
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match_type.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_features.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"
#include "third_party/omnibox_proto/entity_info.pb.h"

namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
}  // namespace base

// The set of parameters customizing the HUP scoring.
struct HUPScoringParams {};

namespace OmniboxFieldTrial {

// A mapping that contains multipliers indicating that matches of the
// specified type should have their relevance score multiplied by the
// given number.  Omitted types are assumed to have multipliers of 1.0.

// A vector that maps from the number of matching pages to the document
// specificity score used in HistoryQuick provider / ScoredHistoryMatch
// scoring. The vector is sorted by the size_t (the number of matching pages).
// If an entry is omitted, the appropriate value is assumed to be the one in
// the later bucket.  For example, with a vector containing {{1, 2.0},
// {3, 1.5}}, the score for 2 is inferred to be 1.5.  Values beyond the
// end of the vector are assumed to have scores of 1.0.

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For any experiment that's part of the bundled omnibox field trial.

// Returns a bitmap containing AutocompleteProvider::Type values
// that should be disabled in AutocompleteController.
int GetDisabledProviderTypes();

// Returns whether the user is in any dynamic field trial where the
// group has a the prefix |group_prefix|.
bool HasDynamicFieldTrialGroupPrefix(const char* group_prefix);

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the suggest field trial.

// Populates |field_trial_hash| with hashes of the active suggest field trial
// names, if any.
void GetActiveSuggestFieldTrialHashes(std::vector<uint32_t>* field_trial_hash);

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the SearchHistory experiment that's part of the bundled omnibox
// field trial.

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the DemoteByType experiment that's part of the bundled omnibox field
// trial.

// If the user is in an experiment group that, in the provided
// |current_page_classification| context, demotes the relevance scores
// of certain types of matches, populates the |demotions_by_type| map
// appropriately.  Otherwise, sets |demotions_by_type| to its default
// value based on the context.
void GetDemotionsByType(
    metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification current_page_classification,
    DemotionMultipliers* demotions_by_type);

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For experiments related to the number of suggestions shown.

// If the user is in an experiment group that specifies the max results for a
// particular provider, returns the limit. Otherwise returns the default limit.
size_t GetProviderMaxMatches(AutocompleteProvider::Type provider);

// Returns whether the feature to limit the number of shown URL matches
// is enabled.
bool IsMaxURLMatchesFeatureEnabled();

// Returns the maximum number of URL matches that should be allowed within
// the Omnibox if there are search-type matches available to replace them.
// If the capping feature is not enabled, or the parameter cannot be
// parsed, it returns 0.
size_t GetMaxURLMatches();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HistoryURL provider new scoring experiment that is part of the
// bundled omnibox field trial.

// Initializes the HUP |scoring_params| based on the active HUP scoring
// experiment.
void GetDefaultHUPScoringParams(HUPScoringParams* scoring_params);
void GetExperimentalHUPScoringParams(HUPScoringParams* scoring_params);

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HQPBookmarkValue experiment that's part of the
// bundled omnibox field trial.

// Returns the value an untyped visit to a bookmark should receive.
// Compare this value with the default of 1 for non-bookmarked untyped
// visits to pages and the default of 20 for typed visits.  Returns
// 10 if the bookmark value experiment isn't active.
float HQPBookmarkValue();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HQPAllowMatchInTLD experiment that's part of the
// bundled omnibox field trial.

// Returns true if HQP should allow an input term to match in the
// top level domain (e.g., .com) of a URL.  Returns false if the
// allow match in TLD experiment isn't active.
bool HQPAllowMatchInTLDValue();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HQPAllowMatchInScheme experiment that's part of the
// bundled omnibox field trial.

// Returns true if HQP should allow an input term to match in the
// scheme (e.g., http://) of a URL.  Returns false if the allow
// match in scheme experiment isn't active.
bool HQPAllowMatchInSchemeValue();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For SearchProvider related experiments.

// Returns how the search provider should poll Suggest. Currently, we support
// measuring polling delay from the last keystroke or last suggest request.
void GetSuggestPollingStrategy(bool* from_last_keystroke,
                               int* polling_delay_ms);

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For HQP scoring related experiments to control the topicality and scoring
// ranges of relevancy scores.

// Returns the scoring buckets for HQP experiments. Returns an empty string
// if scoring buckets are not specified in the field trial. Scoring buckets
// are stored in string form giving mapping from (topicality_score,
// frequency_score) to final relevance score. Please see GetRelevancyScore()
// under chrome/browser/history::ScoredHistoryMatch for details.
std::string HQPExperimentalScoringBuckets();

// Returns the topicality threshold for HQP experiments. Returns a default
// value of 0.5 if no threshold is specified in the field trial.
float HQPExperimentalTopicalityThreshold();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For experiment to limit HQP url indexing that's part of the bundled
// omnibox field trial.

