
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

/* @const
 * Add matching sprite definition and config to spriteDefinitionByType.
export const GAME_TYPE = ['altgame'];


 * Collision box object.
 * @param {number} x X position.
 * @param {number} y Y Position.
 * @param {number} w Width.
 * @param {number} h Height.
 * @constructor
export function CollisionBox(x, y, w, h) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.width = w;
  this.height = h;

 * Obstacle definitions.
 * minGap: minimum pixel space between obstacles.
 * multipleSpeed: Speed at which multiples are allowed.
 * speedOffset: speed faster / slower than the horizon.
 * minSpeed: Minimum speed which the obstacle can make an appearance.
 * @typedef {{
 *   type: string,
 *   width: number,
 *   height: number,
 *   yPos: number,
 *   multipleSpeed: number,
 *   minGap: number,
 *   minSpeed: number,
 *   collisionBoxes: Array<CollisionBox>,
 * }}
let ObstacleType;

 * T-Rex runner sprite definitions.
export const spriteDefinitionByType = {
  original: {
    LDPI: {
      BACKGROUND_EL: {x: 86, y: 2},
      CACTUS_LARGE: {x: 332, y: 2},
      CACTUS_SMALL: {x: 228, y: 2},
      OBSTACLE_2: {x: 332, y: 2},
      OBSTACLE: {x: 228, y: 2},
      CLOUD: {x: 86, y: 2},
      HORIZON: {x: 2, y: 54},
      MOON: {x: 484, y: 2},
      PTERODACTYL: {x: 134, y: 2},
      RESTART: {x: 2, y: 68},
      TEXT_SPRITE: {x: 655, y: 2},
      TREX: {x: 848, y: 2},
      STAR: {x: 645, y: 2},
      COLLECTABLE: {x: 0, y: 0},
      ALT_GAME_END: {x: 32, y: 0},
    HDPI: {
      BACKGROUND_EL: {x: 166, y: 2},
      CACTUS_LARGE: {x: 652, y: 2},
      CACTUS_SMALL: {x: 446, y: 2},
      OBSTACLE_2: {x: 652, y: 2},
      OBSTACLE: {x: 446, y: 2},
      CLOUD: {x: 166, y: 2},
      HORIZON: {x: 2, y: 104},
      MOON: {x: 954, y: 2},
      PTERODACTYL: {x: 260, y: 2},
      RESTART: {x: 2, y: 130},
      TEXT_SPRITE: {x: 1294, y: 2},
      TREX: {x: 1678, y: 2},
      STAR: {x: 1276, y: 2},
      COLLECTABLE: {x: 0, y: 0},
      ALT_GAME_END: {x: 64, y: 0},
    HAS_CLOUDS: 1,
    BOTTOM_PAD: 10,
    TREX: {
      WAITING_1: {x: 44, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      WAITING_2: {x: 0, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      RUNNING_1: {x: 88, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      RUNNING_2: {x: 132, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      JUMPING: {x: 0, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      CRASHED: {x: 220, w: 44, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
        new CollisionBox(22, 0, 17, 16),
        new CollisionBox(1, 18, 30, 9),
        new CollisionBox(10, 35, 14, 8),
        new CollisionBox(1, 24, 29, 5),
        new CollisionBox(5, 30, 21, 4),
        new CollisionBox(9, 34, 15, 4),
    /** @type {Array<ObstacleType>} */
        type: 'CACTUS_SMALL',
        width: 17,
        height: 35,
        yPos: 105,
        multipleSpeed: 4,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 0,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 7, 5, 27),
          new CollisionBox(4, 0, 6, 34),
          new CollisionBox(10, 4, 7, 14),
        type: 'CACTUS_LARGE',
        width: 25,
        height: 50,
        yPos: 90,
        multipleSpeed: 7,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 0,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 12, 7, 38),
          new CollisionBox(8, 0, 7, 49),
          new CollisionBox(13, 10, 10, 38),
        type: 'PTERODACTYL',
        width: 46,
        height: 40,
        yPos: [100, 75, 50],    // Variable height.
        yPosMobile: [100, 50],  // Variable height mobile.
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minSpeed: 8.5,
        minGap: 150,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(15, 15, 16, 5),
          new CollisionBox(18, 21, 24, 6),
          new CollisionBox(2, 14, 4, 3),
          new CollisionBox(6, 10, 4, 7),
          new CollisionBox(10, 8, 6, 9),
        numFrames: 2,
        frameRate: 1000 / 6,
        speedOffset: .8,
        type: 'COLLECTABLE',
        width: 31,
        height: 24,
        yPos: 104,
        multipleSpeed: 1000,
        minGap: 9999,
        minSpeed: 0,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 0, 32, 25),
      'CLOUD': {
        HEIGHT: 14,
        MAX_CLOUD_GAP: 400,
        MAX_SKY_LEVEL: 30,
        MIN_CLOUD_GAP: 100,
        MIN_SKY_LEVEL: 71,
        OFFSET: 4,
        WIDTH: 46,
        X_POS: 1,
        Y_POS: 120,
      MAX_BG_ELS: 1,
      MAX_GAP: 400,
      MIN_GAP: 100,
      POS: 0,
      SPEED: 0.5,
      Y_POS: 125,
    LINES: [
      {SOURCE_X: 2, SOURCE_Y: 52, WIDTH: 600, HEIGHT: 12, YPOS: 127},
      TEXT_X: 32,
      TEXT_Y: 0,
      TEXT_WIDTH: 246,
      TEXT_HEIGHT: 17,
      FLASH_DURATION: 1500,
      FLASHING: false,
  altgame: {
    LDPI: {
      BACKGROUND_EL: {x: 260, y: 19},
