
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.optimization_guide.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "PageTopicsModelMetadataProto";

package optimization_guide.proto;

enum PageTopicsSupportedOutput {
  // Supports evaluating the visibility score of a page.
  // Supports evaluating categories of page content.

message PageTopicsVisibilityPostprocessingParams {
  // The name of the category to evaluate whether page content's visibility
  // score.
  optional string category_name = 1;

message PageTopicsCategoryPostprocessingParams {
  // Output at most max_categories, and only those with min_category_weight.
  optional int32 max_categories = 1;
  // The minimum weight a category must have for it to be in the output.
  optional float min_category_weight = 2;
  // The minimum weight after category weights are normalized that the top N
  // categories must have.
  optional float min_normalized_weight_within_top_n = 3;
  // The minimum weight for the NONE label has to be to remove all labels.
  optional float min_none_weight = 4;

message PageTopicsOutputPostprocessingParams {
  // The parameters to use to post-process the visibility score of the page
  // content is.
  // Will only be included if PAGE_TOPICS_SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_VISIBILITY is
  // supported by the model.
  optional PageTopicsVisibilityPostprocessingParams visibility_params = 1;
  // The parameters to use to post-process categories.
  // Will only be included if PAGE_TOPICS_SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_CATEGORIES is
  // supported by the model.
  optional PageTopicsCategoryPostprocessingParams category_params = 2;

message Topic {
  // The user-visible string of the taxonomy topic.
  optional string topic_name = 1;
  // The id of the topic.
  optional int64 topic_id = 2;

message TopicTaxonomy {
  // The version of this specific taxonomy, which is separate from the model
  // version.
  optional int64 version = 1;
  // The topics supported by this taxonomy.
  repeated Topic topics = 2;

message PageTopicsModelMetadata {
  reserved 4;
  reserved 5;

  // The version is specified by the client as what functionality outside the
  // model the client supports (e.g., pre/post processing). When provided from
  // the server, it specifies which of these support functions for the model is
  // expected to use.
  optional int64 version = 1;
  // The supported output.
  // If sent by the client, this represents the output that the client knows
  // how to support. If sent by the server, this represents the outputs of the
  // model.
  repeated PageTopicsSupportedOutput supported_output = 2;
  // A set of postprocessing parameters per supported output and will only be
  // populated by the server.
  optional PageTopicsOutputPostprocessingParams output_postprocessing_params =
  // The taxonomy version sent by the client to request the corresponding model.
  optional int64 taxonomy_version = 6;