// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_tab_box/cr_tab_box.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {$, getRequiredElement} from 'chrome://resources/js/util.js';
import type {Time} from 'chrome://resources/mojo/mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom-webui.js';
import type {DownloadedModelInfo, LoggedClientIds} from './optimization_guide_internals.mojom-webui.js';
import {PageHandlerFactory} from './optimization_guide_internals.mojom-webui.js';
import {OptimizationGuideInternalsBrowserProxy} from './optimization_guide_internals_browser_proxy.js';
// Contains all the log events received when the internals page is open.
const logMessages: Array<{
eventTime: string,
logSource: string,
sourceLocation: string,
message: string,
}> = [];
// Type for a string filtering function.
type StringFilterPredicate = (s: string) => boolean;
* Class to apply filter functionality and updated related UI.
class TableFilter {
// Delay between input change to filter application, in ms.
static readonly FILTER_DELAY_MS: number = 500;
// Main <table> element for filtering. First row is assumed to be the title,
readonly table: HTMLTableElement;
// The text <input> element to get "include" filter text.
readonly includeInput: HTMLInputElement;
// The text <input> element to get "exclude" filter text.
readonly excludeInput: HTMLInputElement;
// The <span> element to output filter stats.
readonly filterStatsSpan: HTMLSpanElement;
// Assuming same number of cells in each row, list of indices of cells in each
// row to examine for filtering. These correspond to <th> elements with
// "filterable" in its classList.
readonly filterCellIndices: number[];
// Filter function for "include" filtering. Null if unspecified.
includeFun: StringFilterPredicate|null;
// Filter function for "exclude" filtering. Null if unspecified.
excludeFun: StringFilterPredicate|null;
// Id to setTimeout() for filter delay, so the timeout can be detected and
// cancelled. Null if no timeout is live.
filterDelayTimeoutId: number|null;
// Total number of rows examined by the filter.
numRows: number;
// Total number of rows being show after filtering.
numShown: number;
* @param {!HTMLTableElement} table
* @param {!HTMLInputElement} includeInput
* @param {!HTMLInputElement!} excludeInput
* @param {!HTMLSpanElement} filterStatsSpan
table: HTMLTableElement, includeInput: HTMLInputElement,
excludeInput: HTMLInputElement, filterStatsSpan: HTMLSpanElement) {
this.table = table;
this.includeInput = includeInput;
this.excludeInput = excludeInput;
this.filterStatsSpan = filterStatsSpan;
this.filterCellIndices = [];
this.includeFun = this.readFilter(this.includeInput);
this.excludeFun = this.readFilter(this.excludeInput);
this.filterDelayTimeoutId = null;
this.numRows = 0;
this.numShown = 0;
this.includeInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => this.triggerUpdate(e));
this.excludeInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => this.triggerUpdate(e));
readFilterCellIndices() {
this.filterCellIndices.length = 0;
const headers = this.table.rows[0]!.cells;
for (const [idx, header] of Array.from(headers).entries()) {
if (header.classList.contains('filterable')) {
* Reads filter text and returns a filter predicate, or null if no filter.
* @param {!HTMLInputElement} input
readFilter(input: HTMLInputElement): StringFilterPredicate|null {
const t = input.value;
return (t === '') ? null : ((s: string) => (s.indexOf(t) >= 0));
* Returns whether the provided <tr> element should be shown.
* @param {!HTMLTableElement} row
shouldRowBeShown(row: HTMLTableRowElement) {
// Perform exclusion first since it has higher priority than inclusion.
if (this.excludeFun != null) {
for (const idx of this.filterCellIndices) {
const text = row.cells[idx]?.textContent ?? '';
if (this !.excludeFun(text)) {
return false;
if (this.includeFun != null) {
for (const idx of this.filterCellIndices) {
const text = row.cells[idx]?.textContent ?? '';
if (this !.includeFun(text)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
* Shows or hides a <tr> element depending on its content.
