// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "policy_common_definitions.proto";
package enterprise_management;
option go_package="chromium/policy/enterprise_management_proto";
// Everything below this comment will be synchronized between client and server
// repos ( go/cros-proto-sync ).
message DevicePolicyRefreshRateProto {
// In milliseconds.
optional int64 device_policy_refresh_rate = 1;
message UserWhitelistProto {
// If a UserWhitelistProto is included in the ChromeDeviceSettingsProto but
// the user_whitelist field is empty then no user can sign-in.
repeated string user_whitelist = 1;
message UserAllowlistProto {
// If a UserAllowlistProto is included in the ChromeDeviceSettingsProto but
// the user_whitelist field is empty then no user can sign-in.
repeated string user_allowlist = 1;
message AllowNewUsersProto {
// Determines whether we allow arbitrary users to log into the device.
// This interacts with the UserAllowlistProto as follows:
// allow_new_users | user_allowlist | anyone can log in
// present, true | not present | Yes
// present, true | present | Yes
// present, false | not present | (Broken) Yes
// present, false | present | No, W/L enforced
// not present | not present | Yes
// not present | present, empty | Yes
// not present | present, non-empty | No, W/L enforced
optional bool allow_new_users = 1 [default = true];
message GuestModeEnabledProto {
// Determines if guests are allowed to log in to the device.
optional bool guest_mode_enabled = 1 [default = true];
message ShowUserNamesOnSigninProto {
// Determines if we show pods for existing users on the sign in screen.
optional bool show_user_names = 1 [default = true];
message DataRoamingEnabledProto {
// Determines if cellular data roaming is enabled.
optional bool data_roaming_enabled = 1 [default = false];
message OBSOLETE_DeviceProxySettingsProto {
// One of "direct", "auto_detect", "pac_script", "fixed_servers", "system"
optional string OBSOLETE_proxy_mode = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional string OBSOLETE_proxy_server = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional string OBSOLETE_proxy_pac_url = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional string OBSOLETE_proxy_bypass_list = 4 [deprecated = true];
// This is used by chromeos, make sure to do cleanup there before marking it as
// obsolette.
message CameraEnabledProto {
optional bool camera_enabled = 1;
message MetricsEnabledProto {
optional bool metrics_enabled = 1;
message ReleaseChannelProto {
// One of "stable-channel", "beta-channel", or "dev-channel"
optional string release_channel = 1;
// The user can select the channel if |release_channel_delegated| is true.
// The value of |release_channel| is only taken into account if
// |release_channel_delegated| is set to false.
optional bool release_channel_delegated = 2;
// |release_lts_tag| is forwarded as the "ltshint" attribute to Omaha.
optional string release_lts_tag = 3;
message DeviceOpenNetworkConfigurationProto {
// The network configuration blob. This is a JSON string as specified by ONC.
optional string open_network_configuration = 1;
message NetworkHostnameProto {
// The device hostname template. It might contain following
// patterns that would be substituted by the device:
// ASSET_ID, SERIAL_NUM, MAC_ADDR, and string after substitution should
// be a valid hostname.
optional string device_hostname_template = 1;
message DeviceHindiInscriptLayoutEnabledProto {
// Determines if Hindi Inscript Layout is available
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
message HostnameUserConfigurableProto {
// Determines if user is allowed to configure the device hostname
optional bool device_hostname_user_configurable = 1 [default = false];
// Policies to turn on portions of the device status reports.
// If changed, the default values have to be updated in
// chrome/browser/ash/policy/status_collector/device_status_collector.cc
// and
// chrome/browser/ash/policy/status_collector/child_status_collector.cc.
message DeviceReportingProto {
optional bool report_version_info = 1 [default = true];
optional bool report_activity_times = 2 [default = true];
optional bool report_boot_mode = 3 [default = true];
optional bool report_location = 4 [default = false];
// The server side still retains this field for being backward compatible with
// old versions of ChromeOS <= 95. See b/243958646.
optional bool report_network_interfaces = 5
[default = true, deprecated = true];
optional bool report_users = 6 [default = true];
// The server side still retains this field for being backward compatible with
// old versions of ChromeOS <= 95. See b/243960946.
optional bool report_hardware_status = 7 [default = true, deprecated = true];
optional bool report_session_status = 8 [default = true];
optional bool report_os_update_status = 10 [default = false];
optional bool report_running_kiosk_app = 11 [default = false];
optional bool report_power_status = 12 [default = false];
optional bool report_storage_status = 13 [default = false];
optional bool report_board_status = 14 [default = false];
optional bool report_cpu_info = 15 [default = false];
optional bool report_graphics_status = 16 [default = false];
optional bool report_crash_report_info = 17 [default = false];
optional bool report_timezone_info = 18 [default = false];
optional bool report_memory_info = 19 [default = false];
optional bool report_backlight_info = 20 [default = false];
optional bool report_app_info = 21 [default = false];
optional bool report_bluetooth_info = 22 [default = false];
optional bool report_fan_info = 23 [default = false];
optional bool report_vpd_info = 24 [default = false];
optional bool report_system_info = 25 [default = false];
optional bool report_print_jobs = 26 [default = false];
optional bool report_login_logout = 27 [default = false];
optional bool report_audio_status = 28 [default = true];
optional bool report_network_configuration = 29 [default = true];
optional bool report_network_status = 30 [default = true];
optional bool report_security_status = 31 [default = false];
optional bool report_crd_sessions = 36 [default = false];
optional bool report_peripherals = 37 [default = false];
optional bool report_network_events = 41 [default = false];
optional bool report_runtime_counters = 42 [default = false];
// Frequency to report device status, default to 3 hours.
// If changed, the default value has to be updated in
// chrome/browser/ash/policy/core/device_cloud_policy_manager_ash.cc.
optional int64 device_status_frequency = 9 [default = 10800000];
// Obsolete: This policy is not supported by the client starting with M-106.
// This is a internal flag that will be used to control whether enable
// granular device reporting is enabled
optional bool enable_granular_reporting = 32
[default = true, deprecated = true];
// Network telemetry policies.
optional int64 report_network_telemetry_collection_rate_ms = 33
[default = 3600000];
optional int64 report_network_telemetry_event_checking_rate_ms = 34
[default = 600000];
// Audio telemetry policy
optional int64 report_device_audio_status_checking_rate_ms = 35
[default = 600000];
// Runtime counters telemetry policy.
optional int64 device_report_runtime_counters_checking_rate_ms = 43
[default = 86400000];
optional StringList report_signal_strength_event_driven_telemetry = 38;
// Device activity heartbeat policies.
optional bool device_activity_heartbeat_enabled = 39 [default = false];
optional int64 device_activity_heartbeat_collection_rate_ms = 40
[default = 900000];
message EphemeralUsersEnabledProto {
// Determines whether users should be treated as ephemeral. In ephemeral users
// mode, no cryptohome is created for the user, but a tmpfs mount is used
// instead such that upon logout all user state is discarded.
// Does not apply for device-local accounts with specified `ephemeral_mode`
optional bool ephemeral_users_enabled = 1;
message DeviceKeylockerForStorageEncryptionEnabledProto {
// Determines whether cryptohome uses Keylocker for storage encryption ciphers
// when supported.
optional bool enabled = 1;
// Details of an extension to install as part of the AppPack.
message OBSOLETE_AppPackEntryProto {
optional string OBSOLETE_extension_id = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional string OBSOLETE_update_url = 2 [deprecated = true];
// This field was added but never used and there are no plans to support it
// eventually either.
optional bool OBSOLETE_online_only = 3 [deprecated = true];
message OBSOLETE_AppPackProto {
// List of extensions to install as part of the AppPack.
repeated OBSOLETE_AppPackEntryProto app_pack = 1 [deprecated = true];
// This is a special policy for kiosk/retail mode that specifies what apps
// should be pinned to the launcher. For regular accounts, pinned apps are
// controlled through user policy.
message OBSOLETE_PinnedAppsProto {
// App IDs for the apps to pin.
repeated string OBSOLETE_app_id = 1 [deprecated = true];
message OBSOLETE_ForcedLogoutTimeoutsProto {
// All timeouts are specified in milliseconds.
// Specifies the timeout before an idle user session is terminated.
// If this field is omitted or set to 0, no logout on idle will be performed.
optional int64 OBSOLETE_idle_logout_timeout = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Specifies the duration of a warning countdown before the user is logged out
// because of idleness as specified by the |idle_logout_timeout| value.
