// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview @externs
* Externs file shipped into the chromium build to typecheck uncompiled, "pure"
* JavaScript used to interoperate with the open-source unprivileged WebUI.
* TODO(b/195329580): Convert this file to ES6.
/** @const */
const projectorApp = {};
* Structure for tool config.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.AnnotatorToolParams = function() {};
* The tool type supported in the Ink Engine.
* @type {string}
* The color of the annotator tool.
* @type {string}
* The size of the annotator tool.
* @type {number}
* The client Api for interacting with the projector annotator instance.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi = function() {};
* Set the tool parameters in the Ink engine.
* @param {projectorApp.AnnotatorToolParams} toolParams
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi.prototype.setTool = function(toolParams) {};
/** Undo the most recent operation. */
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi.prototype.undo = function() {};
/** Redo the last undone operation. */
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi.prototype.redo = function() {};
/** Clear the canvas. */
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi.prototype.clear = function() {};
* Notifies the attached listener when the undo/redo state changes.
* @param {function(boolean, boolean):undefined} listener The function triggered
* when the undo redo status changed. This function takes 2 boolean
* arguments: canUndo and canRedo.
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi.prototype.addUndoRedoListener = function(listener) {};
* Attaches the callback that should be executed when the canvas has succeeded
* or failed initialization.
* @param {function(boolean):undefined} callback Expects a boolean indicating if
* canvas initialization has succeeded or failed.
projectorApp.AnnotatorApi.prototype.addCanvasInitializationCallback = function(
callback) {};
* Structure for Account information.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.Account = function() {};
* The name of the user.
* @type {string}
* The email of the user.
* @type {string}
* The picture url of the user.
* @type {string}
* Whether this user is a primary user or not.
* @type {boolean}
* Structure for OAuthToken information passed.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.OAuthTokenInfo = function() {};
* The OAuth token.
* @type {string}
* The expiration time of the OAuth token.
* @type {string}
* Structure for OAuthToken information passed.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.OAuthToken = function() {};
* The email of user associated with the oauth token request.
* @type {string}
* The OAuth token information.
* @type {!projectorApp.OAuthTokenInfo}
* The error message associated with the token fetch request.
* @type {string}
* Structure for Screencast information.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.PendingScreencast = function() {};
* The display name of the screencast.
* @type {string}
* The upload progress of the screencast. Range from [0, 100).
* @type {number}
* The created time of the screencast video, as the number of milliseconds since
* the epoch.
* @type {number}
* Whether this screencast is failed to upload.
* @type {boolean}
// TODO(b/205334821): We may want to provide duration field to
// PendingScreencast.
* Structure for XHR response.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.XhrResponse = function() {};
* True if the request is sent successfully.
* @type {boolean}
* The response text of the XHR request.
* @type {string}
* The error message associated with the XHR request.
* @type {string}
* The error code from associated with the XHR request.
* @type {number|undefined}
* The new screen cast enabled state.
* chrome.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.NewScreencastPreconditionState = function() {};
* The new screencast Precondition state of type
* @type {number}
* The reasons of type NEW_SCREENCAST_PRECONDITION_REASON for the precondition.
* @type {!Array<number>}
* Structure for Screencast video object.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.Video = function() {};
* Duration of the video in milliseconds.
* @type {string|undefined}
* The local source url of screencast video.
* @type {string|undefined}
* Drive item id of the video file.
* @type {string|undefined}
* The delegate interface that the Projector app can use to make requests to
* chrome.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.ClientDelegate = function() {};
* Gets the list of primary and secondary accounts currently available on the
* device.
* @return {Promise<Array<!projectorApp.Account>>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.getAccounts = function() {};
* Checks whether the SWA can trigger a new Projector session.
* @return {!Promise<!projectorApp.NewScreencastPreconditionState>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.getNewScreencastPreconditionState =
function() {};
* Starts the Projector session if it is possible. Provides the storage
* directory name where projector output artifacts will be saved in.
