
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>

#include "cast/streaming/public/constants.h"
#include "cast/streaming/resolution.h"
namespace openscreen::cast {

struct Answer;

// This namespace contains classes and functions to be used by senders for
// determining what constraints are recommended for the capture device, based on
// the limits reported by the receiver.
// A general note about recommendations: they are NOT maximum operational
// limits, instead they are targeted to provide a delightful cast experience.
// For example, if a receiver is connected to a 1080P display but cannot provide
// 1080P at a stable FPS with a good experience, 1080P will not be recommended.
namespace capture_recommendations {

// Default maximum delay for both audio and video. Used if the sender fails
// to provide any constraints.
constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kDefaultMaxDelayMs(400);

// Bit rate limits, used for both audio and video streams.
struct BitRateLimits {};

// The mirroring control protocol specifies 32kbps as the absolute minimum
// for audio. Depending on the type of audio content (narrowband, fullband,
// etc.) Opus specifically can perform very well at this bitrate.
// See:
constexpr int kDefaultAudioMinBitRate =;

// Opus generally sees little improvement above 192kbps, but some older codecs
// that we may consider supporting improve at up to 256kbps.
constexpr int kDefaultAudioMaxBitRate =;
constexpr BitRateLimits kDefaultAudioBitRateLimits{};

// While generally audio should be captured at the maximum sample rate, 16kHz is
// the recommended absolute minimum.
constexpr int kDefaultAudioMinSampleRate =;

// Audio capture recommendations. Maximum delay is determined by buffer
// constraints, and capture bit rate may vary between limits as appropriate.
struct Audio {};

// The minimum dimensions are as close as possible to low-definition
// television, factoring in the receiver's aspect ratio if provided.
constexpr Resolution kDefaultMinResolution{};

// Currently mirroring only supports 1080P.
constexpr Dimensions kDefaultMaxResolution{};

// The mirroring spec suggests 300kbps as the absolute minimum bitrate.
constexpr int kDefaultVideoMinBitRate =;

// The theoretical maximum pixels per second is the maximum bit rate
// divided by 8 (the max byte rate). In practice it should generally be
// less.
constexpr int kDefaultVideoMaxPixelsPerSecond =;

// Our default limits are merely the product of the minimum and maximum
// dimensions, and are only used if the receiver fails to give better
// constraint information.
const BitRateLimits kDefaultVideoBitRateLimits{};

// Video capture recommendations.
struct Video {};

// Outputted recommendations for usage by capture devices. Note that we always
// return both audio and video (it is up to the sender to determine what
// streams actually get created). If the receiver doesn't give us any
// information for making recommendations, the defaults are used.
struct Recommendations {};

Recommendations GetRecommendations(const Answer& answer);

}  // namespace capture_recommendations
}  // namespace openscreen::cast