// This field is only used if |idle_logout_timeout| != 0 is specified.
optional int64 OBSOLETE_idle_logout_warning_duration = 2 [deprecated = true];
message OBSOLETE_ScreenSaverProto {
// Specifies the extension ID which is to be used as a screen saver on the
// login screen if no user activity is present. Only respected if the device
// is in RETAIL mode.
optional string OBSOLETE_screen_saver_extension_id = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Specifies the timeout before the screen saver is activated. If this field
// is omitted or set to 0, no screen-saver will be started.
// Measured in milliseconds.
optional int64 OBSOLETE_screen_saver_timeout = 2 [deprecated = true];
// Enterprise controls for auto-update behavior of Chrome OS.
message AutoUpdateSettingsProto {
reserved 13;
// True if we don't want the device to auto-update (target_version_prefix is
// ignored in this case).
optional bool update_disabled = 1;
// Specifies the prefix of the target version we want the device to
// update to, if it's on an older version. If the device is already on
// a version with the given prefix, then there's no effect. If the device is
// on a higher version, the behavior depends on |rollback_to_target_version|.
// The format of this version can be one of the following:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// "" (or not set at all): update to latest version available.
// 1412.: update to any minor version of 1412 (e.g. 1412.24.34 or 1412.60.2)
// 1412.2.: update to any minor version of 1412.2 (e.g. 1412.2.34 or 1412.2.2)
// 1412.24.34: update to this specific version only
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
optional string target_version_prefix = 2;
// The Chrome browser version (e.g. "17.*") corresponding to the
// target_version_prefix above. The target_version_prefix is the internal OS
// version that external users normally are not aware of. This display_name
// can be used by the devices to display a message to end-users about the auto
// update setting.
optional string target_version_display_name = 3;
// Specifies the number of seconds up to which a device may randomly
// delay its download of an update from the time the update was first pushed
// out to the server. The device may wait a portion of this time in terms
// of wall-clock-time and the remaining portion in terms of the number of
// update checks. In any case, the scatter is upper bounded by a constant
// amount of time so that a device does not ever get stuck waiting to download
// an update forever.
optional int64 scatter_factor_in_seconds = 4;
// Enumerates network connection types.
enum ConnectionType {
// The types of connections that are OK to use for OS updates. OS updates
// potentially put heavy strain on the connection due to their size and may
// incur additional cost. Therefore, they are by default not enabled for
// connection types that are considered expensive (currently only Cellular).
repeated ConnectionType allowed_connection_types = 5;
// This has been replaced by |reboot_after_update| below.
optional bool OBSOLETE_reboot_after_update = 6 [deprecated = true];
// True if AU payloads can be downloaded via HTTP. False otherwise.
optional bool http_downloads_enabled = 7 [default = false];
// True if the device should reboot automatically when an update has been
// applied and a reboot is required to complete the update process.
// Note: Currently, automatic reboots are only enabled while the login screen
// is being shown or a kiosk app session is in progress. This will change in
// the future and the policy will always apply, regardless of whether a
// session of any particular type is in progress or not.
optional bool reboot_after_update = 8;
// True if AU payloads may be shared with and consumed from other devices
// on the LAN, using p2p. False otherwise.
optional bool p2p_enabled = 9 [default = false];
// The possible types of rollback.
enum RollbackToTargetVersion {
// No value set. Default is ROLLBACK_DISABLED.
// No rollback should happen if |target_version_prefix| specifies an older
// version than the currently installed Chrome OS version. If this is the
// case, the device will still respect |target_version_prefix|, so it will
// not update Chrome OS.
// Deprecated. This option is not available or supported anymore.
// If |target_version_prefix| specifies an older version than the currently
// installed ChromeOS version, the device should roll back to a ChromeOS
// version starting with |target_version_prefix|.
// The device is powerwashed but some data is preserved and recovered: OOBE
// completion state, stats consent status, and device-wide network
// configurations without certificates. When rolling back to M>=106, the
// device re-enrolls automatically.
// Specifies what should happen if |target_version_prefix| specifies an older
// version than the currently installed Chrome OS version.
optional RollbackToTargetVersion rollback_to_target_version = 10
// Specifies the number of Chrome milestones rollback should be allowed,
// starting from the stable version at any time. Setting this policy prevents
// firmware and kernel rollback protection to apply for at least this number
// of milestones.
optional int32 rollback_allowed_milestones = 11 [default = 0];
// Specifies the time intervals during which the device is not allowed to do
// automatic update checks. This is a JSON string, for details see
// DeviceAutoUpdateTimeRestrictions.yaml.
optional string disallowed_time_intervals = 12;
// Specifies how much of the fleet to update per day as a json
// string that contains a list of pairs <day, percentage>. For more
// details and examples, see DeviceUpdateStagingSchedule.yaml.
optional string staging_schedule = 14;
// This token is forwarded to omaha by update_engine. If it is set, omaha may
// serve a quick fix build identified by the token.
// This field is primarily used for quick fixes, but it is also used by the
// Hotrod team to subdivide the Stable channel into cohorts.
optional string device_quick_fix_build_token = 15;
// Types of channel downgrade behavior.
enum ChannelDowngradeBehavior {
// Channel downgrade behavior unspecified. Default is
// On a channel downgrade, e.g. beta to stable, wait for the device's
// version to become available on the new channel. No updates happen until
// then. This is the default.
// Roll back and reset the device on a channel downgrade. This does a full
// powerwash and tries to preserve wifi and enrollment.
// Allow the user to decide whether to wait or roll back and reset on a
// user-initiated channel downgrade.
// Specifies what should happen if the device channel is downgraded.
optional ChannelDowngradeBehavior channel_downgrade_behavior = 16
// |target_version_selector| is forwarded as the "targetversionselector"
// attribute to Omaha and is used by it if for minor version pinning. The
// field is not and shall not be processed by the client.
optional string target_version_selector = 17;
message OBSOLETE_StartUpUrlsProto {
// Specifies the URLs to be loaded on login to the anonymous account used if
// the device is in RETAIL mode.
repeated string OBSOLETE_start_up_urls = 1 [deprecated = true];
message DeviceLoginScreenGeolocationAccessLevelProto {
enum GeolocationAccessLevel {
optional GeolocationAccessLevel geolocation_access_level = 1
[default = ALLOWED];
message SystemTimezoneProto {
// Specifies an owner-determined timezone that applies to the login screen and
// all users. Valid values are listed in "timezone_settings.cc". Additionally,
// timezones from the "IANA Time Zone Database" (e.g. listed on wikipedia)
// that are equivalent to one of the timezones in "timezone_settings.cc" are
// valid. In case of an invalid value, the setting is still activated with a
// fallback timezone (currently "GMT"). In case of an empty string or if no
// value is provided, the timezone device setting is inactive. In that case,
// the currently active timezone will remain in use however users can change
// the timezone and the change is persistent. Thus a change by one user
// affects the login-screen and all other users.
optional string timezone = 1;
// This allows domain administrators to control the timezone settings for
// their devices.
enum AutomaticTimezoneDetectionType {
IP_ONLY = 2;
optional AutomaticTimezoneDetectionType timezone_detection_type = 2;
message SystemUse24HourClockProto {
// Specifies an owner-determined clock format that applies to the login
// screen and is used as a default for all user sessions. Users can still
// override the format to use for their account.
// True and false select a 24 and 12 hour clock format, respectively. The
// default format for the case the setting is not present is 24 hour clock.
optional bool use_24hour_clock = 1;
// Parameters for Kiosk App device-local accounts.
message KioskAppInfoProto {
// Indicates the Kiosk App for the corresponding device-local account. The
// string value should be a valid 32-character Chrome App identifier and
// specifies the Kiosk App to download and run.
optional string app_id = 1;
// Optional extension update URL to download the Kiosk App package from. If
// not specified, the app will be downloaded from the standard Chrome Web
// Store update URL.
optional string update_url = 2;
// Describes which Android application is to be launched.
// Deprecated. Unsupported starting with M126.
message AndroidKioskAppInfoProto {
// Package name (must be present).
// In the event this is the only field that is specified, runtime may use
// PackageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage() to start the app. See
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager.html
// Example of the package name: "com.android.camera". Do not include "app:"
// prefix in the package name.
optional string package_name = 1;
// Class name (optional). If present, class name is to be combined with
// package name to form a ComponentName. See
// https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/ComponentName.html
optional string class_name = 2;
// Action (optional). The third parameter required for creating an Intent.
// If omitted, runtime may choose a reasonable default action
// (e.g. android.intent.action.MAIN).
// If package and action are specified, but not the class name, runtime may
// use PackageManager.queryIntentActivity() to find out the class name.
optional string action = 3;
// Display name (optional).
