// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element that displays Google Photos photos.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/personalization/common.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/personalization/wallpaper.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-list/iron-list.js';
import 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-scroll-threshold/iron-scroll-threshold.js';
import {WallpaperGridItemSelectedEvent} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/personalization/wallpaper_grid_item_element.js';
import {isNonEmptyArray} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/sea_pen/sea_pen_utils.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {mojoString16ToString} from 'chrome://resources/js/mojo_type_util.js';
import {IronListElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-list/iron-list.js';
import {IronScrollThresholdElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-scroll-threshold/iron-scroll-threshold.js';
import {afterNextRender} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {CurrentWallpaper, GooglePhotosPhoto, WallpaperProviderInterface, WallpaperType} from '../../personalization_app.mojom-webui.js';
import {dismissErrorAction, setErrorAction} from '../personalization_actions.js';
import {PersonalizationStateError} from '../personalization_state.js';
import {WithPersonalizationStore} from '../personalization_store.js';
import {getNumberOfGridItemsPerRow} from '../utils.js';
import {DisplayableImage} from './constants.js';
import {recordWallpaperGooglePhotosSourceUMA, WallpaperGooglePhotosSource} from './google_photos_metrics_logger.js';
import {getTemplate} from './google_photos_photos_element.html.js';
import {getLoadingPlaceholders, isGooglePhotosPhoto, isImageAMatchForKey, isImageEqualToSelected} from './utils.js';
import {fetchGooglePhotosPhotos, selectWallpaper} from './wallpaper_controller.js';
import {getWallpaperProvider} from './wallpaper_interface_provider.js';
const ERROR_ID = 'GooglePhotosPhotos';
const PLACEHOLDER_ID = 'placeholder';
/** Returns placeholders to show while Google Photos photos are loading. */
function getPlaceholders(): GooglePhotosPhotosRow[] {
const placeholdersPerRow = getNumberOfGridItemsPerRow();
const placeholders: GooglePhotosPhotosRow[] = [];
getLoadingPlaceholders(() => {
return {
name: '',
date: {data: []},
url: {url: ''},
dedupKey: null,
location: null,
}).forEach((placeholder, i) => {
let row = placeholders[placeholders.length - 1];
if (!row || row.length === placeholdersPerRow) {
row = [];
row.push({...placeholder, index: i});
return placeholders;
* Normalizes the given |key| for RTL.
export function normalizeKeyForRTL(key: string, isRTL: boolean): string {
if (isRTL) {
if (key === 'ArrowLeft') {
return 'ArrowRight';
if (key === 'ArrowRight') {
return 'ArrowLeft';
return key;
/** A single |GooglePhotosPhoto| coupled with its numerical index. */
export type GooglePhotosPhotoWithIndex = GooglePhotosPhoto&{index: number};
/** A list of |GooglePhotosPhotoWithIndex|'s to be rendered in a row. */
export type GooglePhotosPhotosRow = GooglePhotosPhotoWithIndex[];
/** A titled list of |GooglePhotosPhotosRow|'s to be rendered in a section. */
export interface GooglePhotosPhotosSection {
date: string;
locations: Set<string>;
rows: GooglePhotosPhotosRow[];
export interface GooglePhotosPhotosElement {
$: {grid: IronListElement, gridScrollThreshold: IronScrollThresholdElement};
export class GooglePhotosPhotosElement extends WithPersonalizationStore {
static get is() {
return 'google-photos-photos';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
hidden: {
type: Boolean,
value: true,
reflectToAttribute: true,
observer: 'onHiddenChanged_',
currentSelected_: Object,
focusedPhotoIndex_: {
type: Number,
value: -1,
observer: 'onFocusedPhotoIndexChanged_',
pendingSelected_: Object,
photos_: Array,
photosByRow_: {
type: Array,
value: getPlaceholders,
photosBySection_: {
type: Array,
computed: 'computePhotosBySection_(photos_, photosPerRow_)',
observer: 'onPhotosBySectionChanged_',
photosLoading_: Boolean,
photosPerRow_: {
type: Number,
value: function() {
return getNumberOfGridItemsPerRow();
observer: 'onPhotosPerRowChanged_',
photosResumeToken_: {
type: String,
observer: 'onPhotosResumeTokenChanged_',
error_: {
type: Object,
value: null,
/** Whether or not this element is currently hidden. */
override hidden: boolean;
/** The currently selected wallpaper. */
private currentSelected_: CurrentWallpaper|null;
/** The index of the currently focused photo. */
private focusedPhotoIndex_: number;
/** The pending selected wallpaper. */
private pendingSelected_: DisplayableImage|null;
/** The list of photos. */
private photos_: GooglePhotosPhoto[]|null|undefined;
* The list of |photos_| split into the appropriate number of |photosPerRow_|
* so as to be rendered in a grid.
