
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace offline_pages {

// The max number of started tries is to guard against pages that make the
// background loader crash. It should be greater than or equal to the max
// number of completed tries.
constexpr int kMaxStartedTries =;
// The number of max completed tries is based on Gin2G-poor testing showing that
// we often need about 4 tries with a 2 minute window, or 3 retries with a 3
// minute window. Also, we count one try now for foreground/disabled requests.
constexpr int kMaxCompletedTries =;
// By the time we get to a week, the user has forgotten asking for a page.
constexpr int kRequestExpirationTimeInSeconds =;

// Scheduled background processing time limits.
constexpr int kDozeModeBackgroundServiceWindowSeconds =;
constexpr int kDefaultBackgroundProcessingTimeBudgetSeconds =;
constexpr int kSinglePageTimeLimitWhenBackgroundScheduledSeconds =;

// Immediate processing time limits.  Note: experiments on GIN-2g-poor show many
// page requests took 3 or 4 attempts in background scheduled mode with timeout
// of 2 minutes. So for immediate processing mode, give page requests just under
// 5 minutes, which was equal to the timeout limit in prerender. Then budget up
// to 3 of those requests in processing window.
// TODO(petewil): Consider if we want to up the immediate window to 8 minutes
// now that we are always using the background loader.
constexpr int kSinglePageTimeLimitForImmediateLoadSeconds =;
constexpr int kImmediateLoadProcessingTimeBudgetSeconds =;

// Policy for the Background Offlining system.  Some policy will belong to the
// RequestCoordinator, some to the RequestQueue, and some to the Offliner.
class OfflinerPolicy {};
}  // namespace offline_pages