// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.omnibox;
import org.chromium.base.BaseSwitches;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.base.ResettersForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.SysUtils;
import org.chromium.base.cached_flags.BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter;
import org.chromium.base.cached_flags.CachedFieldTrialParameter;
import org.chromium.base.cached_flags.CachedFlag;
import org.chromium.base.cached_flags.IntCachedFieldTrialParameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
/** This is the place where we define these: List of Omnibox features and parameters. */
public class OmniboxFeatures {
// Threshold for low RAM devices. We won't be showing suggestion images
// on devices that have less RAM than this to avoid bloat and reduce user-visible
// slowdown while spinning up an image decompression process.
// We set the threshold to 1.5GB to reduce number of users affected by this restriction.
private static final int LOW_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_KB = (int) (1.5 * 1024 * 1024);
// Maximum number of attempts to retrieve page behind the default match per Omnibox input
// session.
// Auto-populated list of Omnibox cached feature flags.
// Each flag created via newFlag() will be automatically added to this list.
private static final List<CachedFlag> sCachedFlags = new ArrayList<>();
private static final List<CachedFieldTrialParameter> sCachedParams = new ArrayList<>();
/// Holds the information whether logic should focus on preserving memory on this device.
private static Boolean sIsLowMemoryDevice;
public static final CachedFlag sOmniboxAnswerActions =
newFlag(OmniboxFeatureList.OMNIBOX_ANSWER_ACTIONS, false);
public static final CachedFlag sAnimateSuggestionsListAppearance =
public static final CachedFlag sTouchDownTriggerForPrefetch =
public static final CachedFlag sRichInlineAutocomplete =
newFlag(OmniboxFeatureList.RICH_AUTOCOMPLETION, false);
public static final CachedFlag sAblateVisibleNetworks =
newFlag(OmniboxFeatureList.OMNIBOX_ABLATE_VISIBLE_NETWORKS, false);
* Whether GeolocationHeader should use {@link
* com.google.android.gms.location.FusedLocationProviderClient} to determine the location sent
* in omnibox requests.
public static final CachedFlag sUseFusedLocationProvider =
newFlag(OmniboxFeatureList.USE_FUSED_LOCATION_PROVIDER, false);
public static final CachedFlag sAsyncViewInflation =
newFlag(OmniboxFeatureList.OMNIBOX_ASYNC_VIEW_INFLATION, false);
public static final CachedFlag sElegantTextHeight =
newFlag(OmniboxFeatureList.OMNIBOX_ELEGANT_TEXT_HEIGHT, false);
public static final BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter sAnswerActionsShowAboveKeyboard =
newBooleanParam(sOmniboxAnswerActions, "AnswerActionsShowAboveKeyboard", false);
public static final BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter sAnswerActionsShowIfUrlsPresent =
newBooleanParam(sOmniboxAnswerActions, "ShowIfUrlsPresent", false);
public static final BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter sAnswerActionsShowRichCard =
newBooleanParam(sOmniboxAnswerActions, "ShowRichCard", false);
public static final IntCachedFieldTrialParameter sTouchDownTriggerMaxPrefetchesPerSession =
public static final BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter sRichInlineShowFullUrl =
newBooleanParam(sRichInlineAutocomplete, "rich_autocomplete_full_url", false);
public static final IntCachedFieldTrialParameter sRichInlineMinimumInputChars =
* Create an instance of a CachedFeatureFlag.
* @param featureName the name of the feature flag
* @param defaultValue the default value to return if the feature state is unknown
private static CachedFlag newFlag(String featureName, boolean defaultValue) {
var cachedFlag = new CachedFlag(OmniboxFeatureMap.getInstance(), featureName, defaultValue);
return cachedFlag;
* Create an instance of a BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter.
* <p>Newly created flag will be automatically added to list of persisted feature flags.