* @param {!HTMLTableRowElement} row
* @return Whether the element is shown.
applyFilterToRow(row: HTMLTableRowElement): boolean {
const shouldShow = this.shouldRowBeShown(row);
row.classList.toggle('hidden', !shouldShow);
return shouldShow;
/** Updates `filterStatsSpan` content to show filter stats. */
writeFilterStats() {
this.filterStatsSpan.textContent = `${this.numShown} / ${this.numRows}`;
* Visits every row (except the first, which is the titles) of `this.table`
* and shows and hides it. Displays the number of hidden rows (as negative
* value) in `filterStatsSpan`.
readAndApplyAllFilters() {
this.includeFun = this.readFilter(this.includeInput);
this.excludeFun = this.readFilter(this.excludeInput);
this.numRows = 0;
this.numShown = 0;
let isTitle = true;
for (const row of this.table.rows) {
if (isTitle) {
isTitle = false;
} else {
this.numShown += Number(this.applyFilterToRow(row));
* Applies the filter to a newly added row, and updates filter stats.
* @param {!HTMLTableRowElement} row
filterNewRow(row: HTMLTableRowElement) {
this.numShown += Number(this.applyFilterToRow(row));
* [Re]triggers timer to call readAndApplyAllFilters() after waiting for a
* delay that lasts `FILTER_DELAY_MS`. Debouncing is applied.
* @param {!Event} e
triggerUpdate(e: Event) {
const elt = e!.target as HTMLElement;
// Debounce: New trigger cancels an existing trigger's timeout.
if (this.filterDelayTimeoutId != null) {
this.filterDelayTimeoutId = null;
this.filterDelayTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.filterDelayTimeoutId = null;
}, TableFilter.FILTER_DELAY_MS);
* Converts a mojo time to a JS time.
* @param {!mojoBase.mojom.Time} mojoTime
* @return {!Date}
function convertMojoTimeToJS(mojoTime: Time) {
// The JS Date() is based off of the number of milliseconds since the
// UNIX epoch (1970-01-01 00::00:00 UTC), while |internalValue| of the
// base::Time (represented in mojom.Time) represents the number of
// microseconds since the Windows FILETIME epoch (1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
// This computes the final JS time by computing the epoch delta and the
// conversion from microseconds to milliseconds.
const windowsEpoch = Date.UTC(1601, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
const unixEpoch = Date.UTC(1970, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// |epochDeltaInMs| equals to base::Time::kTimeTToMicrosecondsOffset.
const epochDeltaInMs = unixEpoch - windowsEpoch;
const timeInMs = Number(mojoTime.internalValue) / 1000;
return new Date(timeInMs - epochDeltaInMs);
* Creates the chromium source URL from sourceLocation.
* @param sourceFile
* @param sourceLine
* @param targetElement The element to which source link should be created.
function createChromiumSourceLink(
sourceFile: string, sourceLine: number, targetElement: Element) {
// Valid source file starts with ../../
if (!sourceFile.startsWith('../../')) {
targetElement.textContent = `${sourceFile}(${sourceLine})`;
const fileName = sourceFile.slice(sourceFile.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (fileName.length == 0) {
targetElement.textContent = `${sourceFile}(${sourceLine})`;
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = `https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:${
* Maps the logSource to a human readable string representation.
* Must be kept in sync with the |LogSource| enum in
* //components/optimization_guide/core/optimization_guide_common.mojom.
* @param logSource
* @returns string
function getLogSource(logSource: number) {
if (logSource == 0) {
if (logSource == 1) {
return 'HINTS';
if (logSource == 2) {
if (logSource == 3) {
if (logSource == 4) {
if (logSource == 5) {
if (logSource == 6) {
if (logSource == 7) {
return 'NTP_MODULE';
return logSource.toString();
* The callback to button#log-messages-dump to save the logs to a file.