// User-friendly app name that should be used in Chrome UI where kiosk app
// name is shown. Chrome side could override the string with an updated
// value that it will get from Google Play when the app will be installed.
optional string display_name = 4;
// Parameters for Web App-based device local accounts.
message WebKioskAppInfoProto {
// Install url (must be present).
// In case it is the only field provided, title and icon will be deduced
// during first app launch.
optional string url = 1;
// Title (optional).
// User-friendly app name that should be used in Chrome UI where kiosk app
// name is shown. Chrome side could override the string with an updated
// value that it will get during actual app launch.
optional string title = 2;
// Icon url (optional).
// Is not used in the current Implementation. Will be used instead of the
// placeholder icon that is displayed before the first successful app
// launch.
optional string icon_url = 3;
// Parameters for Isolated Web App kiosk device local accounts.
message IsolatedWebAppKioskInfoProto {
// Signed Web Bundle ID (required).
// A base32 [a-z2-7] string of 56 or 58 characters.
// The public key of the Signed Web Bundle is used to create the Web Bundle ID
// that identifies the IWA.
optional string web_bundle_id = 1;
// Update URL of the isolated app (required).
// Specifies the app version and where to download the web bundle from.
optional string update_manifest_url = 2;
// Describes a single device-local account.
message DeviceLocalAccountInfoProto {
// Deprecated: Account identifier for a public session device-local account.
// Old code didn't have the |type| field, so it can't handle new types of
// device-local accounts gracefully (i.e. ignoring unsupported types). New
// code should instead set type to ACCOUNT_TYPE_PUBLIC_SESSION and write the
// identifier to the |account_id| field below. If the |type| field is present,
// |deprecated_public_session_id| will be ignored.
optional string deprecated_public_session_id = 1;
// Identifier for the device-local account. This is an opaque identifier that
// is used to distinguish different device-local accounts configured. All
// configured accounts on a device must have unique identifiers.
optional string account_id = 2;
// LINT.IfChange
// Indicates the type of device-local account.
enum AccountType {
// A login-less, policy-configured browsing session.
// An account that serves as a container for a single full-screen
// Chrome app.
// An account that serves as a container for a single full-screen
// Android app. Deprecated.
ACCOUNT_TYPE_KIOSK_ANDROID_APP = 2 [deprecated = true];
// SAML public session account.
// An account that serves as a container for a single full-screen Web App.
// An account that serves as a container for a single full-screen
// Isolated Web App (IWA).
// Should keep ChromeServletUtil.toDimensionAccountType logic in sync with
// AccountType enum.
// LINT.ThenChange(//depot/google3/java/com/google/chrome/cros/dmserver/chrome/ChromeServletUtil.java)
// The account type.
optional AccountType type = 3;
// Kiosk App parameters, relevant if |type| is ACCOUNT_TYPE_KIOSK_APP.
optional KioskAppInfoProto kiosk_app = 4;
// Kiosk App parameters, relevant if |type| is ACCOUNT_TYPE_KIOSK_ANDROID_APP
optional AndroidKioskAppInfoProto android_kiosk_app = 5 [deprecated = true];
// Web Kiosk App parameters, relevant if |type| is ACCOUNT_TYPE_WEB_KIOSK_APP
optional WebKioskAppInfoProto web_kiosk_app = 6;
enum EphemeralMode {
// Default value. Same behaviour as
// Device-local account ephemeral mode controlled by
// DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabled policy.
// Prefer this value over EPHEMERAL_MODE_UNSET to avoid errors when merging
// child OU and parent OU protobufs on the service-side.
// Device-local account must be non-ephemeral.
// Device-local account must be ephemeral.
// Configures whether the current device-local account should be ephemeral and
// overrides the behaviour of DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabled policy for the
// current device-local account iff
// 1) `ephemeral_mode` is present AND
// 2) `ephemeral_mode` value is equal EPHEMERAL_MODE_DISABLE
// Otherwise, DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabled policy is applied to the
// current device-local account.
// Relevant if `type` is ACCOUNT_TYPE_KIOSK_APP,
optional EphemeralMode ephemeral_mode = 7;
// Kiosk App parameters, relevant if |type| is ACCOUNT_TYPE_KIOSK_IWA.
optional IsolatedWebAppKioskInfoProto isolated_kiosk_app = 8;
message DeviceLocalAccountsProto {
// The list of device-local accounts (i.e. accounts without an associated
// cloud-backed profile) that are available on the device.
repeated DeviceLocalAccountInfoProto account = 1;
// The identifier of the device-local account to which the device
// should be logged in automatically. Should be equal to one of the
// ids in DeviceLocalAccountInfoProto.
optional string auto_login_id = 2;
// The amount of time, in milliseconds, that should elapse at the signin
// screen without user interaction before automatically logging in.
optional int64 auto_login_delay = 3;
// Whether the keyboard shortcut to prevent zero-delay auto-login should be
// enabled or not. By default, the user has 3 seconds to press a shortcut
// to prevent auto-login, which is useful to sign-in to a regular user session
// and configure the machine. If this policy is set to false then this
// shortcut is disabled and there is no way to skip auto-login.
optional bool enable_auto_login_bailout = 4 [default = true];
// Whether network configuration should be offered or not when the device
// does not have access to the Internet. If the policy is omitted or set to
// true, the network configuration will be offered. Otherwise, only an error
// message is displayed.
// Note: If both this policy and enable_auto_login_bailout policy above is
// set to false, there are chances that the device might become totally
// unusable when there is no Internet access and has to go through the
// recovery process.
// If the device is offline at startup then the network configuration screen
// is always shown, before auto-login kicks in.
optional bool prompt_for_network_when_offline = 5 [default = true];
message ManagedGuestSessionPrivacyWarningsProto {
// Enable the privacy warnings on both; the login screen of the managed-guest
// session & inside the auto-launched managed-guest sessions.
// If this policy is set to false, all the privacy warnings are deactivated.
// If it's set to true or not set, then the privacy warnings will be shown by
// default.
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = true];
message AllowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffersProto {
// Chrome OS Registration service provides way for chromeos device users
// to redeem electronic offers provided by service provider.
// This value determines if users are allowed to redeem offers through
// Chrome OS Registration service.
optional bool allow_redeem_offers = 1 [default = true];
message FeatureFlagsProto {
// Specifies switches that should be passed to Google Chrome when it starts.
// The specified switches are applied on the login screen only. Switches set
// via this policy do not propagate into user sessions.
// This is deprecated because it turned out that storing raw switches is
// problematic since Chrome can't easily tie switches back to feature flags to
// validate them. The |feature_flags| field below works in terms of feature
// flag names (i.e. chrome://flags items) instead and supersedes |switches|.
repeated string switches = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Specifies feature flags (i.e. chrome://flags items) that should be enabled
// when Chrome starts. The format of the individual entries matches the format
// chrome://flags uses for internal bookkeeping, i.e. either the flag name as
// listed on chrome://flags (for flags that only have a single choice besides
// the default) or the flag name followed by the index of the chosen option,
// separated by an '@' character (for flags with multiple choices). The
// specified feature flags are applied on the login screen only and don't
// propagate into the user session.
repeated string feature_flags = 2;
message UptimeLimitProto {
// This has been replaced by |uptime_limit| below.
optional int64 OBSOLETE_uptime_limit = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Sets the length of device uptime after which an automatic reboot is
// scheduled. An automatic reboot is scheduled at the selected time but may be
// delayed on the device by up to 24 hours, e.g. if a user is currently using
// the device or an app/extension has requested reboots to be inhibited
// temporarily. The policy value should be specified in seconds.
// Note: Currently, automatic reboots are only enabled while the login screen
// is being shown or a kiosk app session is in progress. This will change in
// the future and the policy will always apply, regardless of whether a
// session of any particular type is in progress or not.
optional int64 uptime_limit = 2;
message VariationsParameterProto {
// The string for the restrict parameter to be appended to the Variations URL
// when pinging the Variations server.
optional string parameter = 1;
message AttestationSettingsProto {
// Attestation involves proving that a cryptographic key is protected by a
// legitimate Chrome OS TPM and reporting the operating mode of the platform.
