// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/background/offliner.h"
namespace offline_pages {
// The OS-specific instance of this class is created and passed to
// BackgroundLoaderOffliner which takes lifetime ownership of it.
// When listener receives signals requiring immediate termination of loading,
// it should call Offliner::TerminateLoadIfInProgress().
class LoadTerminationListener {
LoadTerminationListener() = default;
LoadTerminationListener(const LoadTerminationListener&) = delete;
LoadTerminationListener& operator=(const LoadTerminationListener&) = delete;
virtual ~LoadTerminationListener() = default;
// Called by Offliner when it takes ownership of this listener. Used to
// cache pointer back to offliner to terminate the load.
void set_offliner(Offliner* offliner) { offliner_ = offliner; }
// Raw pointer because this class is owned by Offliner.
raw_ptr<Offliner> offliner_ = nullptr;
} // namespace offline_pages