function onLogMessagesDump() {
const data = JSON.stringify(logMessages);
const blob = new Blob([data], {'type': 'text/json'});
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const filename = 'optimization_guide_internals_logs_dump.json';
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', url);
a.setAttribute('download', filename);
const event = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
'click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0,
async function onModelsPageOpen() {
const downloadedModelsContainer =
try {
const response: {downloadedModelsInfo: DownloadedModelInfo[]} =
await PageHandlerFactory.getRemote().requestDownloadedModelsInfo();
const downloadedModelsInfo = response.downloadedModelsInfo;
for (const {optimizationTarget, version, filePath} of
downloadedModelsInfo) {
const versionStr = version.toString();
const existingModel = $<HTMLTableRowElement>(optimizationTarget);
if (existingModel) {
existingModel.querySelector('.downloaded-models-version')!.textContent =
'.downloaded-models-file-path')!.textContent =
} else {
const downloadedModel = downloadedModelsContainer.insertRow();
downloadedModel.id = optimizationTarget;
downloadedModel, optimizationTarget,
appendTD(downloadedModel, versionStr, 'downloaded-models-version');
appendTD(downloadedModel, filePath, 'downloaded-models-file-path');
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(
`Error resolving promise from requestDownloadedModelsInfo, ${err}`);
async function onClientIDsPageOpen() {
const loggedClientIdsContainer =
try {
const response: {loggedClientIds: LoggedClientIds[]} =
await PageHandlerFactory.getRemote()
const loggedClientIds = response.loggedClientIds;
for (const {clientId} of loggedClientIds) {
const clientIdStr = clientId.toString();
const loggedClients = loggedClientIdsContainer.insertRow();
appendTD(loggedClients, clientIdStr, 'logged-client-ids');
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(
`Error resolving promise from requestLoggedClientIds, ${err}`);
* Appends a new TD element to the specified |parent| element, and returns the
* newly created element.
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} parent The element to which a new TD element is
* appended.
* @param {string} textContent The inner HTML of the element.
* @param {string} className The class name of the element.
function appendTD(
parent: HTMLTableRowElement, textContent: string, className: string) {
const td = parent.insertCell();
td.textContent = textContent;
td.className = className;
return td;
function getProxy(): OptimizationGuideInternalsBrowserProxy {
return OptimizationGuideInternalsBrowserProxy.getInstance();
function initialize() {
const tabbox = document.querySelector('cr-tab-box');
tabbox.hidden = false;
const logMessageContainer =
const tabFilter = new TableFilter(
.addEventListener('click', onLogMessagesDump);
(eventTime: Time, logSource: number, sourceFile: string,
sourceLine: number, message: string) => {
const eventTimeStr = convertMojoTimeToJS(eventTime).toISOString();
const logSourceStr = getLogSource(logSource);
eventTime: eventTimeStr,
logSource: logSourceStr,
sourceLocation: `${sourceFile}:${sourceLine}`,
const logMessage = logMessageContainer.insertRow();
logMessage.innerHTML =
window.trustedTypes ? window.trustedTypes.emptyHTML : '';
appendTD(logMessage, eventTimeStr, 'event-logs-time');
appendTD(logMessage, logSourceStr, 'event-logs-log-source');
sourceFile, sourceLine,
appendTD(logMessage, '', 'event-logs-source-location'));
appendTD(logMessage, message, 'event-logs-message');
const tabpanelNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('div[slot=\'panel\']');
const tabpanels = Array.prototype.slice.call(tabpanelNodeList, 0);
const tabpanelIds = tabpanels.map(function(tab) {
return tab.id;
tabbox.addEventListener('selected-index-change', e => {
const tabpanel = tabpanels[(e as CustomEvent).detail];
const hash = tabpanel.id.match(/(?:^tabpanel-)(.+)/)[1];
window.location.hash = hash;
const activateTabByHash = function() {
let hash = window.location.hash;
// Remove the first character '#'.
hash = hash.substring(1);
const id = 'tabpanel-' + hash;
const index = tabpanelIds.indexOf(id);
if (index === -1) {
tabbox.setAttribute('selected-index', `${index}`);
if (hash === 'models') {
} else if (hash === 'client-ids') {
window.onhashchange = activateTabByHash;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);