// This setting enables enterprise attestation features at a device level. If
// this is enabled a machine key will be generated and certified by the Chrome
// OS CA. If this setting is disabled, even users with attestation settings
// enabled will not be able to use those features on the device.
optional bool attestation_enabled = 1 [default = false];
// Chrome OS devices can use remote attestation (Verified Access) to get a
// certificate issued by the Chrome OS CA that asserts the device is eligible
// to play protected content. This process involves sending hardware
// endorsement information to the Chrome OS CA which uniquely identifies the
// device. This setting allows this feature to be disabled for the device
// regardless of any user-specific settings.
optional bool content_protection_enabled = 2 [default = true];
message AccessibilitySettingsProto {
// Sets the default state of the following accessibility features on the login
// screen:
// 1) Large cursor: login_screen_default_large_cursor_enabled
// 2) Spoken feedback: login_screen_default_spoken_feedback_enabled
// 3) High contrast: login_screen_default_high_contrast_enabled
// 4) Screen magnifier: login_screen_default_screen_magnifier_type
// 5) Virtual keyboard: login_screen_default_virtual_keyboard_enabled
// Each acts as follows: If the corresponding policy is set to true, the
// associated accessibility feature will be enabled when the login screen is
// shown. If this policy is set to false, the accessibility feature will be
// disabled when the login screen is shown. Users can temporarily override
// this setting by enabling or disabling the corresponding accessibiilty
// feature. However, the user's choice is not persistent and the default is
// restored whenever the login screen is shown anew or the user remains idle
// on the login screen for a minute. If this policy is left unset, the
// corresponding accessibiilty feature is disabled when the login screen is
// first shown. Users can enable or disable the corresponding accessibiilty
// feature anytime and its status on the login screen is persisted between
// users.
optional bool login_screen_default_large_cursor_enabled = 1;
optional bool login_screen_default_spoken_feedback_enabled = 2;
optional bool login_screen_default_high_contrast_enabled = 3;
// Enumerates the screen magnifier types.
enum ScreenMagnifierType {
// Screen magnifier disabled.
// Full-screen magnifier enabled.
optional ScreenMagnifierType login_screen_default_screen_magnifier_type = 4;
optional bool login_screen_default_virtual_keyboard_enabled = 5;
// Sets the mandatory or default state, depending on the PolicyOptions, of the
// following accessibility features on the login screen:
// 1) Large cursor: login_screen_large_cursor_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_large_cursor_enabled_options
// 2) Spoken feedback: login_screen_spoken_feedback_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_spoken_feedback_enabled_options
// 3) High contrast: login_screen_high_contrast_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_high_contrast_enabled_options
// 4) Virtual keyboard: login_screen_virtual_keyboard_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_virtual_keyboard_enabled_options
// 5) Dictation: login_screen_dictation_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_dictation_enabled_options
// 6) Select to speak: login_screen_select_to_speak_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_select_to_speak_enabled_options
// 7) Cursor highlight: login_screen_cursor_highlight_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_cursor_highlight_enabled_options
// 8) Caret highlight: login_screen_caret_highlight_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_caret_highlight_enabled_options
// 9) Mono audio: login_screen_mono_audio_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_mono_audio_enabled_options
// 10) Autoclick: login_screen_autoclick_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_autoclick_enabled_options
// 11) Sticky keys: login_screen_sticky_keys_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_sticky_keys_enabled_options
// 12) Keyboard focus highlight: login_screen_keyboard_focus_highlight_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_keyboard_focus_highlight_enabled_options
// 13) Screen magnifier: login_screen_screen_magnifier_type
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_screen_magnifier_type_options
// 14) Show options in system tray menu:
// login_screen_show_options_in_system_tray_menu_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_sticky_keys_enabled_options
// 15) Accessibility shortcuts: login_screen_shortcuts_enabled
// PolicyOptions: login_screen_shortcuts_enabled_options
// For all the aforementioned accessibility policies:
// - If this policy is set to true, the accessibility feature will be enabled
// when the login screen is shown.
// - If the policy is set to false, the accessibility feature will be
// disabled when the login screen is shown.
// - If the policy is left unset, the accessibility feature is disabled when
// the login screen is first shown.
// - If the PolicyOptions is set to mandatory, the user won't be able
// to change these settings.
// - If the PolicyOptions is set to recommended, the user can temporarily
// override this setting by enabling or disabling the accessibility feature.
// However, the user's choice is not persistent and the default is restored
// whenever the login screen is shown anew or the user remains idle on the
// login screen for a minute. Users can enable or disable the accessibility
// feature anytime and its status on the login screen is persisted between
// users.
optional bool login_screen_large_cursor_enabled = 6;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_large_cursor_enabled_options = 7;
optional bool login_screen_spoken_feedback_enabled = 8;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_spoken_feedback_enabled_options = 9;
optional bool login_screen_high_contrast_enabled = 10;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_high_contrast_enabled_options = 11;
optional bool login_screen_virtual_keyboard_enabled = 12;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_virtual_keyboard_enabled_options = 13;
optional bool login_screen_dictation_enabled = 14;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_dictation_enabled_options = 15;
optional bool login_screen_select_to_speak_enabled = 16;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_select_to_speak_enabled_options = 17;
optional bool login_screen_cursor_highlight_enabled = 18;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_cursor_highlight_enabled_options = 19;
optional bool login_screen_caret_highlight_enabled = 20;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_caret_highlight_enabled_options = 21;
optional bool login_screen_mono_audio_enabled = 22;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_mono_audio_enabled_options = 23;
optional bool login_screen_autoclick_enabled = 24;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_autoclick_enabled_options = 25;
optional bool login_screen_sticky_keys_enabled = 26;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_sticky_keys_enabled_options = 27;
optional bool login_screen_keyboard_focus_highlight_enabled = 28;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_keyboard_focus_highlight_enabled_options =
optional int64 login_screen_screen_magnifier_type = 30;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_screen_magnifier_type_options = 31;
optional bool login_screen_show_options_in_system_tray_menu_enabled = 32;
optional PolicyOptions
login_screen_show_options_in_system_tray_menu_enabled_options = 33;
optional bool login_screen_shortcuts_enabled = 34;
optional PolicyOptions login_screen_shortcuts_enabled_options = 35;
message OBSOLETE_SupervisedUsersSettingsProto {
// Defines whether supervised users can be created on the device.
optional bool OBSOLETE_supervised_users_enabled = 1 [deprecated = true];
message LoginScreenPowerManagementProto {
// Configures power management on the login screen. The policy should be
// specified as a string that expresses the individual settings in JSON
// format, conforming to the following schema:
// {
// "type": "object",
// "properties": {
// "AC": {
// "description": "Power management settings applicable only when
// running on AC power",
// "type": "object",
// "properties": {
// "Delays": {
// "type": "object",
// "properties": {
// "ScreenDim": {
// "description": "The length of time without user input after
// which the screen is dimmed, in milliseconds",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// },
// "ScreenOff": {
// "description": "The length of time without user input after
// which the screen is turned off, in
// milliseconds",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// },
// "Idle": {
// "description": "The length of time without user input after
// which the idle action is taken, in
// milliseconds",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// }
// }
// },
// "IdleAction": {
// "description": "Action to take when the idle delay is reached",
// "enum": [ "Suspend", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ]
// }
// }
// },
// "Battery": {
// "description": "Power management settings applicable only when
// running on battery power",
// "type": "object",
// "properties": {
// "Delays": {
// "type": "object",
// "properties": {
// "ScreenDim": {
// "description": "The length of time without user input after
// which the screen is dimmed, in milliseconds",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// },
// "ScreenOff": {
// "description": "The length of time without user input after
// which the screen is turned off, in
// milliseconds",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// },
// "Idle": {
// "description": "The length of time without user input after
// which the idle action is taken, in
// milliseconds",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// }
// }
// },
// "IdleAction": {
// "description": "Action to take when the idle delay is reached",
// "enum": [ "Suspend", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ]
// }
// }
// },
// "LidCloseAction": {
// "description": "Action to take when the lid is closed",
// "enum": [ "Suspend", "Shutdown", "DoNothing" ]
// },
// "UserActivityScreenDimDelayScale": {
// "description": "Percentage by which the screen dim delay is scaled
// when user activity is observed while the screen is
// dimmed or soon after the screen has been turned off",
// "type": "integer",
// "minimum": 0
// }
// }
// }
optional string login_screen_power_management = 1;
message AutoCleanupSettigsProto {
// Deprecated. There is only one disk-full cleanup strategy: LRU.
optional string clean_up_strategy = 1;
// Settings that control low-level functions of the system.
message SystemSettingsProto {
// Whether developer mode is allowed on the device. If the device owner sets
// this flag to true, the system will refuse to boot and show an error screen
// when the developer switch is turned on.
optional bool block_devmode = 1;
// Settings that control login for SAML users.
message SAMLSettingsProto {
// Whether cookies set by a SAML IdP should be transferred to users' profiles
// every time a user authenticates via SAML during login. If false, cookies
// are transferred during each user's first login only.
optional bool transfer_saml_cookies = 1;
// Deprecated. This field has been moved to SAMLUsernameProto.
optional string OBSOLETE_url_parameter_to_autofill_saml_username = 2
[deprecated = true];
message SAMLUsernameProto {
// If this policy is not configured or set to a blank string, users will have
// to manually enter their username on SAML IdP page during online
// authentication on the sign-in screen and the lock screen.