// Returns the maximum number of history urls to index for HQP at the startup.
// Note: this limit is only applied at startup and more urls can be indexed
// during the session. Returns -1 if limit is not set by trials.
int MaxNumHQPUrlsIndexedAtStartup();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HQPFixFrequencyScoring experiment that's part of the
// bundled omnibox field trial.

// Returns the number of visits HQP should use when computing frequency
// scores.  Returns 10 if the experiment isn't active.
size_t HQPMaxVisitsToScore();

// Returns the score that should be given to typed transitions.  (The score
// of non-typed transitions is 1.)  Returns 1.5 if the experiment isn't
// active.
float HQPTypedValue();

// Returns NumMatchesScores; see comment by the declaration of it.
// If the experiment isn't active, returns an NumMatchesScores of
// {{1, 3}, {2, 2.5}, {3, 2}, {4, 1.5}}.
NumMatchesScores HQPNumMatchesScores();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the HQPNumTitleWords experiment that's part of the
// bundled omnibox field trial.

// Returns the number of title words that are allowed to contribute
// to the topicality score.  Words later in the title are ignored.
// Returns 20 as a default if the experiment isn't active.
size_t HQPNumTitleWordsToAllow();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For the replace HUP experiment that's part of the bundled omnibox field
// trial.

// Returns whether HistoryQuick provider (HQP) should attempt to score
// suggestions also with a HistoryURL-provider-like (HUP-like) mode, and
// assign suggestions the max of this score and the normal score.
// Returns false if the experiment isn't active.
bool HQPAlsoDoHUPLikeScoring();

// Returns whether HistoryURL provider (HUP) should search its database for
// URLs and suggest them.  If false, HistoryURL provider merely creates the
// URL-what-you-typed match when appropriate.  Return true if the experiment
// isn't active.
bool HUPSearchDatabase();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// For UI experiments.

// On Device Suggestions feature and its helper functions.
// TODO( clean up head suggest flags once
// no longer happens.
bool IsOnDeviceHeadSuggestEnabledForIncognito();
bool IsOnDeviceHeadSuggestEnabledForNonIncognito();
bool IsOnDeviceHeadSuggestEnabledForAnyMode();
bool IsOnDeviceHeadSuggestEnabledForLocale(const std::string& locale);
bool IsOnDeviceTailSuggestEnabled();
bool ShouldEncodeLeadingSpaceForOnDeviceTailSuggest();
bool ShouldApplyOnDeviceHeadModelSelectionFix();
// Functions can be used in both non-incognito and incognito.
std::string OnDeviceHeadModelLocaleConstraint(bool is_incognito);

// Omnibox UI Simplification - Square icon backgrounds.
// Blue rounded rect background icons for answers e.g. '1+1' and 'define x'.
// Does not apply to weather answers. Also updates the shade of blue and the
// stroke color.
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSquareSuggestIconAnswers;
// Gray rounded rect background for search loop and nav fav icons.
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSquareSuggestIconIcons;
// Gray rounded rect background for entities.
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSquareSuggestIconEntities;
// The entity size relative to the background. 0.5 means the entity
// takes up half of the space. Should be (0, 1). No effect if
// `kSquareSuggestIconEntities` is false or this is 1.
extern const base::FeatureParam<double> kSquareSuggestIconEntitiesScale;
// Gray rounded rect background for weather icons.
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSquareSuggestIconWeather;

// Omnibox UI simplification - uniform row heights.
// Returns true if the feature to enable uniform row height is enabled.
bool IsUniformRowHeightEnabled();

// Specifies the row height in pixels for omnibox suggestions.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kSuggestionRowHeight;
// Specifies the vertical margin to use in one-line rich entity and answer
// suggestions.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kRichSuggestionVerticalMargin;

// Omnibox GM3 - text style.
// Returns true if the feature to enable GM3 text styling is enabled.
bool IsGM3TextStyleEnabled();
// Specifies the omnibox font size (Touch UI).
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kFontSizeTouchUI;
// Specifies the omnibox font size (non-Touch UI).
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kFontSizeNonTouchUI;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Clipboard URL suggestions:

// The parameter "ClipboardURLMaximumAge" doesn't live in this file; instead
// it lives in
// components/open_from_clipboard/
// Please see ClipboardRecentContent::MaximumAgeOfClipboard() for the usage
// of it.  The parameter cannot live here because that component cannot
// include this component, else there would be a circular dependency.

