// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module performance_manager.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/process_id.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/lifecycle.mojom";
import "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/v8_contexts.mojom";
import "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/web_memory.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";
// Any new type here needs to be mirrored between coordination_unit_types.h and
// coordination_unit.mojom, and have mappings between the two defined in
// coordination_unit_mojom_traits.h/.cc (see comment in coordination_unit_id.h).
enum CoordinationUnitType {
// Interface used by a blink::Document to communicate state associated with
// resource management to the embedder.
interface DocumentCoordinationUnit {
// Property signals.
SetLifecycleState(LifecycleState state);
SetHasNonEmptyBeforeUnload(bool has_nonempty_beforeunload);
// Called the first time a form in this document is interacted with.
// Called the first time the user has edited the content of an element. This
// is a superset of `SetHadFormInteraction()`: form interactions trigger both
// events but changes to e.g. a `<div>` with the `contenteditable` property
// will only trigger `SetHadUserEdits()`.
// Called when the document starts using WebRTC.
// Called when the document stops using WebRTC.
// Called whenever the frame associated with this document is tagged or
// untagged as an ad, providing the new status.
SetIsAdFrame(bool is_ad_frame);
// Called when the associated frame has caused a non-persistent notification
// to be created.
// Invoked when the frame associated with this document has had a first
// contentful paint, as defined here:
// https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/audits/first-contentful-paint
// This may not fire for all frames, depending on if the load is interrupted
// or if the content is even visible. It will fire at most once for a given
// frame. It will only fire for main-frame nodes.
OnFirstContentfulPaint(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta time_since_navigation_start);
// Invoked when JS in the renderer requests a memory measurement via
// the performance.measureUserAgentSpecificMemory API.
OnWebMemoryMeasurementRequested(WebMemoryMeasurement.Mode mode) =>
(WebMemoryMeasurement measurement);
// Interface used by the RendererResourceCoordinator singleton to send state
// associated with resource management of a renderer process to the embedder.
interface ProcessCoordinationUnit {
// Property signals.
SetMainThreadTaskLoadIsLow(bool main_thread_task_load_is_low);
// V8 context tracking.
// Notifies the browser of a V8Context being created in a renderer
// process. If the context is associated with an ExecutionContext (EC) then
// |description.execution_context_token| will be provided. If the EC is a
// frame, and the parent of that frame is also in the same process, then
// |iframe_attribution_data| will be provided, otherwise these will be empty.
// See the V8ContextWorldType enum for a description of the relationship
// between world types, world names and execution contexts (in
// v8_contexts.mojom).
OnV8ContextCreated(V8ContextDescription description,
IframeAttributionData? iframe_attribution_data);
// Notifies the browser that a V8Context is now detached from its associated
// ExecutionContext (if one was provided during OnV8ContextCreated). If the
// context stays detached for a long time this is indicative of a Javascript
// leak, with the context being kept alive by a stray reference from another
// context. All ExecutionContext-associated V8Contexts will have this method
// called before they are destroyed, and it will not be called for other
// V8Contexts (they are never considered detached). It is possible that this
// is never called for contexts in a renderer processes that crashes or is
// otherwise terminated.
OnV8ContextDetached(blink.mojom.V8ContextToken v8_context_token);
// Notifies the browser that a V8Context has been garbage collected. This will
// only be called after OnV8ContextDetached if the OnV8ContextCreated had a
// non-empty |description.execution_context_token|. It is possible that this
// is never called for contexts in a renderer processes that crashes or is
// otherwise terminated.
OnV8ContextDestroyed(blink.mojom.V8ContextToken v8_context_token);
// Called when a RemoteFrame is attached as the content of a local iframe.
// The browser process will use this to maintain a map from the RemoteFrame's
// token to the iframe's attribution information as seen by the renderer
// process.
OnRemoteIframeAttached(blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken parent_frame_token,
blink.mojom.RemoteFrameToken remote_frame_token,
IframeAttributionData iframe_attribution_data);
// Called when a RemoteFrame that was the content of a local iframe is
// removed from the frame. Only the frame token is needed because the
// iframe's attribution information was previously associated with the token
// by OnRemoteIframeAttached.
OnRemoteIframeDetached(blink.mojom.LocalFrameToken parent_frame_token,
blink.mojom.RemoteFrameToken remote_frame_token);
// Called when a renderer has observed an allow-listed performance.mark
// trigger event. The browser will reconfirm that the trigger is indeed
// allow-listed before firing the background tracing trigger, which can result
// in a trace being uploaded to the background tracing pipeline.
FireBackgroundTracingTrigger(string trigger_name);