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Without your changes
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With your changes
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This document is password protected. Please enter a password.
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Password required
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Incorrect password
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Failed to load PDF document.
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Document properties
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File name:
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File size:
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PDF producer:
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PDF version:
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Page count:
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Fast web view:
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Rotate counterclockwise
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0 degrees
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90 degrees
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180 degrees
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270 degrees
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Fit to page
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Fit to width
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Two page view
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Zoom level
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Zoom in
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Zoom out
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Document outline
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Download the attachment
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Page number
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Loading PDF
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Finished loading PDF
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Files over 100MB are not available for download
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Annotation not available
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Edit annotations in default view?
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When you edit annotations, this document will return to its original rotation
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When you edit annotations, this document will return to single page view
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Document is too large to be annotated
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Protected documents cannot be annotated
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Cannot annotate when rotated
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Avocado Green
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Cobalt Blue
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Deep Purple
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Dark Brown
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Dark Grey
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Hot Pink
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Light Grey
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Light Pink
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Light Orange
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Light Green
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Light Blue
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Light Teal
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Size 1
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Size 2
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Size 3
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Size 4
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Size 8
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Size 12
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Size 16
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Size 20
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This PDF is inaccessible. Couldn't download text extraction files. Please try again later.
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This PDF is inaccessible. Extracting text, powered by Google AI
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Unlabeled graphic. Extracting text, powered by Google AI
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Unlabeled image. Extracting text, powered by Google AI
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This PDF is inaccessible. Text extracted, powered by Google AI
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This PDF is inaccessible. No text extracted
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Extracting text in next few pages