// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as fillConstants from '//components/autofill/ios/form_util/resources/fill_constants.js';
import type {AutofillFormData} from '//components/autofill/ios/form_util/resources/fill_util.js';
import {gCrWeb} from '//ios/web/public/js_messaging/resources/gcrweb.js';
* @fileoverview Installs Passwords management functions on the gCrWeb object.
* It scans the DOM, extracting and storing password forms and returns a JSON
* string representing an array of objects, each of which represents an Password
* form with information about a form to be filled and/or submitted and it can
* be translated to class FormData for further processing.
* Container that holds the result from password filling.
interface FillResult {
// True when the username was actually filled. Set to false if the username
// field isn't editable at the the time of filling, if the provided render ID
// is 0, if the username won't change or if the fill attempt aborted.
didFillUsername: boolean;
// True when the password was actually filled. this will be set to false, if
// the provided renderer ID is 0, if the password won't change, or if the fill
// attempt aborted.
didFillPassword: boolean;
// True if there was an attempt to fill the form but without necessarily
// filling the field. If one of the fields to fill isn't available at the time
// of filling, this will be false. If the fields that had to be filled were
// there but couldn't be filled, this will be set to true.
didAttemptFill: boolean;
// Represents the FillResult when filling failed.
const kFillResultForFailure: FillResult = {
didFillUsername: false,
didFillPassword: false,
didAttemptFill: false,
* Finds all password forms in the frame and returns form data as a JSON
* string. Include the single username forms to support UFF.
* @return Form data as a JSON string.
function findPasswordForms(): string {
const formDataList: AutofillFormData[] = [];
return gCrWeb.stringify(formDataList);
* If `form` has no submit elements and exactly 1 button that button
* is assumed to be a submit button. This function adds onSubmitButtonClick
* as a handler for touchend event of this button. Touchend event is used as
* a proxy for onclick event because onclick handling might be prevented by
* the site JavaScript.
function addSubmitButtonTouchEndHandler(form: HTMLFormElement) {
if (form.querySelector('input[type=submit]')) {
// Try to find buttons of type submit at first.
let buttons = form.querySelectorAll('button[type="submit"]');
if (buttons.length === 0) {
// Try to check all buttons. If there is only one button, assume that this
// is the submit button.
buttons = form.querySelectorAll('button');
if (buttons.length !== 1) {
for (const button of buttons) {
button.addEventListener('touchend', onSubmitButtonTouchEnd);
* Click handler for the submit button.
function onSubmitButtonTouchEnd(evt: Event) {
const form = (evt.currentTarget as HTMLFormElement)['form'];
const formData = gCrWeb.passwords.getPasswordFormData(form);
if (!formData) {
gCrWeb.common.sendWebKitMessage('PasswordFormSubmitButtonClick', formData);
* Returns the element from `inputs` which has the field identifier equal to
* `identifier` and null if there is no such element.
function findInputByFieldRendererID(
inputs: HTMLInputElement[], identifier: number): HTMLInputElement|null {
if (identifier.toString() === fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET) {
return null;
for (const input of inputs) {
if (identifier.toString() === gCrWeb.fill.getUniqueID(input)) {
return input;
return null;
* Returns an array of input elements in a form.
* @param form A form element for which the input elements
* are returned.
function getFormInputElements(form: HTMLFormElement): HTMLInputElement[] {
return gCrWeb.form.getFormControlElements(form).filter((element: Element) => {
return element.tagName === 'INPUT';
* Returns the password form with the given |identifier| as a JSON string.
* @param identifier The identifier of the form to extract.
* @return The password form.
function getPasswordFormDataAsString(identifier: number): string {
const hasFormTag =
identifier.toString() !== fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET;
const form =
hasFormTag ? gCrWeb.form.getFormElementFromRendererId(identifier) : null;
if (!form && hasFormTag) {
return '{}';
const formData = hasFormTag ?
gCrWeb.passwords.getPasswordFormData(form) :
if (!formData) {
return '{}';
return gCrWeb.stringify(formData);
* Finds the form described by |formData| and fills in the
* username and password values.