// Otherwise, this string is expected to contain a url parameter name which
// should be used on IdP's login page with user's email as a value to autofill
// the username.
optional string url_parameter_to_autofill_saml_username = 1;
message RebootOnShutdownProto {
// Determines whether the device automatically reboots whenever the user shuts
// it down. If this flag is set to true, shutdown is forbidden and UI elements
// trigger a device reboot instead of a power off. This policy affects
// shutdowns triggered from the UI only. If the user shuts down the device
// using the power button, it will not automatically reboot, even if the
// policy is enabled.
optional bool reboot_on_shutdown = 1 [default = false];
// Settings that control whether a device would send heartbeat messages to GCM,
// and how frequently to send these.
message DeviceHeartbeatSettingsProto {
// Whether the device should send heartbeat messages. The default is false.
optional bool heartbeat_enabled = 1 [default = false];
// How frequently devices send heartbeats back to server. The unit is in
// milliseconds. The default is 2 minutes.
optional int64 heartbeat_frequency = 2 [default = 120000];
message ExtensionCacheSizeProto {
// Specifies the maximum extension cache size, in bytes. The default is 256
// MiB. The minimum allowed value is 1 MiB, smaller values will get ignored.
optional int64 extension_cache_size = 1;
message LoginScreenDomainAutoCompleteProto {
// If this policy is not configured or set to a blank string,
// no autocomplete option during user sign-in flow will be shown.
// If this policy is set to a string representing a domain name, an
// autocomplete option during user sign-in will be shown allowing the user
// to type in only their user name without the domain name extension. The user
// will be able to overwrite this domain name extension.
optional string login_screen_domain_auto_complete = 1;
// Settings that control whether a device would send system logs to the server.
message DeviceLogUploadSettingsProto {
// Whether the device should send system logs. The default is false.
optional bool system_log_upload_enabled = 1 [default = false];
// This setting is controlled by the device policy DisplayRotationDefault.
// If the policy is set and therefore display_rotation_default contains a value,
// all displays will be rotated clockwise to the specified orientation at
// reboot, when first connected, or when the setting is changed.
// If the optional field |Rotation display_rotation_default = 1| is not present,
// no changes are done to the rotation.
message DisplayRotationDefaultProto {
// This enum corresponds to gfx::Display::Rotation in ui/gfx/display.h.
enum Rotation {
ROTATE_0 = 0;
ROTATE_90 = 1;
ROTATE_180 = 2;
ROTATE_270 = 3;
optional Rotation display_rotation_default = 1;
// This setting is controlled by the device policy
// DeviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabled.
message DeviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabledProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
// This setting is configured by the device policy DeviceDisplayResolution.
// If |device_display_resolution| contains a value, then it's treated as a JSON
// object that uses the schema defined for DeviceDisplayResolution policy.
// Example of the policy value:
// {
// "external_width": 1920,
// "external_height": 1080,
// "external_scale_percentage": 50,
// "internal_scale_percentage": 150,
// "recommended": true
// }
// It sets a 1920x1080 display mode for any external displays and
// scales them to 50%, also scales the built-in display to 150%.
// If "recommended" flag is set to true, user is able to override
// any settings via the settings page.
message DeviceDisplayResolutionProto {
optional string device_display_resolution = 1;
// Settings that control whether to allow Chrome to be pinned to a specific
// version according to the auto-launched kiosk app’s requirement.
message AllowKioskAppControlChromeVersionProto {
optional bool allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version = 1 [default = false];
// Settings that control the flow of the login authentication to be either via
// GAIA (default), or via an interstitial screen that can redirect to a SAML IdP
// endpoint or return back to the default GAIA flow.
message LoginAuthenticationBehaviorProto {
enum LoginBehavior {
GAIA = 0;
optional LoginBehavior login_authentication_behavior = 1 [default = GAIA];
// Identifiers of a USB device or device family.
message UsbDeviceIdProto {
// USB Vendor Identifier (aka idVendor).
optional int32 vendor_id = 1;
// USB Product Identifier (aka idProduct).
optional int32 product_id = 2;
// This setting contains the list of USB devices to detach from the kernel
// drivers in order to use them in web applications.
// The list is used by the permission_broker daemon.
message UsbDetachableWhitelistProto {
repeated UsbDeviceIdProto id = 1;
// Identifiers of a USB device or device family.
message UsbDeviceIdInclusiveProto {
// USB Vendor Identifier (aka idVendor).
optional int32 vendor_id = 1;
// USB Product Identifier (aka idProduct).
optional int32 product_id = 2;
// This setting contains the list of USB devices to detach from the kernel
// drivers in order to use them in web applications.
// The list is used by the permission_broker daemon.
message UsbDetachableAllowlistProto {
repeated UsbDeviceIdInclusiveProto id = 1;
message AllowBluetoothProto {
// Policy which controls whether Bluetooth is available.
optional bool allow_bluetooth = 1 [default = true];
message DeviceWiFiAllowedProto {
// Policy which controls the ability to connect to wireless networks.
optional bool device_wifi_allowed = 1 [default = true];
// Settings that control whether a device can download hardware configuration
// files from the Quirks Server.
message DeviceQuirksDownloadEnabledProto {
optional bool quirks_download_enabled = 1;
// A list of security origins for SAML login pages that are allowed to
// access the webcam. No login pages will be allowed to access the
// webcam if the list is empty.
message LoginVideoCaptureAllowedUrlsProto {
repeated string urls = 1;
// Settings that control whether a device can connect to a 802.11r enabled
// WiFi network.
message DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabledProto {
optional bool device_wifi_fast_transition_enabled = 1;
message NetworkThrottlingEnabledProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
optional int32 upload_rate_kbits = 2 [default = 0];
optional int32 download_rate_kbits = 3 [default = 0];
// A list of apps or extensions to install from the webstore on the login page.
// It is a list of strings, each string contains an extension ID and an update
// URL, delimited by a semicolon.
message DeviceLoginScreenExtensionsProto {
repeated string device_login_screen_extensions = 1;
// A boolean indicate if manifest v2 extension is available.
message LoginScreenExtensionManifestV2AvailabilityProto {
enum Availability {
optional Availability login_screen_extension_manifest_v2_availability = 1;
// A list of allowed locales on the login screen.
message LoginScreenLocalesProto {
repeated string login_screen_locales = 1;
// A list of allowed input methods on the login screen.
message LoginScreenInputMethodsProto {
repeated string login_screen_input_methods = 1;
// The url and hash specified in JSON format that can be used to set the
// device-level wallpaper on the login screen before any user logs in.
message DeviceWallpaperImageProto {
optional string device_wallpaper_image = 1;
message DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenIdleTimeoutSecondsProto {
optional int64 device_screensaver_login_screen_idle_timeout_seconds = 1;
message DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImageDisplayIntervalSecondsProto {
optional int64
device_screensaver_login_screen_image_display_interval_seconds = 1;
// A list of URLs referencing the images to be displayed on the
// sign-in screen screensaver.
message DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImagesProto {
repeated string device_screensaver_login_screen_images = 1;
message DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabledProto {
optional bool device_screensaver_login_screen_enabled = 1;
message DeviceSystemAecEnabledProto {
optional bool device_system_aec_enabled = 1;
// Migration strategy for the case when ARC(N+) needs the ext4 encryption while
// the device used ecryptfs in the past.
message DeviceEcryptfsMigrationStrategyProto {
enum MigrationStrategy {
// Default value, unspecified.
UNSET = 0;
// ARC is not allowed, no data migration needed.
// The data migration is allowed, opening the possibility to use ARC.
optional MigrationStrategy migration_strategy = 1;
// This setting controls how the on-board secure element hardware can be used
// to provide a second-factor authentication in addition to the TPM
// functionality.
message DeviceSecondFactorAuthenticationProto {
enum U2fMode {
// Default value, unspecified.
UNSET = 0;
// Feature disabled.