private photosByRow_: GooglePhotosPhotosRow[];
* The list of |photos_| split into the appropriate number of |photosPerRow_|
* and grouped into sections so as to be rendered in a grid.
private photosBySection_: GooglePhotosPhotosSection[]|null|undefined;
/** Whether the list of photos is currently loading. */
private photosLoading_: boolean;
/** The number of photos to render per row in a grid. */
private photosPerRow_: number;
/** The resume token needed to fetch the next page of photos. */
private photosResumeToken_: string|null;
/** The current personalization error state. */
private error_: PersonalizationStateError|null;
/** The singleton wallpaper provider interface. */
private wallpaperProvider_: WallpaperProviderInterface =
override connectedCallback() {
this.addEventListener('iron-resize', this.onResized_.bind(this));
'currentSelected_', state => state.wallpaper.currentSelected);
'pendingSelected_', state => state.wallpaper.pendingSelected);
'photos_', state => state.wallpaper.googlePhotos.photos);
'photosLoading_', state => state.wallpaper.loading.googlePhotos.photos);
state => state.wallpaper.googlePhotos.resumeTokens.photos);
'error_', state => state.error);
/** Invoked on changes to |focusedPhotoIndex_|. */
private onFocusedPhotoIndexChanged_(
focusedPhotoIndex: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['focusedPhotoIndex_']) {
// Attempt to focus the |element| at the focused index. Note that the
// |element| may not be rendered as it could exist outside of the viewport.
const selector = `.photo[photoindex="${focusedPhotoIndex}"]`;
const element = this.$.grid.querySelector<HTMLElement>(selector);
if (element) {
// If the |element| was not rendered, it exists outside of the viewport. To
// force it to render, focus the grid row which contains the |element| at
// the focused index. Note that this will automatically trigger another call
// to |onFocusedPhotoIndexChanged()|.
this.photosByRow_.some((row, rowIndex) => {
if (row.some(photo => photo.index === focusedPhotoIndex)) {
return true;
return false;
/** Invoked on grid scroll threshold reached. */
private onGridScrollThresholdReached_() {
// Ignore this event if fired during initialization.
if (!this.$.gridScrollThreshold.scrollHeight) {
// Ignore this event if photos are already being loading or if there is no
// resume token (indicating there are no additional photos to load).
if (this.photosLoading_ === true || !this.photosResumeToken_) {
// Fetch the next page of photos.
fetchGooglePhotosPhotos(this.wallpaperProvider_, this.getStore());
/** Invoked on mouse down of a grid row. */
private onGridRowMouseDown_(e: Event) {
// Prevent the odd behavior of auto jumping to the focused photo when the
// user clicks on any grid row.
/** Invoked on focus of a grid row. */
private onGridRowFocused_() {
// If |focusedPhotoIndex_| is -1, this is the first time focus has entered
// the grid. In this case advance focus to the first photo.
if (this.focusedPhotoIndex_ === -1) {
this.focusedPhotoIndex_ = 0;
// When a grid row is focused, forward the focus event on to the photo at
// the focused index.
/** Invoked on key down of a grid row. */
private onGridRowKeyDown_(e: KeyboardEvent&{
model: {index: number, row: GooglePhotosPhotosRow},
}) {
let handled = false;
switch (normalizeKeyForRTL(e.key, this.i18n('textdirection') === 'rtl')) {
case 'ArrowDown':
// To be consistent with default iron-list grid behavior, the down arrow
// should only advance focus to the next grid row if a photo at the same
// column index as is currently focused exists.