* This is a public function invoked by Chrome. There is no information
* passed to this function that the page does not have access to anyway.
* @param formData Form data.
* @param username The username to fill.
* @param password The password to fill.
* @return {FillResult} The result of filling the password fields.
function fillPasswordForm(
formData: AutofillFormData, username: string,
password: string): FillResult {
const form = gCrWeb.form.getFormElementFromRendererId(formData.renderer_id);
if (form) {
const inputs = getFormInputElements(form);
return fillUsernameAndPassword(inputs, formData, username, password);
// Check fields that are not inside any <form> tag.
const unownedInputs =
gCrWeb.fill.getUnownedAutofillableFormFieldElements(document.all, []);
if (unownedInputs.length > 0) {
return fillUsernameAndPassword(unownedInputs, formData, username, password);
return kFillResultForFailure;
* Finds the form identified by |formIdentifier| and fills its password fields
* with |password|.
* @param formIdentifier The name of the form to fill.
* @param newPasswordIdentifier The id of password element to fill.
* @param confirmPasswordIdentifier The id of confirm password element
* to fill.
* @param password The password to fill.
* @return Whether new password field has been filled.
function fillPasswordFormWithGeneratedPassword(
formIdentifier: number, newPasswordIdentifier: number,
confirmPasswordIdentifier: number, password: string): boolean {
const hasFormTag =
formIdentifier.toString() !== fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET;
if (fillGeneratedPassword(
formIdentifier, newPasswordIdentifier, confirmPasswordIdentifier,
password, hasFormTag)) {
return true;
return false;
* Fills password fields in the form identified by |formIdentifier|
* with |password| in the current window.
* @param formIdentifier The name of the form to fill.
* @param newPasswordIdentifier The id of password element to fill.
* @param confirmPasswordIdentifier The id of confirm password
* element to fill.
* @param password The password to fill.
* @param hasFormTag Whether the new password field belongs to a
* <form> element.
* @return Whether new password field has been filled.
function fillGeneratedPassword(
formIdentifier: number, newPasswordIdentifier: number,
confirmPasswordIdentifier: number, password: string,
hasFormTag: boolean): boolean {
const form = gCrWeb.form.getFormElementFromRendererId(formIdentifier);
if (!form && hasFormTag) {
return false;
const inputs = hasFormTag ?
getFormInputElements(form) :
gCrWeb.fill.getUnownedAutofillableFormFieldElements(document.all, []);
const newPasswordField =
findInputByFieldRendererID(inputs, newPasswordIdentifier);
if (!newPasswordField) {
return false;
// Avoid resetting if same value, as it moves cursor to the end.
if (newPasswordField.value !== password) {
gCrWeb.fill.setInputElementValue(password, newPasswordField);
const confirmPasswordField =
findInputByFieldRendererID(inputs, confirmPasswordIdentifier);
if (confirmPasswordField && confirmPasswordField.value !== password) {
gCrWeb.fill.setInputElementValue(password, confirmPasswordField);
return true;
* Gets the username input element for fill.
* @param inputs Available inputs in the form.
* @param rendererId Renderer ID of the username input to fill.
* @returns Input element to fill with the username or
* null if the input element wasn't found.
function getUsernameInputElementForFill(
inputs: HTMLInputElement[],rendererId: number): HTMLInputElement|null {
if (rendererId === Number(fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET)) {
return null;
const usernameInput = findInputByFieldRendererID(inputs, rendererId);
if (!usernameInput) {
return null;
if (!gCrWeb.common.isTextField(usernameInput)) {
return null;
return usernameInput;
* Gets the password input element for fill.
* @param inputs Available inputs in the form.
* @param rendererId Renderer ID of the password input to fill.
