
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/execution_context/execution_context.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/graph.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/graph_registered.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/node_data_describer.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/process_node.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/v8_contexts.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"

namespace performance_manager {

class FrameNodeImpl;
class ProcessNodeImpl;

namespace v8_memory {

// Forward declaration.
namespace internal {
class V8ContextTrackerDataStore;
}  // namespace internal

// A class that tracks individual V8Contexts in renderers as they go through
// their lifecycle. This tracks information such as detached (leaked) contexts
// and remote frame attribution, for surfacing in the performance.measureMemory
// API. This information is tracked per-process in ProcessNode-attached data.
// The tracker lets you query a V8ContextToken and retrieve information about
// that context, including its iframe attributes and associated
// ExecutionContext.
// Note that this component relies on the ExecutionContextRegistry having been
// added to the Graph.
class V8ContextTracker final
    : public execution_context::ExecutionContextObserverDefaultImpl,
      public ProcessNode::ObserverDefaultImpl,
      public GraphOwnedAndRegistered<V8ContextTracker>,
      public NodeDataDescriberDefaultImpl {};

}  // namespace v8_memory
}  // namespace performance_manager