if (e.model.index < this.photosByRow_.length - 1) {
let colIndex = -1;
e.model.row.some((photo, i) => {
if (photo.index === this.focusedPhotoIndex_) {
colIndex = i;
return true;
return false;
assert(colIndex !== -1);
const nextRow = this.photosByRow_[e.model.index + 1];
if (colIndex < nextRow.length) {
this.focusedPhotoIndex_ = nextRow[colIndex].index;
handled = true;
case 'ArrowLeft':
this.focusedPhotoIndex_ = Math.max(this.focusedPhotoIndex_ - 1, 0);
handled = true;
case 'ArrowRight':
this.focusedPhotoIndex_ =
Math.min(this.focusedPhotoIndex_ + 1, this.photos_!.length - 1);
handled = true;
case 'ArrowUp':
// To be consistent with default iron-list grid behavior, the up arrow
// should only advance focus to the previous grid row if a photo at the
// the same column index as is currently focused exists.
if (e.model.index > 0) {
let colIndex = -1;
e.model.row.some((photo, i) => {
if (photo.index === this.focusedPhotoIndex_) {
colIndex = i;
return true;
return false;
assert(colIndex !== -1);
const previousRow = this.photosByRow_[e.model.index - 1];
if (colIndex < previousRow.length) {
this.focusedPhotoIndex_ = previousRow[colIndex].index;
handled = true;
case 'Tab':
// The grid contains a single |focusable| row which becomes a focus trap
// due to the synthetic redirect of focus events to photos. To escape
// the trap, make the |focusable| row unfocusable until focus has
// advanced to the next candidate.
const focusable = this.$.grid.querySelector('[tabindex="0"]')!;
focusable.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
afterNextRender(this, () => focusable.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'));
if (handled) {
/** Invoked on changes to this element's |hidden| state. */
private onHiddenChanged_(hidden: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['hidden']) {
if (hidden && this.error_ && this.error_.id === ERROR_ID) {
// If |hidden|, the error associated with this element will have lost
// user-facing context so it should be dismissed.
this.dispatch(dismissErrorAction(ERROR_ID, /*fromUser=*/ false));
// When iron-list items change while their parent element is hidden, the
// iron-list will render incorrectly. Force relayout by invalidating the
// iron-list when this element becomes visible.
afterNextRender(this, () => this.$.grid.fire('iron-resize'));
// When showing the user a list of photos that previously failed to load,
// we should automatically retry loading the list. Placeholders should be
// shown while loading is in progress.
if (this.photos_ === null && !this.photosLoading_) {
fetchGooglePhotosPhotos(this.wallpaperProvider_, this.getStore());
this.photosByRow_ = getPlaceholders();
/** Invoked on selection of a photo. `e.model.photo` is added by iron-list. */
private onPhotoSelected_(e: WallpaperGridItemSelectedEvent&
{model: {photo: GooglePhotosPhoto}}) {
assert(e.model.photo, 'google photos photos selected event has photo');
if (!this.isPhotoPlaceholder_(e.model.photo)) {
selectWallpaper(e.model.photo, this.wallpaperProvider_, this.getStore());
/** Invoked on changes to |photosBySection_|. */
private onPhotosBySectionChanged_(
photosBySection: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosBySection_']) {
if (photosBySection === null) {
// If the list of photos fails to load and is currently showing, display
// an error to the user that allows them to make another attempt.
if (!this.hidden) {
message: this.i18n('googlePhotosError'),
dismiss: {
message: this.i18n('googlePhotosTryAgain'),
callback: (fromUser: boolean) => {
if (fromUser) {
// Post the reattempt instead of performing it immediately to
// avoid updating the personalization store from the same
// sequence that generated this event.
() => fetchGooglePhotosPhotos(
this.wallpaperProvider_, this.getStore()));
// Whether the list of photos is currently showing or not, placeholders
// should not be removed on load failure.
// NOTE: |photosByRow_| is updated in place to avoid resetting the scroll
// position of the grid which would otherwise occur during reassignment.
/*propertyPath=*/ 'photosByRow_', /*identityGetter=*/
(row: GooglePhotosPhotosRow) => row.map(photo => photo.id).join('_'),
Array.isArray(photosBySection) ?
photosBySection.flatMap(section => section.rows) :
/*identityBasedUpdate=*/ true);
/** Invoked on changes to |photosPerRow_|. */
private onPhotosPerRowChanged_(
photosPerRow: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosPerRow_']) {
// Because this element manually partitions photos by row, placeholders need
// to be explicitly regenerated when the desired number of photos per row
// changes.