// U2F as defined by the FIDO Alliance specification:
// https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.1-id-20160915.zip
U2F = 2;
// U2F plus extensions for individual attestation certificate.
optional U2fMode mode = 1;
message CastReceiverNameProto {
// The name advertised as a Google Cast destination by the device,
// up to 24 characters. If the name is empty, the device name will
// be used.
optional string name = 1;
// Day of the week and time in milliseconds since the start of the day.
message WeeklyTimeProto {
enum DayOfWeek {
// Day of week.
optional DayOfWeek day_of_week = 1;
// Time of day in milliseconds from beginning of the day.
optional int32 time = 2;
// Start and end of an interval represented by WeeklyTimes
message WeeklyTimeIntervalProto {
optional WeeklyTimeProto start = 1;
optional WeeklyTimeProto end = 2;
// Allow less restricted using of Chromebooks that are managed by school,
// while the device is not at school ("OffHours").
message DeviceOffHoursProto {
// List of intervals when ignored policies are not applied. These intervals
// are in the timezone specified by the timezone string.
repeated WeeklyTimeIntervalProto intervals = 1;
// Timezone in the same format as SystemTimezoneProto.timezone.
optional string timezone = 2;
// List of policy proto tags which settings are ignored during OffHours
// mode. List contains policy proto tags from ChromeDeviceSettingsProto
// (i.e. proto tag = 1 means device_policy_refresh_rate policy).
// Proto tags are used because they are consistent identifiers.
// During OffHoursMode default settings of ignored policies are used.
repeated int32 ignored_policy_proto_tags = 3;
// The url and hash specified in JSON format that can be used to retrieve
// the device-level printers configuration file.
message DeviceNativePrintersProto {
// External policy blob encoded as JSON.
optional string external_policy = 1;
// The policy which determines the type of access restriction that is applied to
// the devicel-level printers list.
message DeviceNativePrintersAccessModeProto {
enum AccessMode {
ACCESS_MODE_BLACKLIST = 0; // Use NatvePrintersBlacklistProto.
ACCESS_MODE_WHITELIST = 1; // Use NaviePrintersWhitelistProto.
ACCESS_MODE_ALL = 2; // Allow access to all specified printers.
// The type of access which is applied to the device-level printer list.
optional AccessMode access_mode = 1;
// A collection of ids defining the printers which are explicitly disallowed for
// the device.
message DeviceNativePrintersBlacklistProto {
// A collection of ids for which are explicitly disallowed.
repeated string blacklist = 1;
// A collection of ids defining the printers which are explicitly allowed for
// the device.
message DeviceNativePrintersWhitelistProto {
// A collection of ids for the list of printers which are accessible.
repeated string whitelist = 1;
// The url and hash specified in JSON format that can be used to retrieve
// the device-level printers configuration file.
message DevicePrintersProto {
// External policy blob encoded as JSON.
optional string external_policy = 1;
// A collection of ids for the list of print servers which are accessible.
// The policy which determines the type of access restriction that is applied to
// the devicel-level printers list.
message DevicePrintersAccessModeProto {
enum AccessMode {
ACCESS_MODE_BLOCKLIST = 0; // Use DevicePrintersBlocklistProto.
ACCESS_MODE_ALLOWLIST = 1; // Use DevicePrintersAllowlistProto.
ACCESS_MODE_ALL = 2; // Allow access to all specified printers.
// The type of access which is applied to the device-level printer list.
optional AccessMode access_mode = 1;
// A collection of ids defining the printers which are explicitly disallowed for
// the device.
message DevicePrintersBlocklistProto {
// A collection of ids for which are explicitly disallowed.
repeated string blocklist = 1;
// A collection of ids defining the printers which are explicitly allowed for
// the device.
message DevicePrintersAllowlistProto {
// A collection of ids for the list of printers which are accessible.
repeated string allowlist = 1;
// The url and hash specified in JSON format that can be used to retrieve
// the device-level external print servers configuration file.
message DeviceExternalPrintServersProto {
// External policy blob encoded as JSON.
optional string external_policy = 1;
// A collection of ids defining the external print servers which are explicitly
// allowed for the device.
message DeviceExternalPrintServersAllowlistProto {
// A collection of ids for the list of print servers which are accessible.
repeated string allowlist = 1;
// Settings to control the behavior of the TPM firmware update functionality.
message TPMFirmwareUpdateSettingsProto {
// Whether the user is allowed to invoke the update via powerwash. This flow
// performs a powerwash operation (which implies a TPM clear), followed by
// installation of the TPM firmware update. As a result of the powerwash, all
// writable data on the device will be cleared.
optional bool allow_user_initiated_powerwash = 1;
// Whether the user is allowed to invoke a variant of the update flow that
// clears the TPM to install the firmware update, but preserves device-wide
// state (including enrollment). User data will not be preserved in this flow.
optional bool allow_user_initiated_preserve_device_state = 2;
enum AutoUpdateMode {
// No value set. Default is NEVER.
// Don't auto update TPM firmware.
NEVER = 1;
// Update firmware at the next reboot after user acknowledges the update.
// Update firmware at the next reboot.
// Update firmware after enrollment.
// Controls how automatic firmware updates are enforced for vulnerable
// firmware. All flows preserve local device state.
optional AutoUpdateMode auto_update_mode = 3 [default = NEVER];
// Settings to control the minimum version that is allowed to sign in / stay
// in session. This is now deprecated from M82 onwards.
message OBSOLETE_MinimumRequiredVersionProto {
// Value is chrome_version string, e.g. 61.0.3163.120
// The client will use prefix matching to compare its version against the
// value of this field.
optional string OBSOLETE_chrome_version = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Specifies a list of rules to automatically select certificates on SAML IdP
// pages on the sign-in screen.
message DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls {
// Each entry is one rule, which must be a stringified JSON dictionary.
// Each dictionary must have the form { "pattern": "$URL_PATTERN", "filter" :
// $FILTER }. $FILTER restricts from which client certificates the browser
// will automatically select. Independent of the filter, only certificates
// will be selected that match the server's certificate request. If $FILTER
// has the form { "ISSUER": { "CN": "$ISSUER_CN" } }, additionally only client
// certificates are selected that are issued by a certificate with the
// CommonName $ISSUER_CN. If $FILTER is the empty dictionary {}, the selection
// of client certificates is not additionally restricted.
repeated string login_screen_auto_select_certificate_rules = 1;
// Setting that controls whether unaffiliated users are allowed to use ARC
// (true by default)
message UnaffiliatedArcAllowedProto {
optional bool unaffiliated_arc_allowed = 1;
// Allowed encryption types for requesting Kerberos tickets from Active
// Directory servers. Applies to Active Directory management mode only.
message DeviceKerberosEncryptionTypesProto {
enum Types {
ENC_TYPES_STRONG = 1; // AES only.
// Next ID to use: 3
optional Types types = 1 [default = ENC_TYPES_STRONG];
// Mirrors BacklightColor from the personalization_app.mojom
message KeyboardBacklightColorProto {
enum BacklightColor {
BACKLIGHT_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Default value for the keyboard color.
100; // Match values in personalization_app.mojom-shared.h
// Next ID to use: 101
optional BacklightColor color = 1 [default = BACKLIGHT_UNSPECIFIED];
// Specifies how user policy from device GPOs interacts with user policy from
// user GPOs. In 'MERGE' mode, device GPOs take preference in case of conflicts.
// Applies to Active Directory management mode only.
message DeviceUserPolicyLoopbackProcessingModeProto {
enum Mode {
USER_POLICY_MODE_DEFAULT = 0; // Only take user policy from user GPOs.
USER_POLICY_MODE_MERGE = 1; // Merge device GPOs on top of user GPOs.
USER_POLICY_MODE_REPLACE = 2; // Only take user policy from device GPOs.
// Next ID to use: 3
optional Mode mode = 1 [default = USER_POLICY_MODE_DEFAULT];
// Specifies a list of origins. Each of the specified origins will run in its
// own process on the sign-in screen.
message OBSOLETE_DeviceLoginScreenIsolateOriginsProto {
// A comma-separated list of the origins to be run in a separate process on
// the sign-in screen.
// If the value of this policy does not match the value of the user policy
// IsolateOrigins, the chrome process will be restarted on user sign-in to
// apply the value specified by the user policy.
optional string OBSOLETE_isolate_origins = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Specifies if each site should run in its own process on the sign-in screen.
message OBSOLETE_DeviceLoginScreenSitePerProcessProto {
// If true, each site will run in its own process on the sign-in screen.
// If the value of this policy does not match the value of the user policy
// SitePerProcess, the chrome process will be restarted on user sign-in to
// apply the value specified by the user policy.
optional bool OBSOLETE_site_per_process = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Setting to control if running virtual machines on Chrome OS is allowed.
message VirtualMachinesAllowedProto {
optional bool virtual_machines_allowed = 1;
// Specifies if and how often Active Directory machine (computer) account
// passwords are changed in the AuthPolicy daemon in Chrome OS.
