
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <vector>

#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/process_node_impl.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/test_support/graph_test_harness.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browsing_instance_id.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"

namespace performance_manager {

class FrameNodeImpl;
class PageNodeImpl;
class SystemNodeImpl;

// The browsing instance for all frames on `page` in graphs defined below.
extern const content::BrowsingInstanceId kBrowsingInstanceForPage;

// The browsing instance for all frames on `other_page` in graphs defined below.
extern const content::BrowsingInstanceId kBrowsingInstanceForOtherPage;

// A for-testing subclass of the process node that allows mocking the
// process' PID.
class TestProcessNodeImpl : public ProcessNodeImpl {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario when a single
// page executes in a single process:
// Pr  Pg  BPr
//  \ /
//   F
// Where:
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
// Pg: page
struct MockSinglePageInSingleProcessGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where multiple
// pages are executing in a single process:
// Pg  Pr OPg  BPr
//  \ / \ /
//   F  OF
// Where:
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// OF: other_frame(frame_tree_id:1)
// Pg: page
// OPg: other_page
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
struct MockMultiplePagesInSingleProcessGraph
    : public MockSinglePageInSingleProcessGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where
// `num_other_pages` pages are executing in a single process:
// Pg  Pr OPg...  BPr
//  \ / \ /
//   F  OF...
// Where:
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// OFs...: other_frames(frame_tree_id:1..num_other_pages)
// Pg: page
// OPgs...: other_pages
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
struct MockManyPagesInSingleProcessGraph
    : public MockSinglePageInSingleProcessGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where a single
// page that has frames is executing in different processes (e.g. out-of-process
// iFrames):
// Pg  Pr
// |\ /
// | F  OPr
// |  \ /
// |__CF  BPr
// Where:
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// CF: child_frame(frame_tree_id:2)
// Pg: page
// BPr: browser_proces(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
// OPr: other_process(pid:3)
struct MockSinglePageWithMultipleProcessesGraph
    : public MockSinglePageInSingleProcessGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where multiple
// pages are utilizing multiple processes (e.g. out-of-process iFrames and
// multiple pages in a process):
// Pg  Pr OPg___
//  \ / \ /     |
//   F   OF OPr |
//        \ /   |
//   BPr   CF___|
// Where:
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// OF: other_frame(frame_tree_id:1)
// CF: child_frame(frame_tree_id:3)
// Pg: page
// OPg: other_page
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
// OPr: other_process(pid:3)
struct MockMultiplePagesWithMultipleProcessesGraph
    : public MockMultiplePagesInSingleProcessGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where a page
// contains a single frame that creates a single dedicated worker.
// Pg  Pr_   BPr
//  \ /   |
//   F    |
//    \   |
//     W__|
// Where:
// Pg: page
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// W: worker
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
struct MockSinglePageWithFrameAndWorkerInSingleProcessGraph
    : public MockSinglePageInSingleProcessGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where multiple
// pages making use of workers are hosted in multiple processes (e.g.
// out-of-process iFrames and multiple pages in a process):
//    Pg    OPg
//    |     |
//    F     OF
//   /\    /  \
//  W  \  /   CF
//   \ | /    | \
//     Pr     | OW
//            | /
//     BPr    OPr
// Where:
// Pg: page
// OPg: other_page
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// OF: other_frame(frame_tree_id:1)
// CF: child_frame(frame_tree_id:3)
// W: worker
// OW: other_worker
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
// OPr: other_process(pid:3)
struct MockMultiplePagesAndWorkersWithMultipleProcessesGraph
    : public MockMultiplePagesWithMultipleProcessesGraph {};

// The following graph topology is created to emulate a scenario where a utility
// process is running, plus multiple pages making use of workers are hosted in
// multiple renderer processes (e.g. out-of-process iFrames and multiple pages
// in a process):
//    Pg    OPg
//    |     |
//    F     OF
//   /\    /  \
//  W  \  /   CF
//   \ | /    | \
//     Pr     | OW
//            | /
//     BPr    OPr    UPr
// Where:
// Pg: page
// OPg: other_page
// F: frame(frame_tree_id:0)
// OF: other_frame(frame_tree_id:1)
// CF: child_frame(frame_tree_id:3)
// W: worker
// OW: other_worker
// BPr: browser_process(pid:1)
// Pr: process(pid:2)
// OPr: other_process(pid:3)
// UPr: utility_process(pid:4)
struct MockUtilityAndMultipleRenderProcessesGraph
    : public MockMultiplePagesAndWorkersWithMultipleProcessesGraph {};

}  // namespace performance_manager