* @param {string} storageDir
* @return {Promise<boolean>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.startProjectorSession = function(
storageDir) {};
* Gets the oauth token with the required scopes for the specified account.
* @param {string} email user's email
* @return {!Promise<!projectorApp.OAuthToken>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.getOAuthTokenForAccount = function(
email) {};
* Sends 'error' message to handler.
* The Handler will log the message. If the error is not a recoverable error,
* the handler closes the corresponding WebUI.
* @param {!Array<string>} msg Error messages.
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.onError = function(msg) {};
* Gets the list of pending screencasts currently available on the device.
* @return {Promise<Array<!projectorApp.PendingScreencast>>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.getPendingScreencasts = function() {};
* Send XHR request.
* @param {string} url the request URL.
* @param {string} method the request method.
* @param {string=} requestBody the request body data.
* @param {boolean=} useCredentials authorize the request with end user
* credentials. Used for getting streaming URL.
* @param {boolean=} useApiKey authorize the request with API key. Used for
* translation requests.
* @param {Object=} additional headers.
* @param {string=} email associated with the user account to retrieve OAuth
* Token.
* @return {!Promise<!projectorApp.XhrResponse>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.sendXhr = function(
url, method, requestBody, useCredentials, useApiKey, headers,
accountEmail) {};
* Returns true if the device supports on device speech recognition.
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.shouldDownloadSoda = function() {};
* Triggers the installation of on device speech recognition binary and language
* packs for the user's locale. Returns true if download and installation
* started.
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.installSoda = function() {};
* Returns the value associated with the user preference if it is supported;
* If the `userPref` is not supported the returned promise will be rejected.
* @param {string} userPref
* @return {!Promise<Object>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.getUserPref = function(userPref) {};
* Sets the user preference if the preference is supported and the value is
* valid. If the `userPref` is not supported or the `value` is not the correct
* type, the returned promise will be rejected.
* @param {string} userPref
* @param {Object} value A preference can store multiple types (dictionaries,
* lists, Boolean, etc..); therefore, accept a generic Object value.
* @return {!Promise} Promise resolved when the request was handled.
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.setUserPref = function(
userPref, value) {};
* Opens the Chrome feedback dialog. If not successful, the promise will be
* rejected with an error string.
* @return {!Promise}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.openFeedbackDialog = function() {};
* Gets information about the specified video from DriveFS.
* @param {string} videoFileId The Drive item id of the video file.
* @param {string|undefined} resourceKey The Drive item resource key.
* @return {!Promise<!projectorApp.Video>}
projectorApp.ClientDelegate.prototype.getVideo = function(
videoFileId, resourceKey) {};
* The client Api for interacting with the Projector app instance.
* @record
* @struct
projectorApp.AppApi = function() {};
* Notifies the Projector app that whether it can start a new session.
* @param {!projectorApp.NewScreencastPreconditionState} state
projectorApp.AppApi.prototype.onNewScreencastPreconditionChanged = function(
state) {};
* Notfies the app when screencasts' pending state have changed.
* @param {!Array<projectorApp.PendingScreencast>} screencasts
projectorApp.AppApi.prototype.onScreencastsStateChange = function(
screencasts) {};
* Sets the delegate that the Projector app can use to call into Chrome
* dependent functions.
* @param {!projectorApp.ClientDelegate} clientDelegate
projectorApp.AppApi.prototype.setClientDelegate = function(clientDelegate) {};
// TODO(b/224705800): Don't notify the Projector client for SODA installation
// progress updates. This number is no longer surfaced in the UI, so the
// wiring can be cleaned up.
* Notifies the Projector App the download and installation progress of the SODA
* binary and language packs.
* @param {number} progress A number in range 0 - 100 indicating installation
* progress.
projectorApp.AppApi.prototype.onSodaInstallProgressUpdated = function(
progress) {};
* Notifies the Projector App when SODA download and installation is complete.
projectorApp.AppApi.prototype.onSodaInstalled = function() {};
* Notifies the Projector App when there is a SODA installation error.
projectorApp.AppApi.prototype.onSodaInstallError = function() {};