
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

namespace autofill {
struct PasswordFormFillData;
struct PasswordFormGenerationData;
}  // namespace autofill

class GURL;

// C++ to ObjC bridge for methods of PasswordManagerDriver.
@protocol PasswordManagerDriverBridge

@property(readonly, nonatomic) const GURL& lastCommittedURL;

// Prepares fill data with given password form data.
// This method calls suggestions helper's processWithPasswordFormFillData.
- (void)processPasswordFormFillData:
            (const autofill::PasswordFormFillData&)formData
                         forFrameId:(const std::string&)frameId
                  forSecurityOrigin:(const GURL&)origin;

// Informs delegate that there are no saved credentials for the current page.
// The frame is used to get the AccountSelectFillData and reset the credentials
// cache and also to detach the bottom sheet listener.
- (void)onNoSavedCredentialsWithFrameId:(const std::string&)frameId;

// Informs delegate of form for password generation found.
- (void)formEligibleForGenerationFound:
    (const autofill::PasswordFormGenerationData&)form;

- (void)attachListenersForPasswordGenerationFields:
            (const autofill::PasswordFormGenerationData&)form
                                        forFrameId:(const std::string&)frameId;