      OBSTACLE1: {x: 152, y: 65},
      OBSTACLE2: {x: 188, y: 65},
      OBSTACLE3: {x: 152, y: 65},
      OBSTACLE4: {x: 188, y: 65},
      OBSTACLE5: {x: 0, y: 60},
      OBSTACLE6: {x: 42, y: 58},
      OBSTACLE7: {x: 98, y: 58},
      OBSTACLE8: {x: 96, y: 19},
      HORIZON: {x: 0, y: 3},
      TREX: {x: 557, y: 63},
      COLLECTABLE: {x: 193, y: 19},
    HDPI: {
      BACKGROUND_EL: {x: 520, y: 38},
      OBSTACLE1: {x: 304, y: 130},
      OBSTACLE2: {x: 376, y: 130},
      OBSTACLE3: {x: 304, y: 130},
      OBSTACLE4: {x: 376, y: 130},
      OBSTACLE5: {x: 0, y: 120},
      OBSTACLE6: {x: 84, y: 116},
      OBSTACLE7: {x: 196, y: 116},
      OBSTACLE8: {x: 192, y: 38},
      HORIZON: {x: 0, y: 6},
      TREX: {x: 1114, y: 126},
      COLLECTABLE: {x: 386, y: 38},
    HAS_CLOUDS: 0,
    BOTTOM_PAD: 10,
    TREX: {
      MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT: 50,
      MIN_JUMP_HEIGHT: 40,
      RUNNING_1: {x: 96, w: 49, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      RUNNING_2: {x: 145, w: 49, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      JUMPING: {x: 47, w: 49, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      CRASHED: {x: 194, w: 61, h: 47, xOffset: 0},
      DUCKING_1: {x: 257, w: 55, h: 26, xOffset: 0},
      DUCKING_2: {x: 316, w: 55, h: 26, xOffset: 0},
        new CollisionBox(22, 0, 17, 16),
        new CollisionBox(1, 18, 30, 9),
        new CollisionBox(10, 35, 14, 8),
        new CollisionBox(1, 24, 29, 5),
        new CollisionBox(5, 30, 21, 4),
        new CollisionBox(9, 34, 15, 4),
    /** @type {Array<ObstacleType>} */
        type: 'OBSTACLE1',
        width: 36,
        height: 45,
        yPos: 95,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 0,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(6, 3, 24, 42),
          new CollisionBox(28, 17, 8, 28),
        type: 'OBSTACLE2',
        width: 36,
        height: 45,
        yPos: 95,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 0,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(6, 3, 24, 42),
          new CollisionBox(28, 17, 8, 28),
        type: 'OBSTACLE3',
        width: 72,
        height: 45,
        yPos: 95,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 8,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(6, 3, 24, 42),
          new CollisionBox(28, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(36, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(42, 3, 24, 42),
          new CollisionBox(64, 17, 8, 28),
        type: 'OBSTACLE4',
        width: 72,
        height: 45,
        yPos: 95,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 8,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(6, 3, 24, 42),
          new CollisionBox(28, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(36, 17, 8, 28),
          new CollisionBox(42, 3, 24, 42),
          new CollisionBox(64, 17, 8, 28),
        type: 'OBSTACLE5',
        width: 42,
        height: 50,
        yPos: 95,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 5,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 0, 42, 50),
        type: 'OBSTACLE6',
        width: 56,
        height: 52,
        yPos: 93,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 7,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 11, 8, 40),
          new CollisionBox(8, 0, 19, 51),
          new CollisionBox(27, 11, 28, 40),
        type: 'OBSTACLE7',
        width: 54,
        height: 52,
        yPos: 93,
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minGap: 120,
        minSpeed: 6,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(0, 11, 19, 40),
          new CollisionBox(19, 0, 19, 51),
          new CollisionBox(38, 14, 15, 37),
        type: 'OBSTACLE8',
        width: 49,
        height: 20,
        yPos: [100, 75, 50],    // Variable height.
        yPosMobile: [100, 50],  // Variable height mobile.
        multipleSpeed: 999,
        minSpeed: 8.5,
        minGap: 150,
        collisionBoxes: [
          new CollisionBox(15, 15, 16, 5),
          new CollisionBox(18, 21, 24, 6),
          new CollisionBox(2, 14, 4, 3),
          new CollisionBox(6, 10, 4, 7),
          new CollisionBox(10, 8, 6, 9),
        numFrames: 2,
        frameRate: 1000 / 6,
        speedOffset: .8,
      'GROUP1': {
        HEIGHT: 91,
        MAX_CLOUD_GAP: 600,
        MAX_SKY_LEVEL: 0,
        MIN_CLOUD_GAP: 300,
        MIN_SKY_LEVEL: 0,
        OFFSET: 11,
        WIDTH: 131,
        X_POS: 260,
      'GROUP2': {
        HEIGHT: 91,
        MAX_CLOUD_GAP: 600,
        MAX_SKY_LEVEL: 0,
        MIN_CLOUD_GAP: 300,
        MIN_SKY_LEVEL: 0,
        OFFSET: 11,
        WIDTH: 166,
        X_POS: 391,
      MAX_BG_ELS: 8,
      MAX_GAP: 600,
      MIN_GAP: 300,
      POS: 0,
      SPEED: 0.8,
      Y_POS: 122,
    LINES: [
      {SOURCE_X: 2, SOURCE_Y: 3, WIDTH: 600, HEIGHT: 12, YPOS: 128},