
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/in_memory_url_index_types.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/suggestion_group_util.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"

class AutocompleteInput;
class AutocompleteProviderListener;


// The AutocompleteProviders each return different kinds of matches,
// such as history or search matches.  These matches are given
// "relevance" scores.  Higher scores are better matches than lower
// scores.  The relevance scores and classes providing the respective
// matches are as listed below.
// IMPORTANT CAVEAT: The tables below are NOT COMPLETE.  Developers
// often forget to keep these tables in sync with the code when they
// change scoring algorithms or add new providers.  For example,
// neither the HistoryQuickProvider (which is a provider that appears
// often) nor the ShortcutsProvider are listed here.  For the best
// idea of how scoring works and what providers are affecting which
// queries, play with chrome://omnibox/ for a while.  While the tables
// below may have some utility, nothing compares with first-hand
// investigation and experience.
// ZERO SUGGEST (empty input type) on NTP:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------|-----
// Query Tiles (Android only)                                          |  1599
// Clipboard (Mobile only)                                             |  1501
// Remote Zero Suggest (relevance expected to be overridden by server) |  100
// Local History Zero Suggest (signed-out users)                       |  1450--
// Local History Zero Suggest (signed-in users)                        |  500--
// ZERO SUGGEST (empty input type) on SERP:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------|-----
// Verbatim Match (Mobile only)                                        |  1600
// Clipboard (Mobile only)                                             |  1501
// ZERO SUGGEST (empty input type) on OTHER (e.g., contextual web):
// --------------------------------------------------------------------|-----
// Verbatim Match (Mobile only)                                        |  1600
// Clipboard (Mobile only)                                             |  1501
// Most Visited Carousel (Android only)                                |  1500
// Most Visited Sites (Mobile only)                                    |  600--
// Remote Zero Suggest (relevance expected to be overridden by server) |  100
// UNKNOWN input type:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------|-----
// Keyword (non-substituting or in keyword UI mode, exact match)       | 1500
// HistoryURL (good exact or inline autocomplete matches, some inexact)| 1410++
// HistoryURL (intranet url never visited match, some inexact matches) | 1400++
// Search Primary Provider (past query in history within 2 days)       | 1399**
// Search Primary Provider (what you typed)                            | 1300
// HistoryURL (what you typed, some inexact matches)                   | 1200++
// Keyword (substituting, exact match)                                 | 1100
// Search Primary Provider (past query in history older than 2 days)   | 1050*
// HistoryURL (some inexact matches)                                   |  900++
// BookmarkProvider (prefix match in bookmark title or URL)            |  900+-
// Built-in                                                            |  860++
// Search Primary Provider (navigational suggestion)                   |  800++
// Search Primary Provider (suggestion)                                |  600++
// Keyword (inexact match)                                             |  450
// Search Secondary Provider (what you typed)                          |  250
// Search Secondary Provider (past query in history)                   |  200*
// Search Secondary Provider (navigational suggestion)                 |  150++
// Search Secondary Provider (suggestion)                              |  100++
// Non Personalized On Device Head Suggest Provider                    |    *
//                  (default value 99--, can be changed by Finch)
// Document Suggestions (*experimental): value controlled by Finch     |    *
// URL input type:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------|-----
// Keyword (non-substituting or in keyword UI mode, exact match)       | 1500
// HistoryURL (good exact or inline autocomplete matches, some inexact)| 1410++
// HistoryURL (intranet url never visited match, some inexact matches) | 1400++
// HistoryURL (what you typed, some inexact matches)                   | 1200++
// Keyword (substituting, exact match)                                 | 1100
// HistoryURL (some inexact matches)                                   |  900++
// Built-in                                                            |  860++
// Search Primary Provider (what you typed)                            |  850
// Search Primary Provider (navigational suggestion)                   |  800++
// Search Primary Provider (past query in history)                     |  750*
// Keyword (inexact match)                                             |  700
// Search Primary Provider (suggestion)                                |  300++
// Search Secondary Provider (what you typed)                          |  250
// Search Secondary Provider (past query in history)                   |  200*
// Search Secondary Provider (navigational suggestion)                 |  150++
// Search Secondary Provider (suggestion)                              |  100++
// Non Personalized On Device Head Suggest Provider                    |   99--
// QUERY input type:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------|-----
// Search Primary or Secondary (past query in history within 2 days)   | 1599**
// Keyword (non-substituting or in keyword UI mode, exact match)       | 1500
// Keyword (substituting, exact match)                                 | 1450
// Search Primary Provider (past query in history within 2 days)       | 1399**
// Search Primary Provider (what you typed)                            | 1300
// Search Primary Provider (past query in history older than 2 days)   | 1050*
// HistoryURL (inexact match)                                          |  900++
// BookmarkProvider (prefix match in bookmark title or URL)            |  900+-
// Search Primary Provider (navigational suggestion)                   |  800++
// Search Primary Provider (suggestion)                                |  600++
// Keyword (inexact match)                                             |  450
// Search Secondary Provider (what you typed)                          |  250
// Search Secondary Provider (past query in history)                   |  200*
// Search Secondary Provider (navigational suggestion)                 |  150++
// Search Secondary Provider (suggestion)                              |  100++
// Non Personalized On Device Head Suggest Provider                    |    *
//                  (default value 99--, can be changed by Finch)
// (A search keyword is a keyword with a replacement string; a bookmark keyword
// is a keyword with no replacement string, that is, a shortcut for a URL.)
// There are two possible providers for search suggestions. If the user has
// typed a keyword, then the primary provider is the keyword provider and the
// secondary provider is the default provider. If the user has not typed a
// keyword, then the primary provider corresponds to the default provider.
// Search providers may supply relevance values along with their results to be
// used in place of client-side calculated values.
// The value column gives the ranking returned from the various providers.
// ++: a series of matches with relevance from n up to (n + max_matches).
// --: a series of matches with relevance from n down to (n - max_matches).
// *:  relevance score falls off over time (discounted 50 points @ 15 minutes,
//     450 points @ two weeks)
// **: relevance score falls off over two days (discounted 99 points after two
//     days).
// +-: A base score that the provider will adjust upward or downward based on
//     provider-specific metrics.
// A single result provider for the autocomplete system.  Given user input, the
// provider decides what (if any) matches to return, their relevance, and their
// classifications.
class AutocompleteProvider
    : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AutocompleteProvider> {};