0) {
} else {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('continue-click', {
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
{currentState: FeedbackFlowState.SEARCH, description: textInput},
setDescription(text: string): void {
this.getInputElement().value = text;
protected descriptionTemplateChanged(currentTemplate: string): void {
this.getInputElement().value = currentTemplate;
protected descriptionPlaceholderTextChanged(currentPlaceholder: string):
void {
if (currentPlaceholder === '') {
this.getInputElement().placeholder = this.i18n('descriptionHint');
} else {
this.getInputElement().placeholder = currentPlaceholder;
* Checks if any keywords have associated questionnaire in a domain. If so,
* we append the questionnaire to the text input box.
private checkForShowQuestionnaire(): void {
if (!this.feedbackContext.isInternalAccount) {
const toAppend = [];
// Match user-entered description before the questionnaire to reduce false
// positives due to matching the questionnaire questions and answers.
const textarea = this.getInputElement();
const value = textarea.value;
const questionnaireBeginPos = value.indexOf(questionnaireBegin);
const matchedText = questionnaireBeginPos >= 0 ?
value.substring(0, questionnaireBeginPos) :
if (btRegEx.test(matchedText)) {
if (wifiRegEx.test(matchedText)) {
if (cellularRegEx.test(matchedText)) {
if (displayRegEx.test(matchedText)) {
if (thunderboltRegEx.test(matchedText)) {
} else if (usbRegEx.test(matchedText)) {
if (toAppend.length === 0) {
const savedCursor = textarea.selectionStart;
if (this.appendedQuestions.length === 0) {
textarea.value += '\n\n' + questionnaireBegin + '\n';
for (const question of toAppend) {
if (this.appendedQuestions.includes(question)) {
textarea.value += '* ' + question + ' \n';
// After appending text, the web engine automatically moves the cursor to
// the end of the appended text, so we need to move the cursor back to where
// the user was typing before.
textarea.selectionEnd = savedCursor;
protected onContainerScroll(event: Event): void {
showScrollingEffects(event, this as HTMLElement);
getSearchResultCountForTesting(): number {
return this.helpContentSearchResultCount;
getIsPopularContentForTesting(): boolean {
return this.isPopularContentForTesting;
getNextQuerySeqNoForTesting(): number {
return this.querySeqNo;
setNextQuerySeqNoForTesting(nextQuerySeqNo: number): void {
this.querySeqNo = nextQuerySeqNo;
getLastPostedQuerySeqNoForTesting(): number {
return this.lastPostedQuerySeqNo;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementEventMap {
'continue-click': FeedbackFlowButtonClickEvent;
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[SearchPageElement.is]: SearchPageElement;
customElements.define(SearchPageElement.is, SearchPageElement);