// Applies to Active Directory management mode only.
message DeviceMachinePasswordChangeRateProto {
optional int32 rate_days = 1;
// Specifies how long cached Active Directory Group Policy Objects (GPOs) may be
// reused until they are re-downloaded (a version change also forces a
// re-download).
// Applies to Active Directory management mode only.
message DeviceGpoCacheLifetimeProto {
optional int32 lifetime_hours = 1;
// Specifies how long cached Active Directory authentication data may be reused
// until it is refreshed. This can significantly speed up user authentication.
// Applies to Active Directory management mode only.
message DeviceAuthDataCacheLifetimeProto {
optional int32 lifetime_hours = 1;
// Setting that controls whether unaffiliated users are allowed to run Crostini
// (true by default)
message DeviceUnaffiliatedCrostiniAllowedProto {
optional bool device_unaffiliated_crostini_allowed = 1;
// Setting that controls whether PluginVm is allowed to run on this device.
message PluginVmAllowedProto {
optional bool plugin_vm_allowed = 1;
// Setting that specifies PluginVm license key for this device.
message PluginVmLicenseKeyProto {
optional string plugin_vm_license_key = 1;
// Setting that controls whether the device should reboot when user sign out.
message DeviceRebootOnUserSignoutProto {
enum RebootOnSignoutMode {
// No value set. Default is NEVER.
// Do not reboot on signout.
NEVER = 1;
// Reboot on signout if an ARC session was active during the user session.
// Always reboot on signout.
// Reboot on signout if an ARC session was active or a VM was started
// during the user session.
optional RebootOnSignoutMode reboot_on_signout_mode = 1 [default = NEVER];
// Obsolete: This policy is not supported starting with M-122.
// Setting that controls whether wilco diagnostics and telemetry controller is
// allowed on this device.
// TODO(b/328547362): Add obsolete prefix after server-side usages are removed.
message DeviceWilcoDtcAllowedProto {
optional bool device_wilco_dtc_allowed = 1;
// Obsolete: This policy is not supported starting with M-122.
// Setting that specifies wilco diagnostics and telemetry controller
// configuration for this device.
// TODO(b/328547362): Add obsolete prefix after server-side usages are removed.
message DeviceWilcoDtcConfigurationProto {
optional string device_wilco_dtc_configuration = 1;
// Settings that control power peak shift policy.
message DevicePowerPeakShiftProto {
// Setting that controls whether power peak shift is enabled on this device.
// For details see DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabled.yaml.
optional bool enabled = 1;
// Setting that controls power peak shift battery threshold on this device.
// For details see DevicePowerPeakShiftBatteryThreshold.yaml.
optional int32 battery_threshold = 2;
// Setting that controls power peak shift day configs on this device.
// This is a JSON string, for details see DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig.yaml.
optional string day_configs = 3;
// Settings that control boot on AC policy.
message DeviceBootOnAcProto {
// Setting that controls whether boot on AC is enabled on this device.
optional bool enabled = 1;
// Settings that control device's dock MAC address source.
message DeviceDockMacAddressSourceProto {
enum Source {
// Device's designated dock MAC address.
// Device's built-in NIC MAC address.
// Dock's built-in NIC MAC address.
optional Source source = 1;
// Settings that control advanced battery charge mode policy.
message DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeProto {
// Setting that controls whether advanced battery charge mode is enabled on
// this device.
// For details see DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled.yaml.
optional bool enabled = 1;
// Setting that controls advanced battery charge mode day config on this
// device.
// This is a JSON string, for details see
// DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig.yaml.
optional string day_configs = 2;
// Settings that control battery charge mode policy.
message DeviceBatteryChargeModeProto {
enum BatteryChargeMode {
// Setting that controls battery charge mode on this device.
// For details see DeviceBatteryChargeMode.yaml.
optional BatteryChargeMode battery_charge_mode = 1;
// Percent at which charging starts when using CUSTOM.
// For details see DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStartCharging.yaml.
optional int32 custom_charge_start = 2;
// Percent at which charging stops when using CUSTOM.
// For details see DeviceBatteryChargeCustomStopCharging.yaml.
optional int32 custom_charge_stop = 3;
// Settings that control USB power share policy.
message DeviceUsbPowerShareProto {
// Setting that controls whether USB power share is enabled on this device.
optional bool enabled = 1;
// Settings that control when a device will wake up and check for updates. These
// checks are recurring. In order to disable a set schedule the policy must be
// removed.
message DeviceScheduledUpdateCheckProto {
// This is a JSON string, for details see DeviceScheduledUpdateCheck.yaml.
optional string device_scheduled_update_check_settings = 1;
// Settings that control if the device is allowed to powerwash.
message DevicePowerwashAllowedProto {
// Determines if powerwash is allowed on the device.
optional bool device_powerwash_allowed = 1;
// Settings that controls which devices are whitelisted for certain urls to be
// used via the WebUSB API on the login screen.
message DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrlsProto {
// This is a JSON string, for details see
// DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls.yaml.
optional string device_login_screen_webusb_allow_devices_for_urls = 1;
// Settings that control the availability of System-proxy service and the web
// proxy credentials for system services connecting through System-proxy.
message SystemProxySettingsProto {
// This is a JSON string, for details see SystemProxySettings.yaml.
optional string system_proxy_settings = 1;
// Settings that control what certificates should be privisioned via DM server.
message RequiredClientCertificateForDeviceProto {
// This is a JSON string, for details see
// RequiredClientCertificateForDevice.yaml.
optional string required_client_certificate_for_device = 1;
// Setting that controls whether ARC ADB sideloading is allowed for the device.
message DeviceCrostiniArcAdbSideloadingAllowedProto {
enum AllowanceMode {
// Next ID to use: 3
optional AllowanceMode mode = 1 [default = DISALLOW];
message DeviceShowLowDiskSpaceNotificationProto {
optional bool device_show_low_disk_space_notification = 1;
// Setting that controls whether all Family Link accounts are allowed on the
// device additionally to the accounts listed in UserAllowlistProto.
message DeviceFamilyLinkAccountsAllowedProto {
optional bool family_link_accounts_allowed = 1 [default = false];
// Setting that controls whether ARC data snapshotting is enabled for the device
// and time intervals of updating ARC data snapshot.
message OBSOLETE_DeviceArcDataSnapshotHoursProto {
// This is a JSON string, for details see
// DeviceArcDataSnapshotHours.yaml.
optional string OBSOLETE_arc_data_snapshot_hours = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Setting that controls whether system-wide trace collection using the Perfetto
// system tracing service is allowed.
message DeviceSystemWideTracingEnabledProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
// Setting that controls whether data access is enabled for Thunderbolt/USB4
// peripherals. This proto is no longer being used, please use
// DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledProtoV2.
message DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
// Setting that controls whether data access is enabled for Thunderbolt/USB4
// peripherals. This replaces DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledProto. Used
// only for the associated CrosSetting.
message DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledProtoV2 {
optional bool enabled = 1;
// Setting that controls whether Borealis will be allowed on the device.
message OBSOLETE_DeviceBorealisAllowedProto {
optional bool allowed = 1 [default = true];
message DeviceAllowedBluetoothServicesProto {
// Policy which controls which service UUID is available.
repeated string allowlist = 1;
// Policy that controls whether packet captures will be allowed on the device.
message DeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowedProto {
optional bool allowed = 1;
// Settings that control when a device will reboot. The reboots are
// recurring. In order to disable scheduled reboots the policy must be
// removed.
message DeviceScheduledRebootProto {
// This is a JSON string, for details see DeviceScheduledReboot.yaml.
optional string device_scheduled_reboot_settings = 1;
// Setting that controls whether restricted managed guest session is enabled on
// the device.
message DeviceRestrictedManagedGuestSessionEnabledProto {
// If this policy is set to true, it will forcefully override certain
// policies. If it's set to false or not set, then no policies will be
// overridden.
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
// Setting that controls whether keyboard shortcuts mapping are consistent
// across all international keyboard layouts.
message DeviceI18nShortcutsEnabledProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = true];
// reven board collects hardware data of the device to provide relevant updates.
// Setting that controls whether device hardware data can be also used for other
// purposes.
message RevenDeviceHWDataUsageEnabledProto {
optional bool hardware_data_usage_enabled = 1 [default = false];
// Controls whether Login WebUI will be explicitly loaded on start.
