
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.components.omnibox.action;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;

/** An interface for creation of the OmniboxAction instances. */
public interface OmniboxActionFactory {
     * Create a new OmniboxPedal.
     * @param hint the title displayed on the chip
     * @param accessibilityHint the text to be announced to the accessibility-enabled users
     * @param pedalId the specific kind of pedal to create
     * @return new instance of an OmniboxPedal
    OmniboxAction buildOmniboxPedal(
            long instance,
            @NonNull String hint,
            @NonNull String accessibilityHint,
            @OmniboxPedalId int pedalId);

     * Create a new OmniboxActionInSuggest.
     * @param hint the title displayed on the chip
     * @param accessibilityHint the text to be announced to the accessibility-enabled users
     * @param actionType the specific type of an action matching the {@link
     *     EntityInfoProto.ActionInfo.ActionType}
     * @param actionUri the corresponding action URI/URL (serialized intent)
     * @return new instance of an OmniboxActionInSuggest
    OmniboxAction buildActionInSuggest(
            long instance,
            @NonNull String hint,
            @NonNull String accessibilityHint,
            /* EntityInfoProto.ActionInfo.ActionType */ int actionType,
            @NonNull String actionUri);

     * Construct a new OmniboxAnswerAction.
     * @param nativeInstance Pointer to native instance of the object.
     * @param hint Text that should be displayed in the associated action chip.
     * @param accessibilityHint Text for screen reader to read when focusing action chip
    OmniboxAction buildOmniboxAnswerAction(
            long nativeInstance, @NonNull String hint, @NonNull String accessibilityHint);

    public interface Natives {
        /** Pass the OmniboxActionFactory instance to C++. */
        void setFactory(OmniboxActionFactory javaFactory);