
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.



# When adding a new file to this app, add it to one of the lists below.
# `non_web_component_files` are plain TS and JS files.
# `web_component_files` are Polymer based TS and JS files.
# `css_files` are CSS files that are Polymer shared style modules.
# `static_files` are static files that don't need to be processed, e.g. images

build_webui("build") {
  grd_prefix = "ash_print_management"

  static_files = [

  web_component_files = [

  non_web_component_files = [ "mojo_interface_provider.ts" ]

  icons_html_files = [ "icons.html" ]

  css_files = [

  mojo_files_deps =
      [ "//chromeos/components/print_management/mojom:mojom_ts__generator" ]
  mojo_files = [ "$root_gen_dir/chromeos/components/print_management/mojom/printing_manager.mojom-webui.ts" ]

  ts_composite = true
  ts_deps = [

  webui_context_type = "trusted"
  grit_output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/ash/webui"