
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.page_info.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "AboutThisSiteMetadataProto";

package page_info.proto;

// Represents a duration like “3 days” or “2 years”. It should always use the
// lowest possible granularity. E.g. use “1 month” as soon as an event happened
// at least 30 days ago. When precision is MORE_THAN, the event happened at
// least the specified time ago, e.g. “more than 2 years ago”.
message SiteFirstSeen {
  optional int32 count = 1;
  optional DurationUnit unit = 2;
  optional DurationPrecision precision = 3;

enum DurationUnit {
  UNIT_DAYS = 1;

enum DurationPrecision {

message SiteDescription {
  // The name of the site, e.g. "The New York Times".
  // May not be present.
  optional string name = 1;

  // The subtitle for the site.
  // May not be present.
  // If title is missing, subtitle will not be present either, but even for
  // cases where there is a title there may not be a subtitle.
  optional string subtitle = 5;

  // The description of the site, e.g. "The New York Times is an American daily
  // newspaper based in New York City..."
  optional string description = 2;

  // Information about the source of the description. Note that if your product
  // uses the name or description, you must provide a link to the source as an
  // attribution.
  optional Hyperlink source = 3;

  // Language of the description. Examples: "en", "en-US", "es-419", "zh-Hans"
  optional string lang = 4;

// A hyperlink.
message Hyperlink {
  optional string label = 1;
  optional string url = 2;

// Link to learn more about the input url.
message MoreAbout {
  // The absolute url for the link.
  optional string url = 1;

// Info that is shown in PageInfo.
message SiteInfo {
  // First-seen date information related to this host/domain.
  // When Google first indexed this site.
  optional SiteFirstSeen first_seen = 1;

  // Description for this site.
  optional SiteDescription description = 2;

  // A link to a page with more information about the page, if available.
  optional MoreAbout more_about = 3;

// Optimization metadata associated with SiteInfo.
// This is only populated for the ABOUT_THIS_SITE optimization type.
message AboutThisSiteMetadata {
  // A SiteInfo hint that will be shown in PageInfo.
  optional SiteInfo site_info = 1;