* @param flag the Feature flag the parameter is associated with
* @param variationName the name of the associated parameter
* @param defaultValue the default value to return if the feature state is unknown
private static BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter newBooleanParam(
CachedFlag flag, String variationName, boolean defaultValue) {
var param =
new BooleanCachedFieldTrialParameter(
OmniboxFeatureMap.getInstance(), flag.getFeatureName(), variationName, defaultValue);
return param;
* Create an instance of a IntCachedFieldTrialParameter.
* <p>Newly created flag will be automatically added to list of persisted feature flags.
* @param flag the Feature flag the parameter is associated with
* @param variationName the name of the associated parameter
* @param defaultValue the default value to return if the feature state is unknown
private static IntCachedFieldTrialParameter newIntParam(
CachedFlag flag, String variationName, int defaultValue) {
var param =
new IntCachedFieldTrialParameter(
OmniboxFeatureMap.getInstance(), flag.getFeatureName(), variationName, defaultValue);
return param;
/** Retrieve list of CachedFlags that should be cached. */
public static List<CachedFlag> getFieldTrialsToCache() {
return sCachedFlags;
/** Retrieve list of FieldTrialParams that should be cached. */
public static List<CachedFieldTrialParameter> getFieldTrialParamsToCache() {
return sCachedParams;
* Returns whether the omnibox's recycler view pool should be pre-warmed prior to initial use.
public static boolean shouldPreWarmRecyclerViewPool() {
return !isLowMemoryDevice();
* Returns whether the device is to be considered low-end for any memory intensive operations.
public static boolean isLowMemoryDevice() {
if (sIsLowMemoryDevice == null) {
sIsLowMemoryDevice =
(SysUtils.amountOfPhysicalMemoryKB() < LOW_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_KB
&& !CommandLine.getInstance()
return sIsLowMemoryDevice;
* Returns whether a touch down event on a search suggestion should send a signal to prefetch
* the corresponding page.
public static boolean isTouchDownTriggerForPrefetchEnabled() {
return sTouchDownTriggerForPrefetch.isEnabled();
* Returns the maximum number of prefetches that can be triggered by touch down events within an
* omnibox session.
public static int getMaxPrefetchesPerOmniboxSession() {
return sTouchDownTriggerMaxPrefetchesPerSession.getValue();
/** Returns whether answer suggestions should be annotated with attached action chips. */
public static boolean shouldShowAnswerActions() {
return sOmniboxAnswerActions.isEnabled();
/** Returns whether answers with actions should be re-ordered to just above the keyboard */
public static boolean shouldShowAnswerWithActionsAboveKeyboard() {
return shouldShowAnswerActions() && sAnswerActionsShowAboveKeyboard.getValue();
* Returns whether answers with actions should be displayed if there are url suggestions
* present.
public static boolean shouldShowAnswerWithActionsIfUrlsPresent() {
return shouldShowAnswerActions() && sAnswerActionsShowIfUrlsPresent.getValue();
/** Returns whether answers with actions should be presented as a rich card */
public static boolean shouldShowRichAnswerCard() {
return shouldShowAnswerActions() && sAnswerActionsShowRichCard.getValue();
* Whether the appearance of the omnibox suggestions list should animated in sync with the soft
* keyboard.
public static boolean shouldAnimateSuggestionsListAppearance() {
return sAnimateSuggestionsListAppearance.isEnabled();
/** Indicate a low memory device for testing purposes. */
public static void setIsLowMemoryDeviceForTesting(boolean isLowMemDevice) {
sIsLowMemoryDevice = isLowMemDevice;
ResettersForTesting.register(() -> sIsLowMemoryDevice = null);
* Returns whether the rich inline autocomplete URL should be shown.
* @param inputCount the count of characters user input.
* @return Whether the rich inline autocomplete URL should be shown.
public static boolean shouldShowRichInlineAutocompleteUrl(int inputCount) {
return sRichInlineAutocomplete.isEnabled()
&& sRichInlineShowFullUrl.getValue()
&& inputCount >= sRichInlineMinimumInputChars.getValue();