
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <set>

#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "base/functional/overloaded.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/process_node.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"

namespace performance_manager {
class FrameNode;
class WorkerNode;
}  // namespace performance_manager

namespace resource_attribution {

// A set of nodes to include or exclude from a resource split.

// Splits a resource of type T between all frames and workers hosted in
// `process_node`. `frame_setter` or `worker_setter` will be called for each
// node with that node's fraction of `resource_value`.
// Any node in `extra_nodes` will be included in the split as if it were hosted
// in `process_node`, and any node in `nodes_to_skip` will be excluded from the
// split.
template <typename T,
          // Template parameters are used to alias FrameNode and WorkerNode
          // without introducing them into the resource_attribution namespace.
          typename FrameNode = performance_manager::FrameNode,
          typename WorkerNode = performance_manager::WorkerNode,
          typename FrameSetter = base::FunctionRef<void(const FrameNode*, T)>,
          typename WorkerSetter = base::FunctionRef<void(const WorkerNode*, T)>>
void SplitResourceAmongFramesAndWorkers(
    T resource_value,
    const performance_manager::ProcessNode* process_node,
    const NodeSplitSet& extra_nodes,
    const NodeSplitSet& nodes_to_skip,
    FrameSetter frame_setter,
    WorkerSetter worker_setter);

// Splits a resource of type T between all frames and workers hosted in
// `process_node`. `frame_setter` or `worker_setter` will be called for each
// node with that node's fraction of `resource_value`.
template <typename T,
          // Template parameters are used to alias FrameNode and WorkerNode
          // without introducing them into the resource_attribution namespace.
          typename FrameNode = performance_manager::FrameNode,
          typename WorkerNode = performance_manager::WorkerNode,
          typename FrameSetter = base::FunctionRef<void(const FrameNode*, T)>,
          typename WorkerSetter = base::FunctionRef<void(const WorkerNode*, T)>>
void SplitResourceAmongFramesAndWorkers(
    T resource_value,
    const performance_manager::ProcessNode* process_node,
    FrameSetter frame_setter,
    WorkerSetter worker_setter) {}

// Implementation

template <typename T,
          typename FrameNode,
          typename WorkerNode,
          typename FrameSetter,
          typename WorkerSetter>
void SplitResourceAmongFramesAndWorkers(
    T resource_value,
    const performance_manager::ProcessNode* process_node,
    const NodeSplitSet& extra_nodes,
    const NodeSplitSet& nodes_to_skip,
    FrameSetter frame_setter,
    WorkerSetter worker_setter) {}

}  // namespace resource_attribution