if (photosPerRow && isNonEmptyArray(this.photosByRow_) &&
this.photosByRow_.every(r => r.every(p => p.id === PLACEHOLDER_ID))) {
this.photosByRow_ = getPlaceholders();
/** Invoked on changes to |photosResumeToken_|. */
private onPhotosResumeTokenChanged_(
photosResumeToken: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosResumeToken_']) {
if (photosResumeToken) {
/** Invoked on resize of this element. */
private onResized_() {
this.photosPerRow_ = getNumberOfGridItemsPerRow();
/** Invoked to compute |photosBySection_|. */
private computePhotosBySection_(
photos: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photos_'],
photosPerRow: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosPerRow_']):
GooglePhotosPhotosSection[]|null|undefined {
// If |photos| is undefined, this computation is occurring during
// initialization. In such cases, defer defining |photosBySection_| until
// actual data has loaded or failed to load.
if (photos === undefined) {
return undefined;
if (!Array.isArray(photos) || !photosPerRow) {
return null;
const sections: GooglePhotosPhotosSection[] = [];
photos.forEach((photo, i) => {
const date = mojoString16ToString(photo.date);
// Find/create the appropriate |section| in which to insert |photo|.
let section = sections[sections.length - 1];
if (!section || section.date !== date) {
section = {date, locations: new Set<string>(), rows: []};
// Find/create the appropriate |row| in which to insert |photo|.
let row = section.rows[section.rows.length - 1];
if (!row || row.length === photosPerRow) {
row = [];
row.push({...photo, index: i});
if (photo.location) {
return sections;
/** Returns the date to display for the specified grid |row|. */
private getGridRowDate_(
row: GooglePhotosPhotosRow,
photosBySection: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosBySection_']): string
|undefined {
if (!photosBySection) {
return undefined;
const gridRowSection =
photosBySection.find(section => section.rows[0] === row);
return gridRowSection ? gridRowSection.date : undefined;
/** Returns the locations to display for the specified grid |row|. */
private getGridRowLocations_(
row: GooglePhotosPhotosRow,
photosBySection: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosBySection_']): string
|undefined {
if (!photosBySection) {
return undefined;
const gridRowSection =
photosBySection.find(section => section.rows[0] === row);
return gridRowSection ?
Array.from(gridRowSection.locations).sort().join(' ยท ') :
/** Returns the number of photos or placeholders currently being displayed. */
private getPhotosAriaSetSize_(): number {
if (this.photos_) {
return this.photos_.length;
return getPlaceholders().length * getNumberOfGridItemsPerRow();
/** Returns the aria label for the specified |photo|. */
private getPhotoAriaLabel_(photo: GooglePhotosPhoto|null): string|undefined {
if (photo) {
return photo.id === PLACEHOLDER_ID ? this.i18n('ariaLabelLoading') :
return undefined;
/** Returns the aria posinset index for the photo at index |i|. */
private getPhotoAriaIndex_(i: number): number {
return i + 1;
/** Returns whether the title for the specified grid |row| is visible. */
private isGridRowTitleVisible_(
row: GooglePhotosPhotosRow,
photosBySection: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['photosBySection_']): boolean {
return !!this.getGridRowDate_(row, photosBySection);
/** Returns whether the specified |photo| is a placeholder. */
private isPhotoPlaceholder_(photo: GooglePhotosPhoto|null): boolean {
return !!photo && photo.id === PLACEHOLDER_ID;
/** Returns whether the specified |photo| is currently selected. */
private isPhotoSelected_(
photo: GooglePhotosPhoto|null,
currentSelected: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['currentSelected_'],
pendingSelected: GooglePhotosPhotosElement['pendingSelected_']): boolean {
if (!photo || (!currentSelected && !pendingSelected)) {
return false;
// NOTE: Old clients may not support |dedupKey| when setting Google Photos
// wallpaper, so use |id| in such cases for backwards compatibility.
if (isGooglePhotosPhoto(pendingSelected) &&
((pendingSelected!.dedupKey &&
isImageAMatchForKey(photo, pendingSelected!.dedupKey)) ||
isImageAMatchForKey(photo, pendingSelected!.id))) {
return true;
if (!pendingSelected && !!currentSelected &&
(currentSelected.type === WallpaperType.kOnceGooglePhotos ||
currentSelected.type === WallpaperType.kDailyGooglePhotos) &&
isImageEqualToSelected(photo, currentSelected)) {
return true;
return false;
customElements.define(GooglePhotosPhotosElement.is, GooglePhotosPhotosElement);