* @returns Input element to fill with the password or
* null if the input element wasn't found.
function getPasswordInputElementForFill(
inputs: HTMLInputElement[], rendererId: number): HTMLInputElement|null {
if (rendererId === Number(fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET)) {
return null;
const passwordInput = findInputByFieldRendererID(inputs, rendererId);
if (!passwordInput) {
return null;
if (passwordInput.type !== 'password' || passwordInput.readOnly ||
passwordInput.disabled) {
return null;
return passwordInput;
* Finds target input fields in all form/formless inputs and
* fill them with fill data.
* @param inputs Form inputs.
* @param formData Form data.
* @param username The username to fill.
* @param password The password to fill.
* @return {FillResult} The result of filling the password fields.
function fillUsernameAndPassword(
inputs: HTMLInputElement[], formData: AutofillFormData, username: string,
password: string): FillResult {
const usernameRendererId: number = Number(formData.fields[0]!.renderer_id);
let usernameInput;
if (usernameRendererId !== Number(fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET)) {
usernameInput = getUsernameInputElementForFill(inputs, usernameRendererId);
if (!usernameInput) {
// Don't fill anything if the username can't be filled when it should be
// filled.
return kFillResultForFailure;
const passwordRendererId: number = Number(formData.fields[1]!.renderer_id);
let passwordInput;
if (passwordRendererId !== Number(fillConstants.RENDERER_ID_NOT_SET)) {
passwordInput = getPasswordInputElementForFill(inputs, passwordRendererId);
if (!passwordInput) {
// Don't fill anything if the password can't be filled when it should be
// filled.
return kFillResultForFailure;
const isUsernameEditable: boolean = Boolean(
!!usernameInput && !usernameInput.readOnly && !usernameInput.disabled);
// Fill the username if needed and if it doesn't look like it was already
// pre-filled by the website.
const didFillUsername: boolean =
(isUsernameEditable &&
gCrWeb.fill.setInputElementValue(username, usernameInput)) as boolean;
// Fill the password if needed.
const didFillPassword: boolean =
!!passwordInput &&
gCrWeb.fill.setInputElementValue(password, passwordInput)) as boolean;
return {
didAttemptFill: true,
* Returns true if the form is a recognized credential form. JS equivalent of
* IsRendererRecognizedCredentialForm() for other platforms
* (components/password_manager/core/common/password_manager_util.h).
* @param form Object with the parsed form data.
function isRecognizedCredentialForm(form: AutofillFormData) {
return form.fields.some(
field => field['autocomplete_attribute']?.includes('username') ||
field['autocomplete_attribute']?.includes('webauthn') ||
field['form_control_type'] === 'password');
* Finds all forms with passwords in the current window or frame and appends
* JS objects containing the form data to |formDataList|.
* @param formDataList A list that this function populates
* with descriptions of discovered forms.
function getPasswordFormDataList(formDataList: AutofillFormData[]) {
const forms = document.forms;
for (const form of forms) {
const formData = getPasswordFormData(form);
if (formData && isRecognizedCredentialForm(formData)) {
const unownedFormData =
if (unownedFormData && isRecognizedCredentialForm(unownedFormData)) {
* Finds all forms with passwords that are not inside any <form> tag and returns
* JS object containing the form data.
* @return Object of data from formElement.
function getPasswordFormDataFromUnownedElements(): object|void {
const fieldsets: fillConstants.FormControlElement[] = [];
const unownedControlElements =
document.all, fieldsets);
if (unownedControlElements.length === 0) {
const unownedForm = new gCrWeb['common'].JSONSafeObject();
const hasUnownedForm = gCrWeb.fill.unownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
window, fieldsets, unownedControlElements, /* iframeElements= */[], false,
return hasUnownedForm ? unownedForm : null;
* Returns a JS object containing the data from |formElement|.
* @param formElement An HTML Form element.
* @return Object of data from formElement.
function getPasswordFormData(
formElement: HTMLFormElement): AutofillFormData|null {
const formData = {} as AutofillFormData;
const ok = gCrWeb.fill.webFormElementToFormData(
window, formElement, /*formControlElement=*/ null, formData,
/*field=*/ null);
return ok ? formData : null;
gCrWeb.passwords = {