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Exposed publicly for the sake of unittests.
extern const char kBundledExperimentFieldTrialName[];
// Rule names used by the bundled experiment.
extern const char kDisableProvidersRule[];
extern const char kSearchHistoryRule[];
extern const char kDemoteByTypeRule[];
extern const char kHQPBookmarkValueRule[];
extern const char kHQPTypedValueRule[];
extern const char kHQPAllowMatchInTLDRule[];
extern const char kHQPAllowMatchInSchemeRule[];
extern const char kMeasureSuggestPollingDelayFromLastKeystrokeRule[];
extern const char kSuggestPollingDelayMsRule[];
extern const char kHQPMaxVisitsToScoreRule[];
extern const char kHQPNumMatchesScoresRule[];
extern const char kHQPNumTitleWordsRule[];
extern const char kHQPAlsoDoHUPLikeScoringRule[];
extern const char kHUPSearchDatabaseRule[];
extern const char kPreventUWYTDefaultForNonURLInputsRule[];
extern const char kHQPAllowDupMatchesForScoringRule[];
extern const char kEmphasizeTitlesRule[];

// Parameter names used by the HUP new scoring experiments.
extern const char kHUPNewScoringTypedCountRelevanceCapParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringTypedCountHalfLifeTimeParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringTypedCountScoreBucketsParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringTypedCountUseDecayFactorParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringVisitedCountRelevanceCapParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringVisitedCountHalfLifeTimeParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringVisitedCountScoreBucketsParam[];
extern const char kHUPNewScoringVisitedCountUseDecayFactorParam[];

// Parameter names used by the HQP experimental scoring experiments.
extern const char kHQPExperimentalScoringBucketsParam[];
extern const char kHQPExperimentalScoringTopicalityThresholdParam[];

// Parameter names used by the experiment that limits the number of history
// urls indexed for suggestions.
extern const char kMaxNumHQPUrlsIndexedAtStartupOnLowEndDevicesParam[];
extern const char kMaxNumHQPUrlsIndexedAtStartupOnNonLowEndDevicesParam[];

// Parameter names used by num suggestion experiments.
extern const char kMaxZeroSuggestMatchesParam[];
extern const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesParam[];
extern const char kUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesByProviderParam[];
extern const char kUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesParam[];
// The URL cutoff and increased limit for dynamic max autocompletion.
// - When dynamic max autocompletion is disabled, the omnibox allows
//   UIMaxAutocompleteMatches suggestions.
// - When dynamic max autocompletion is enabled, the omnibox allows
//   suggestions up to the increased limit if doing so has URL cutoff or less
//   URL suggestions.
// E.g. a UIMaxAutocompleteMatches of 8, URL cutoff of 2, and increased limit of
// 10 translates to "show 10 or 9 suggestions if doing so includes at most 2
// URLs; otherwise show 8 suggestions.
extern const char kDynamicMaxAutocompleteUrlCutoffParam[];
extern const char kDynamicMaxAutocompleteIncreasedLimitParam[];

// Parameter names used by on device head model.
extern const char kOnDeviceHeadModelLocaleConstraint[];
extern const char kOnDeviceHeadModelSelectionFix[];

// The amount of time to wait before sending a new suggest request after the
// previous one unless overridden by a field trial parameter.
// Non-const because some unittests modify this value.
extern int kDefaultMinimumTimeBetweenSuggestQueriesMs;

// Parameter names used by omnibox experiments that hide the path (and
// optionally subdomains) in the steady state.
extern const char kOmniboxUIUnelideURLOnHoverThresholdMsParam[];

// `FeatureParam`s

// Local history zero-prefix (aka zero-suggest) and prefix suggestions.

// Determines the debouncing delay (in milliseconds) to use when throttling ZPS
// prefetch requests.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kZeroSuggestPrefetchDebounceDelay;

// Determines whether to calculate debouncing delay relative to the latest
// successful run (instead of the latest run request).
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kZeroSuggestPrefetchDebounceFromLastRun;

// Determines the maximum number of entries stored by the in-memory ZPS cache.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kZeroSuggestCacheMaxSize;

// Determines the relevance score for the local history zero-prefix suggestions.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kLocalHistoryZeroSuggestRelevanceScore;

// Returns true if any of the zero-suggest prefetching features are enabled.
bool IsZeroSuggestPrefetchingEnabled();

