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    background-color: var(--cros-bg-color);
    border: none;
    border-radius: 16px;
    display: grid;
      '. slot           slot    slot      .'
      '. image          image   image     .'
      '. .              .       .         .'
      '. message        message message   .'
      '. mainpage-desc  .       thumbnail .'
      '. .              .       .         .';
    grid-template-columns: 20px auto 192px auto 20px;
    grid-template-rows: auto auto 20px 192px 1fr 20px;
    height: 100%;

  #container.ambient-mode-enabled {
      '. slot          .'
      '. image         .'
      '. .             .'
      '. thumbnail     .'
      '. mainpage-desc .'
      '. .             .';
    grid-template-columns: 20px minmax(0,1fr) 20px;
    grid-template-rows: auto auto 20px 130px 1fr 18px;

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    /* Make the arrow align with the thumbnail image */
    margin-inline-end: -18px;

  #ambientLabel > h2 {
    color: var(--cros-text-color-primary);
    font: var(--personalization-app-label-font);
    margin: 12px 0;

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    grid-area: message;
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    color: var(--cros-sys-on_primary_container);
    font: var(--cros-body-2-font);
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    margin-top: 56px;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;
    width: 128px;

  #messageContainer cr-button {
    margin-bottom: 50px;
    margin-top: 8px;

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    position: absolute;

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    height: 100%;
    justify-self: center;
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    width: 100%;

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    margin-top: 8px;

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    grid-area: image;

  #albumTitle {
    color: var(--cros-text-color-primary);
    font: var(--cros-display-7-font);
    margin-top: 10px;

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    color: var(--cros-text-color-secondary);
    font: var(--cros-body-2-font);
    margin-top: 2px;

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    width: 20px;

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    display: grid;
    grid-area: thumbnail;
    justify-self: center;
    max-width: 460px;
    min-width: 278px;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;

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    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;

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    width: 100%;

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  #thumbnailContainer.thumbnail-3 .thumbnail-item:nth-last-of-type(2) img {
    border-radius: 16px;

