
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

package optimization_guide.proto;

import "components/optimization_guide/proto/features/common_quality_data.proto";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.optimization_guide.features.proto";

option java_outer_classname = "ModelPrototypingProto";

// This file is generated in g3 and then synced to Chrome. Instead, please
// refer to http://go/chrome-intelligence-feature-protos (Google-internal link),
// and then changes will be synced with Chrome automatically.

message ModelPrototypingLoggingData {
  ModelPrototypingRequest request = 1;

  ModelPrototypingResponse response = 2;

// Next ID: 4
message ModelPrototypingRequest {
  ModelingInputs modeling_inputs = 1;

  // The series of prompts to send to the model(s). The calls are run in series
  // and the responses can be used in future calls allowing piping the output of
  // one query into the input of the next.
  repeated PrototypingPrompt prototyping_prompts = 2;

  // The responses from previous calls to the model. Can be used in future
  // prompts. Syntax for accessing them is golang text/templates
  // e.g., something like {{index .GetModelResponses 0}}.
  repeated string model_responses = 3;

  // Next ID: 6
  // Defines a single prompt to be sent to the model.
  message PrototypingPrompt {
    // Prompt variables that can be used in the rest of the prompt. These are in
    // addition to any prompt variables defined in the prompt template in the
    // config for the model sequence. Prompt variables are helper functions that
    // can be used in the prompt. For example, a prompt variable could be
    // something like:
    // {{ $funVar := "1" }}
    // This would define a function that can be used in the prompt as
    // {{$funVar}}. The value of the function is "1".
    string prompt_variables = 1;

    // The prompt is composed by inserting the following roles into the prompt
    // template in the order they are defined.
    // Role system is generally the instructions for the model to follow.
    string system_instructions_template = 2;

    // Role context is the information around the user interaction such as page
    // state.
    string context_area_template = 3;

    // Role user is the information from the user such as a user input they
    // typed.
    string user_input_template = 4;

    // Information about the model to use.
    ModelInformation model_information = 5;

    message ModelInformation {
      ModelEnum model_enum = 1;

      enum ModelEnum {

        // Returns the filled templates without running an LLM.

        // The compose s-dense model.
        MODEL_COMPOSE = 2;

  // All the information collected from the browser along with the user input
  // (for features like Compose).
  message BrowserCollectedInformation {
    // The page context of the page the model is acting on.
    PageContext page_context = 1;

    // The inner text of the page the model is acting on (excluding x-origin
    // frames)
    string inner_text = 2;

    // The offset of the focused element into the |inner_text|.
    uint64 inner_text_offset = 3;

    // Custom text that a prototyper can inject into prompts. If the browser
    // collected information is not sufficient, an early stage prototype can
    // build a string in Chrome/colab to be used in the prompt. This allows
    // separation of prompt definition and call specific data.
    repeated string custom_data = 4;

  // Next ID: 3
  // Data specific to the feature.
  message ModelingInputs {
    BrowserCollectedInformation browser_collected_information = 1;

    string user_input = 2;

message ModelPrototypingResponse {
  // The series of prompts sent to the model corresponding to the
  // |prototyping_prompts| in the request.
  repeated string model_prompts = 1;

  // The responses from the model corresponding to |model_prompts|.
  repeated string model_responses = 2;