// Returns whether zero-suggest prefetching is enabled in the given context.
bool IsZeroSuggestPrefetchingEnabledInContext(
    metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification);

// Rich autocompletion.
bool IsRichAutocompletionEnabled();
bool RichAutocompletionShowAdditionalText();
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kRichAutocompletionAutocompleteTitles;
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
extern const base::FeatureParam<int>
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
extern const base::FeatureParam<int>
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kRichAutocompletionShowAdditionalText;
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
extern const base::FeatureParam<int>
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kRichAutocompletionCounterfactual;
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>

// Specifies the relevance scores for the Site Search Starter Pack ACMatches
// (e.g. @bookmarks, @history) provided by the Builtin Provider.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kSiteSearchStarterPackRelevanceScore;

// Domain suggestions.
// Whether enabled for counterfactual logging; i.e. shouldn't use domain
// suggestions/scores.
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kDomainSuggestionsCounterfactual;
// The minimum number of unique URLs a domain needs to be considered highly
// visited.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsTypedUrlsThreshold;
// The minimum number of typed visits a URL needs to count for
// `kDomainSuggestionsTypedUrlsThreshold`
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsTypedUrlsOffset;
// The minimum number of typed visits a domain needs to be considered highly
// visited.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsTypedVisitThreshold;
// The value to subtract from each URL's typed visits before contributing to
// `kDomainSuggestionsTypedVisitThreshold`.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsTypedVisitOffset;
// The max each visit can contribute to `kDomainSuggestionsTypedVisitThreshold`.
// E.g. if 2, '' is typed-visited 5 times, and '' is
// typed visited 1 time, then '' will be scored min(5,2) + min(1,2) =
// 3, rather than 5+1 = 6.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsTypedVisitCapPerVisit;
// The input inclusive minimum length to trigger domain suggestions.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsMinInputLength;
// The maximum number of matches per domain to suggest.
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDomainSuggestionsMaxMatchesPerDomain;
// The scoring factor used to boost HQP suggestions from highly visited domains.
// A value of 1 is the control behavior. A value of 2 will boost scores, but not
// necessarily double them due to how HQP maps the factors to actual scores.
extern const base::FeatureParam<double> kDomainSuggestionsScoreFactor;
// Whether to use an alternative scoring algorithm based on last visit time to
// boost scores (e.g., 1000 - 80 / day). If disabled, domain suggestions use
// traditional HQP scoring (optionally scaled by
// `kDomainSuggestionsScoreFactor`). If enabled, they use the max of the
// traditional and the alternate scoring algorithms.
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kDomainSuggestionsAlternativeScoring;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ML Relevance Scoring ->

// The ML Relevance Scoring features and params configuration.
// Use `GetMLConfig()` to get the current configuration.
// `MLConfig` has the same thread-safety as base::FeatureList. The first call to
// `GetMLConfig()` (which performs initialization) must be done single threaded
// on the main thread. After that, it can be called from any thread.
struct MLConfig {};

// A testing utility class for overriding the current configuration returned
// by the global or member `GetMLConfig()` and restoring it once the instance
// goes out of scope.
class ScopedMLConfigForTesting {};

// Returns the current configuration.
const MLConfig& GetMLConfig();

// If enabled, logs Omnibox scoring signals to OmniboxEventProto for training
// the ML scoring models.
bool IsReportingUrlScoringSignalsEnabled();

// If enabled, populates scoring signals of URL matches.
bool IsPopulatingUrlScoringSignalsEnabled();

// Whether the scoring signal annotators are enabled for logging Omnibox scoring
// signals to OmniboxEventProto.
bool AreScoringSignalsAnnotatorsEnabled();

// If enabled, runs the ML scoring model to assign new relevance scores to the
// URL suggestions and reranks them.
bool IsMlUrlScoringEnabled();

// If true, runs the ML scoring model but does not assign new relevance scores
// to URL suggestions.
bool IsMlUrlScoringCounterfactual();

// If true, increases the number of candidates the url autocomplete providers
// pass to the controller.
bool IsMlUrlScoringUnlimitedNumCandidatesEnabled();

// Whether the URL scoring model is enabled.
bool IsUrlScoringModelEnabled();

// Whether ML URL score caching is enabled.
bool IsMlUrlScoreCachingEnabled();

enum class PiecewiseMappingVariant {};

// Converts the `piecewise_break_points` feature param into a vector of (x, y)
// coordinates specifying the "break points" of the piecewise ML score mapping
// function.
// The `mapping_variant` parameter allows callers to fetch an alternative list
// of break points which might be more relevant for suggestions of a certain
// type.
std::vector<std::pair<double, int>> GetPiecewiseMappingBreakPoints(
    PiecewiseMappingVariant mapping_variant =

