
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.optimization_guide.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "ModelExecutionProto";

package optimization_guide.proto;

import "components/optimization_guide/proto/descriptors.proto";

message SubstitutedString {
  reserved 2, 3;

  // String template with %s as the delimiter for substitutions.
  string string_template = 1;

  // The strings to be substituted in `string_template`.
  repeated StringSubstitution substitutions = 6;

  // The conditions for which to apply this substituted string.
  ConditionList conditions = 4;

  // Whether the input context should be ignored if this substituted string is
  // applied.
  bool should_ignore_input_context = 5;

message StringSubstitution {
  // The candidates to use for this string substitution.
  // The first candidate that passes all conditions will be the one that is used
  // for the substitution.
  repeated StringArg candidates = 1;

message RangeExpr {
  // Reference to the a repeated field to range over.
  ProtoField proto_field = 1;

  // The expression to evaluate for each field entry.
  SubstitutedString expr = 2;

message IndexExpr {
  // If true, use 1-based indexes instead of 0-based.
  bool one_based = 1;

message StringArg {
  oneof arg {
    string raw_string = 1;
    ProtoField proto_field = 2;
    RangeExpr range_expr = 4;
    IndexExpr index_expr = 5;

  // TODO(b/302402959): Add support for max number of characters to apply.

  // The conditions for which to apply this substituted string.
  ConditionList conditions = 3;

// Operators available for comparing the value of fields.
enum OperatorType {
  // Equal.
  // Not Equal.

enum ConditionEvaluationType {

message ConditionList {
  // How to evaluate the below conditions.
  ConditionEvaluationType condition_evaluation_type = 1;

  // The set of conditions to evaluate.
  repeated Condition conditions = 2;

// Evaluated as "value at proto_field" "operator_type" "value".
message Condition {
  ProtoField proto_field = 1;
  OperatorType operator_type = 2;
  Value value = 3;