
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Internal data structures used by V8ContextTracker. These are only exposed in
// a header for testing. Everything in this header lives in an "internal"
// namespace so as not to pollute the "v8_memory", which houses the actual
// consumer API.


#include <memory>
#include <set>

#include "base/containers/linked_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/graph/process_node_impl.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/node_attached_data.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/v8_contexts.mojom.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/v8_memory/v8_context_tracker.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/v8_memory/v8_context_tracker_helpers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"

namespace performance_manager {
namespace v8_memory {
namespace internal {


// Forward declarations.
class ExecutionContextData;
class ProcessData;
class RemoteFrameData;
class V8ContextData;
class V8ContextTrackerDataStore;

// A comparator for "Data" objects that compares by token.
template <typename DataType, typename TokenType>
struct TokenComparator {};

// ExecutionContextData declaration:

// Internal wrapper of ExecutionContextState. Augments with additional data
// needed for the implementation. Since these objects also need to be tracked
// per-process, they are kept in a process-associated doubly-linked list.
class ExecutionContextData : public base::LinkNode<ExecutionContextData>,
                             public ExecutionContextState {};

// RemoteFrameData declaration:

// Represents data about an ExecutionCOntext from the point of view of the
// parent frame that owns it.
class RemoteFrameData : public base::LinkNode<RemoteFrameData> {};

// V8ContextData declaration:

// Internal wrapper of V8ContextState. Augments with additional data needed for
// the implementation.
class V8ContextData : public base::LinkNode<V8ContextData>,
                      public V8ContextState {};

// ProcessData declaration:

class ProcessData : public ExternalNodeAttachedDataImpl<ProcessData> {};

// V8ContextTrackerDataStore declaration:

// This class acts as the owner of all tracked objects. Objects are created
// in isolation, and ownership passed to this object. Management of all
// per-process lists is centralized through this object.
class V8ContextTrackerDataStore {};

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8_memory
}  // namespace performance_manager