// <- ML Relevance Scoring
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Actions In Suggest ->
// When set to true, permits Entity suggestion with associated Actions to be
// promoted over the Escape Hatch.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<bool> kActionsInSuggestPromoteEntitySuggestion(

// Specifies which actions in suggest will be offered to users.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<omnibox::ActionInfo::ActionType>::Option
    kActionsInSuggestRemoveActionTypesVariants[] =;
constexpr base::FeatureParam<omnibox::ActionInfo::ActionType>

constexpr base::FeatureParam<bool> kAnswerActionsCounterfactual(
constexpr base::FeatureParam<bool> kAnswerActionsShowAboveKeyboard(

constexpr base::FeatureParam<bool> kAnswerActionsShowIfUrlsPresent(

constexpr base::FeatureParam<bool> kAnswerActionsShowRichCard(

// Controls the placement of Reviews and Call actions position.
// false => Call, Directions, Reviews.
// true  => Reviews, Directions, Call.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<bool> kActionsInSuggestPromoteReviewsAction(
// <- Actions In Suggest
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Touch Down Trigger For Prefetch ->
extern const base::FeatureParam<int>
// <- Touch Down Trigger For Prefetch
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Site Search Starter Pack ->
// When non-empty, the value of this param overrides the `search_url` for the
// @gemini scope. This happens when the URL gets served, it does not affect the
// DB or TemplateURLService's copy of the URL.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kGeminiUrlOverride;

// Whether the expansion pack for the site search starter pack is enabled.
bool IsStarterPackExpansionEnabled();

// When true, enables an informational IPH message at the bottom of the Omnibox
// directing users to certain starter pack engines.
bool IsStarterPackIPHEnabled();

// When true, enables an informational IPH message at the bottom of the Omnibox
// directing users to featured Enterprise search created by policy.
bool IsFeaturedEnterpriseSearchIPHEnabled();

// <- Site Search Starter Pack
// ---------------------------------------------------------

// New params should be inserted above this comment. They should be ordered
// consistently with `omnibox_features.h`. They should be formatted as:
// - Short comment categorizing the relevant features & params.
// - Optional: `bool Is[FeatureName]Enabled();` helpers that check if the
//   related features in `omnibox_features.h` are enabled.
// - Optional: Helper getter functions to determine the param values when
//   they're not trivial. E.g. a helper may be needed to return the min of 2
//   params. Trivial helpers that simply return the param values should be
//   omitted.
// - `extern const base::FeatureParam<[T]> k[ParamName];` declarations for
//   params. Param names should not begin with a `omnibox` prefix or end with a
//   `Param` suffix. Names for the same or related feature should share a common
//   prefix.
// An example:
  // Drive suggestions.
  // True if the feature to enable the document provider is enabled.
  bool IsDocumentSuggestionsEnabled();
  // True if the feature to debounce the document provider is enabled.
  bool IsDocumentDebouncingEnabled();
  // The minimum input length for which to show document suggestions.
  extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDocumentMinChar;
  // If true, document suggestions will be hidden but logged for analysis.
  extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kDocumentCounterfactual;

namespace internal {
// The bundled omnibox experiment comes with a set of parameters
// (key-value pairs).  Each key indicates a certain rule that applies in
// a certain context.  The value indicates what the consequences of
// applying the rule are.  For example, the value of a SearchHistory rule
// in the context of a search results page might indicate that we should
// prevent search history matches from inlining.
// This function returns the value associated with the |rule| that applies
// in the current context (which currently consists of |page_classification|
// and whether Instant Extended is enabled).  If no such rule exists in the
// current context, fall back to the rule in various wildcard contexts and
// return its value if found.  If the rule remains unfound in the global
// context, returns the empty string.  For more details, including how we
// prioritize different wildcard contexts, see the implementation.  How to
// interpret the value is left to the caller; this is rule-dependent.
// Deprecated. Use GetValueForRuleInContextByFeature instead.
std::string GetValueForRuleInContext(
    const std::string& rule,
    metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification);

// Same as GetValueForRuleInContext, but by |feature| instead of the bundled
// omnibox experiment.  Prefer to use this method over GetValueForRuleInContext
// when possible, as it can be useful to configure parameters outside of the
// omnibox bundled experiment.
std::string GetValueForRuleInContextByFeature(
    const base::Feature& feature,
    const std::string& rule,
    metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification);

}  // namespace internal

}  // namespace OmniboxFieldTrial