// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.optimization_guide.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "ModelQualityMetadataProto";
package optimization_guide.proto;
import "components/optimization_guide/proto/model_execution.proto";
import "components/optimization_guide/proto/on_device_base_model_metadata.proto";
import "third_party/metrics_proto/system_profile.proto";
// Contains metadata about a specific feature's AiLoggingData (e.g. training
// opt-out, etc.).
message LoggingMetadata {
metrics.SystemProfileProto system_profile = 1;
// Auxiliary system profile information that is not captured in system_profile
// but is critical for understanding on-device model execution.
OnDeviceSystemProfile on_device_system_profile = 2;
// The client's unique identifier. Each ModelExecutionFeature will have a
// different ID every day. It should only be used for model quality logging,
// and should not be linked to any other data sources.
int64 client_id = 3;
// Field id 4 is intentionally reserved for internal use.
reserved 4;
// Whether this Chrome installation (most likely) has a Google-managed dogfood
// account. Note that this will be `true` whenever at least one Chrome profile
// is signed into an @google.com account, regardless of whether that profile
// is currently active. Precisely, the reported value matches the return value
// of `VariationsService::IsLikelyDogfoodClient()`:
// https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:components/variations/service/variations_service.h?q=symbol:%5Cbvariations::VariationsService::IsLikelyDogfoodClient%5Cb
bool is_likely_dogfood_client = 5;
message OnDeviceSystemProfile {
// The performance class determined for the device based on benchmarking at
// the start of the session.
PerformanceClass performance_class = 1;
enum PerformanceClass {
// Data about model execution. This includes information about whether it was
// done on a server or on a device. This includes an ID that can be mapped to
// the ModelExecutionService logs on the server.
message ModelExecutionInfo {
reserved 1, 5, 6;
// Information for how the on-device model execution was done.
OnDeviceModelExecutionInfo on_device_model_execution_info = 2;
// The error code returned by the model execution server, if any.
ErrorResponse error_response = 3;
// The model execution error enum. It offers more granularity over
// `error_state` in `error_response`. This corresponds to the error enum:
// OptimizationGuideModelExecutionError::ModelExecutionError. See more in
// components/optimization_guide/core/model_execution/optimization_guide_model_execution_error.h
uint32 model_execution_error_enum = 7;
// The ID for the execution.
// If on-device, this will be prefixed with on-device:. Otherwise, this is the
// server-side id as received from the server response used for joining with
// ModelExecutionService logs when server-side execution is used.
string execution_id = 4;
message OnDeviceModelExecutionInfo {
reserved 1;
// List of internal requests/responses that were performed to fulfill the
// on-device model execution request.
repeated InternalOnDeviceModelExecutionInfo execution_infos = 2;
// Versions of the model being used for this execution.
OnDeviceModelVersions model_versions = 3;
message OnDeviceModelVersions {
// The model version for the on-device model.
OnDeviceModelServiceVersion on_device_model_service_version = 1;
// The model version for the text-safety model.
int64 text_safety_model_version = 2;
message OnDeviceModelServiceVersion {
// The version of the component used.
string component_version = 1;
// The version metadata of the base model used.
OnDeviceBaseModelMetadata on_device_base_model_metadata = 2;
// The version of the model adaptation downloaded from the server, if the
// feature requires model adaptation.
int64 model_adaptation_version = 3;
// InternalOnDeviceModelExecutionInfo is a request/response pair from a call to
// a model used to fulfill the on-device execution request.
message InternalOnDeviceModelExecutionInfo {
InternalOnDeviceRequest request = 1;
InternalOnDeviceResponse response = 2;
message InternalOnDeviceRequest {
oneof request {
// The request made to the on-device model service.
OnDeviceModelServiceRequest on_device_model_service_request = 1;
// The request made to the text safety model.
TextSafetyModelRequest text_safety_model_request = 2;
message InternalOnDeviceResponse {
oneof response {
// The response returned from the on-device model service.
OnDeviceModelServiceResponse on_device_model_service_response = 1;
// The response returned from the text safety model.
TextSafetyModelResponse text_safety_model_response = 2;
message OnDeviceModelServiceRequest {
// The full input context constructed to be sent to the model.
// To better understand what was used as the input context, this string should
// be truncated by `input_context_num_tokens_processed`.
string input_context_string = 1;
// The number of tokens processed for the input context.
uint32 input_context_num_tokens_processed = 2;
// The full execution string constructed to be sent to the model.
// To better understand what was used as the full string executed, this
// string, truncated by `executed_num_tokens_processed`, should be
// concatenated with the input context.
string execution_string = 3;
// The number of tokens processed for the execution string.
uint32 execution_num_tokens_processed = 4;
// The time in milliseconds from the context started being processed to the
// request being initiated.
int64 time_from_input_context_processed_to_request_initiated_millis = 5;
message OnDeviceModelServiceResponse {
// The last output string sent to the calling code.
string output_string = 1;
// The time in milliseconds from Execute being called to the first response
// tokens being output.
int64 time_to_first_response_millis = 2;
// The time in milliseconds from Execute being called to response completion.
int64 time_to_completion_millis = 3;
// The status of the completed response.
OnDeviceModelServiceResponseStatus status = 4;
// Whether the response was stopped because of repeating text.
bool has_repeats = 5;
enum OnDeviceModelServiceResponseStatus {
// The response completed.
// The response is retracted by the service.
message TextSafetyModelRequest {
// The text sent to the text safety model for evaluation.
string text = 1;
// The URL sent to the text safety model for evaluation, if any.
string url = 2;
message TextSafetyModelResponse {
// The scores output by the model.
repeated float scores = 1;
// Whether the output was deemed unsafe.
bool is_unsafe = 2;
// The ID for the execution of the text safety model if it leveraged the
// server for text safety evaluation.
string server_execution_id = 3;
// The language code of the detected language. If detection was indeterminate,
// this is "und" per ISO 639-2.
string language_code = 4;
// The confidence score for the detected language. Will be a value from
// [0.0, 1.0].
float language_confidence = 5;