// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace autofill {
class FormData;
struct PasswordFormFillData;
} // namespace autofill
namespace password_manager {
struct FillData;
} // namespace password_manager
namespace test_helpers {
// Populates |form_data| with test values.
void SetPasswordFormFillData(const std::string& origin,
const char* form_name,
uint32_t form_id,
const char* username_field,
uint32_t username_field_id,
const char* username_value,
const char* password_field,
uint32_t password_field_id,
const char* password_value,
const char* additional_username,
const char* additional_password,
autofill::PasswordFormFillData* form_data);
// Populates |fill_data| with test values.
void SetFillData(const std::string& origin,
uint32_t form_id,
uint32_t username_field_id,
const char* username_value,
uint32_t password_field_id,
const char* password_value,
password_manager::FillData* fill_data);
// Populates |form_data| with test values.
void SetFormData(const std::string& origin,
uint32_t form_id,
uint32_t username_field_id,
const char* username_value,
uint32_t password_field_id,
const char* password_value,
autofill::FormData* form_data);
// Returns a simple FormData with test values.
autofill::FormData MakeSimpleFormData();
} // namespace test_helpers