// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Defines reducers for personalization app. Reducers must be a
* pure function that returns a new state object if anything has changed.
* @see [redux tutorial]{@link https://redux.js.org/tutorials/fundamentals/part-3-state-actions-reducers}
import {isNonEmptyArray} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/sea_pen/sea_pen_utils.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {ambientReducers} from './ambient/ambient_reducers.js';
import {AmbientState} from './ambient/ambient_state.js';
import {keyboardBacklightReducers} from './keyboard_backlight/keyboard_backlight_reducers.js';
import {KeyboardBacklightState} from './keyboard_backlight/keyboard_backlight_state.js';
import {Actions, PersonalizationActionName} from './personalization_actions.js';
import {PersonalizationState} from './personalization_state.js';
import {themeReducers} from './theme/theme_reducers.js';
import {ThemeState} from './theme/theme_state.js';
import {userReducers} from './user/user_reducers.js';
import {UserState} from './user/user_state.js';
import {WallpaperActionName} from './wallpaper/wallpaper_actions.js';
import {wallpaperReducers} from './wallpaper/wallpaper_reducers.js';
import {WallpaperState} from './wallpaper/wallpaper_state.js';
export type ReducerFunction<State> =
(state: State, action: Actions, globalState: PersonalizationState) => State;
* Combines reducers into a single top level reducer. Inspired by Redux's
* |combineReducers| functions.
function combineReducers<T extends {}>(
mapping: {[K in keyof T]: ReducerFunction<T[K]>}):
(state: T, action: Actions, globalState: PersonalizationState) => T {
function reduce(
state: T, action: Actions, globalState: PersonalizationState): T {
const newState: T =
(Object.keys(mapping) as Array<keyof T>).reduce((result, key) => {
const func = mapping[key] as ReducerFunction<T[typeof key]>;
result[key] = func(state[key], action, globalState);
return result;
}, {} as T);
const change = (Object.keys(state) as Array<keyof T>)
.some((key) => newState[key] !== state[key]);
return change ? newState : state;
return reduce;
function errorReducer(
state: PersonalizationState['error'], action: Actions,
_: PersonalizationState): PersonalizationState['error'] {
switch (action.name) {
case WallpaperActionName.END_SELECT_IMAGE:
const {success} = action;
if (success) {
return null;
return {message: loadTimeData.getString('setWallpaperError')};
case WallpaperActionName.SET_SELECTED_IMAGE:
const {image} = action;
if (image) {
return state;
return {message: loadTimeData.getString('loadWallpaperError')};
// Show network error toast if local images are available but online
// collections are failed to load. As local images include at least
// the default image, we only need to check the status of online
// collections.
case WallpaperActionName.SET_COLLECTIONS:
const {collections} = action;
if (!isNonEmptyArray(collections)) {
return {message: loadTimeData.getString('wallpaperNetworkError')};
return state;
case PersonalizationActionName.SET_ERROR:
if (state && state.dismiss && state.dismiss.callback) {
state.dismiss.callback(/*fromUser=*/ false);
return action.error;
case PersonalizationActionName.DISMISS_ERROR:
if (!state) {
'Received dismiss error action when error is already null');
return null;
if (action.id && (!state.id || action.id !== state.id)) {
return state;
if (state && state.dismiss && state.dismiss.callback) {
return null;
return state;
const root = combineReducers<PersonalizationState>({
error: errorReducer,
ambient: combineReducers<AmbientState>(ambientReducers),
theme: combineReducers<ThemeState>(themeReducers),
user: combineReducers<UserState>(userReducers),
wallpaper: combineReducers<WallpaperState>(wallpaperReducers),
export function reduce(
state: PersonalizationState, action: Actions): PersonalizationState {
return root(state, action, state);