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    color: var(--text-color-action);
    text-decoration: none;
<div class$="[[getPreviewContainerClass_(ambientModeEnabled_, loading_)]]" id="container">
  <!-- Use inline svg in order to reference the clip path by url() -->
  <svg fill="none"
      viewBox="0 0 130 130"
      <clipPath id="squiggleClip">
        <path d="M 1.4375 72.371094 C -0.332031 69.402344 -0.476562 65.738281 1.054688 62.640625 L 3.210938 58.28125 C 4.125 56.429688 4.457031 54.339844 4.15625 52.296875 L 3.457031 47.484375 C 2.957031 44.066406 4.226562 40.625 6.824219 38.347656 L 10.484375 35.148438 C 12.039062 33.785156 13.144531 31.984375 13.652344 29.980469 L 14.84375 25.265625 C 15.691406 21.914062 18.179688 19.222656 21.453125 18.113281 L 26.058594 16.554688 C 28.015625 15.894531 29.726562 14.652344 30.960938 12.996094 L 33.867188 9.097656 C 35.929688 6.324219 39.261719 4.789062 42.710938 5.019531 L 47.5625 5.339844 C 49.625 5.480469 51.679688 4.984375 53.453125 3.925781 L 57.628906 1.4375 C 60.597656 -0.332031 64.261719 -0.476562 67.359375 1.054688 L 71.71875 3.210938 C 73.570312 4.125 75.660156 4.457031 77.703125 4.15625 L 82.515625 3.457031 C 85.933594 2.957031 89.375 4.226562 91.652344 6.824219 L 94.851562 10.484375 C 96.214844 12.039062 98.015625 13.144531 100.019531 13.652344 L 104.734375 14.84375 C 108.085938 15.691406 110.777344 18.179688 111.886719 21.453125 L 113.445312 26.058594 C 114.105469 28.015625 115.347656 29.726562 117.003906 30.960938 L 120.902344 33.867188 C 123.675781 35.929688 125.210938 39.261719 124.980469 42.710938 L 124.660156 47.5625 C 124.519531 49.625 125.015625 51.679688 126.074219 53.453125 L 128.5625 57.628906 C 130.332031 60.597656 130.476562 64.261719 128.945312 67.359375 L 126.792969 71.71875 C 125.875 73.570312 125.542969 75.660156 125.84375 77.703125 L 126.542969 82.515625 C 127.042969 85.933594 125.773438 89.375 123.175781 91.652344 L 119.515625 94.851562 C 117.960938 96.214844 116.855469 98.015625 116.347656 100.019531 L 115.15625 104.734375 C 114.308594 108.085938 111.820312 110.777344 108.546875 111.886719 L 103.941406 113.445312 C 101.984375 114.105469 100.273438 115.347656 99.039062 117.003906 L 96.132812 120.902344 C 94.070312 123.675781 90.738281 125.210938 87.289062 124.980469 L 82.4375 124.660156 C 80.375 124.519531 78.320312 125.015625 76.546875 126.074219 L 72.371094 128.5625 C 69.402344 130.332031 65.738281 130.476562 62.640625 128.945312 L 58.28125 126.792969 C 56.429688 125.875 54.339844 125.542969 52.296875 125.84375 L 47.484375 126.542969 C 44.066406 127.042969 40.625 125.773438 38.347656 123.175781 L 35.148438 119.515625 C 33.785156 117.960938 31.984375 116.855469 29.980469 116.347656 L 25.265625 115.15625 C 21.914062 114.308594 19.222656 111.820312 18.113281 108.546875 L 16.554688 103.941406 C 15.894531 101.984375 14.652344 100.273438 12.996094 99.039062 L 9.097656 96.132812 C 6.324219 94.070312 4.789062 90.738281 5.019531 87.289062 L 5.339844 82.4375 C 5.480469 80.375 4.984375 78.320312 3.925781 76.546875 Z M 1.4375 72.371094 ">
  <template is="dom-if" if="[[!isAmbientModeAllowed_]]">
    <div id="ambientLabel" class="disabled">
      <cr-icon-button disabled
    <div ambient-mode-managed
      <div class="preview-image-border"></div>
      <img class="preview-image disabled"
    <div id="messageContainer">
      <span class="text" id="turnOnDescription">
      <cr-button class="primary action-button">
        <!-- TODO(b/282827734): create new p-link for the support page -->
        <a id="helpLink" href=""
  <template is="dom-if" if="[[isAmbientModeAllowed_]]">
    <div id="ambientLabel">
      <h2 class="clickable" on-click="onClickAmbientSubpageLink_">
      <cr-icon-button aria-label="$i18n{ariaLabelChangeScreensaver}"
    <template is="dom-if" if="[[loading_]]" restamp>
      <div id="imagePlaceholder" class="placeholder"></div>
      <div id="thumbnailPlaceholder" class="placeholder"></div>
      <div id="textPlaceholder"
          class="preview-text-placeholder album-info-mainpage">
        <div class="placeholder"></div>
        <div class="placeholder"></div>
    <template is="dom-if" if="[[!loading_]]">
      <template is="dom-if" if="[[!ambientModeEnabled_]]" restamp>
        <div aria-hidden="true"
          <div class="preview-image-border"></div>
          <img class="preview-image disabled"
        <div id="messageContainer">
          <span class="text" id="turnOnDescription">
          <cr-button aria-describedby="turnOnDescription"
              class="primary action-button"
      <template is="dom-if" if="[[ambientModeEnabled_]]">
        <!-- TODO(b/226235802) - Add failed/error state when no previewAlbums
              available. Currently, we show blank containers -->
        <template is="dom-if" if="[[previewAlbums_]]">
          <div id="imageContainer" class="preview-image-container">
            <div class="preview-image-border"></div>
            <img alt$="[[getAlbumTitle_(firstPreviewAlbum_)]]"
                class="preview-image clickable"
                is-google-photos is="cr-auto-img"
          <div aria-hidden="true"
            <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[thumbnailImages_]]">
              <div class="thumbnail-item">
                <img auto-src="[[item.url]]"
          <h3 aria-label$="[[getPreviewTextAriaLabel_(firstPreviewAlbum_, topicSource_, previewAlbums_)]]"
              class="preview-text-container album-info-mainpage"
            <span aria-hidden="true"
            <span aria-hidden="true" id="albumDescription">
              [[getAlbumDescription_(topicSource_, previewAlbums_)]]