
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Contains the information that we want to track about a given site feature.
// Next Id: 3
message SiteDataFeatureProto {
  // The cumulative observation time for this feature in seconds, set to 0 once
  // this feature has been observed.
  optional int64 observation_duration = 1;
  // The time at which this feature has been used (set to 0 if it hasn't been
  // used), in seconds since epoch.
  optional int64 use_timestamp = 2;

// Contains decaying average performance measurement estimates.
// Next Id: 4
message SiteDataPerformanceMeasurement {
  // A decaying average of the CPU usage measurements. Units: microseconds.
  optional float avg_cpu_usage_us = 1;
  // A decaying average of the process footprint measurements. Units: kilobytes.
  optional float avg_footprint_kb = 2;
  // A decaying average of the duration from navigation commit to "loaded".
  // Units: microseconds.
  optional float avg_load_duration_us = 3;

// Defines the data that we want to track about a given site.
// Next Id: 7
message SiteDataProto {
  // The last time this site has been in the loaded state, in seconds since
  // epoch.
  optional uint32 last_loaded = 1;

  // List of features that we're tracking.
  optional SiteDataFeatureProto updates_favicon_in_background = 2;
  optional SiteDataFeatureProto updates_title_in_background = 3;
  optional SiteDataFeatureProto uses_audio_in_background = 4;
  optional SiteDataFeatureProto deprecated_uses_notifications_in_background = 5;

  // Load time performance measurement estimates. This maintains a decaying
  // average of the resource usage of a page until shortly after it becomes
  // idle.
  optional SiteDataPerformanceMeasurement load_time_estimates = 6;