// Overrides EnableLazyLoginWebUILoading feature.
message DeviceLoginScreenWebUILazyLoadingProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
// Setting that controls different configurations for the Encrypted Reporting
// Pipeline.
message EncryptedReportingPipelineConfigurationProto {
// Controls overall functioning of Encrypted Reporting Pipeline: setting it to
// false would disable the pipeline on a device
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = true];
message DeviceReportXDREventsProto {
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = false];
message DeviceLowBatterySoundProto {
optional bool enabled = 1;
message DeviceChargingSoundsProto {
optional bool enabled = 1;
message DeviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabledProto {
optional bool enabled = 1;
message DeviceFlexHwDataForProductImprovementEnabledProto {
// Enable sending hardware data specifically for product improvement on
// managed ChromeOS Flex devices.
optional bool enabled = 1 [default = true];
// Mirrors ExtendedFkeysModifier from the extended_fkeys_modifier.mojom
message OBSOLETE_ExtendedFkeysModifierProto {
enum OBSOLETE_ExtendedFkeysModifier {
OBSOLETE_DISABLED = 0; // Default value for the F11/F12 settings.
optional OBSOLETE_ExtendedFkeysModifier OBSOLETE_modifier = 1
message ChromeDeviceSettingsProto {
reserved 61, 71, 90;
optional DevicePolicyRefreshRateProto device_policy_refresh_rate = 1;
optional UserWhitelistProto user_whitelist = 2;
optional GuestModeEnabledProto guest_mode_enabled = 3;
optional OBSOLETE_DeviceProxySettingsProto device_proxy_settings = 4
[deprecated = true];
optional CameraEnabledProto camera_enabled = 5;
optional ShowUserNamesOnSigninProto show_user_names = 6;
optional DataRoamingEnabledProto data_roaming_enabled = 7;
optional AllowNewUsersProto allow_new_users = 8;
optional MetricsEnabledProto metrics_enabled = 9;
optional ReleaseChannelProto release_channel = 10;
optional DeviceOpenNetworkConfigurationProto open_network_configuration = 11;
optional DeviceReportingProto device_reporting = 12;
optional EphemeralUsersEnabledProto ephemeral_users_enabled = 13;
optional OBSOLETE_AppPackProto app_pack = 14 [deprecated = true];
optional OBSOLETE_ForcedLogoutTimeoutsProto forced_logout_timeouts = 15
[deprecated = true];
optional OBSOLETE_ScreenSaverProto login_screen_saver = 16
[deprecated = true];
optional AutoUpdateSettingsProto auto_update_settings = 17;
optional OBSOLETE_StartUpUrlsProto start_up_urls = 18 [deprecated = true];
optional OBSOLETE_PinnedAppsProto pinned_apps = 19 [deprecated = true];
optional SystemTimezoneProto system_timezone = 20;
optional DeviceLocalAccountsProto device_local_accounts = 21;
optional AllowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffersProto allow_redeem_offers = 22;
optional FeatureFlagsProto feature_flags = 23;
optional UptimeLimitProto uptime_limit = 24;
optional VariationsParameterProto variations_parameter = 25;
optional AttestationSettingsProto attestation_settings = 26;
optional AccessibilitySettingsProto accessibility_settings = 27;
optional OBSOLETE_SupervisedUsersSettingsProto supervised_users_settings = 28
[deprecated = true];
optional LoginScreenPowerManagementProto login_screen_power_management = 29;
optional SystemUse24HourClockProto use_24hour_clock = 30;
optional AutoCleanupSettigsProto auto_clean_up_settings = 31;
optional SystemSettingsProto system_settings = 32;
optional SAMLSettingsProto saml_settings = 33;
optional RebootOnShutdownProto reboot_on_shutdown = 34;
optional DeviceHeartbeatSettingsProto device_heartbeat_settings = 35;
optional ExtensionCacheSizeProto extension_cache_size = 36;
optional LoginScreenDomainAutoCompleteProto
login_screen_domain_auto_complete = 37;
optional DeviceLogUploadSettingsProto device_log_upload_settings = 38;
optional DisplayRotationDefaultProto display_rotation_default = 39;
optional AllowKioskAppControlChromeVersionProto
allow_kiosk_app_control_chrome_version = 40;
optional LoginAuthenticationBehaviorProto login_authentication_behavior = 41;
optional UsbDetachableWhitelistProto usb_detachable_whitelist = 42;
optional AllowBluetoothProto allow_bluetooth = 43;
optional DeviceQuirksDownloadEnabledProto quirks_download_enabled = 44;
optional LoginVideoCaptureAllowedUrlsProto login_video_capture_allowed_urls =
optional DeviceLoginScreenExtensionsProto device_login_screen_extensions = 46;
optional NetworkThrottlingEnabledProto network_throttling = 47;
optional DeviceWallpaperImageProto device_wallpaper_image = 48;
optional LoginScreenLocalesProto login_screen_locales = 49;
optional LoginScreenInputMethodsProto login_screen_input_methods = 50;
optional DeviceEcryptfsMigrationStrategyProto
device_ecryptfs_migration_strategy = 51 [deprecated = true];
optional DeviceSecondFactorAuthenticationProto
device_second_factor_authentication = 52;
optional CastReceiverNameProto cast_receiver_name = 53;
optional DeviceOffHoursProto device_off_hours = 54;
optional DeviceNativePrintersProto native_device_printers = 55;
optional DeviceNativePrintersAccessModeProto
native_device_printers_access_mode = 56;
optional DeviceNativePrintersBlacklistProto native_device_printers_blacklist =
optional DeviceNativePrintersWhitelistProto native_device_printers_whitelist =
optional TPMFirmwareUpdateSettingsProto tpm_firmware_update_settings = 59;
optional OBSOLETE_MinimumRequiredVersionProto minimum_required_version = 60
[deprecated = true];
optional DeviceLoginScreenAutoSelectCertificateForUrls
device_login_screen_auto_select_certificate_for_urls = 62;
optional UnaffiliatedArcAllowedProto unaffiliated_arc_allowed = 63;
optional NetworkHostnameProto network_hostname = 64;
optional DeviceKerberosEncryptionTypesProto device_kerberos_encryption_types =
optional DeviceUserPolicyLoopbackProcessingModeProto
device_user_policy_loopback_processing_mode = 66;
optional OBSOLETE_DeviceLoginScreenIsolateOriginsProto
device_login_screen_isolate_origins = 67 [deprecated = true];
optional OBSOLETE_DeviceLoginScreenSitePerProcessProto
device_login_screen_site_per_process = 68 [deprecated = true];
optional VirtualMachinesAllowedProto virtual_machines_allowed = 69;
optional DeviceMachinePasswordChangeRateProto
device_machine_password_change_rate = 70;
optional DeviceUnaffiliatedCrostiniAllowedProto
device_unaffiliated_crostini_allowed = 72;
optional DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabledProto
device_wifi_fast_transition_enabled = 73;
optional DeviceDisplayResolutionProto device_display_resolution = 74;
optional PluginVmAllowedProto plugin_vm_allowed = 75;
optional DeviceGpoCacheLifetimeProto device_gpo_cache_lifetime = 76;
optional DeviceAuthDataCacheLifetimeProto device_auth_data_cache_lifetime =
optional PluginVmLicenseKeyProto plugin_vm_license_key = 78;
optional DeviceRebootOnUserSignoutProto device_reboot_on_user_signout = 79;
optional DeviceWilcoDtcAllowedProto device_wilco_dtc_allowed = 80
[deprecated = true];
optional DeviceWilcoDtcConfigurationProto device_wilco_dtc_configuration = 81
[deprecated = true];
optional DeviceWiFiAllowedProto device_wifi_allowed = 82;
optional DevicePowerPeakShiftProto device_power_peak_shift = 83;
optional DeviceBootOnAcProto device_boot_on_ac = 84;
optional DeviceDockMacAddressSourceProto device_dock_mac_address_source = 85;
optional DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeProto
device_advanced_battery_charge_mode = 86;
optional DeviceBatteryChargeModeProto device_battery_charge_mode = 87;
optional DeviceUsbPowerShareProto device_usb_power_share = 88;
optional DeviceScheduledUpdateCheckProto device_scheduled_update_check = 89;
optional DevicePowerwashAllowedProto device_powerwash_allowed = 91;
optional DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrlsProto
device_login_screen_webusb_allow_devices_for_urls = 92;
optional BooleanPolicyProto device_login_screen_system_info_enforced = 93;
optional StringListPolicyProto device_web_based_attestation_allowed_urls = 94;
optional BooleanPolicyProto device_show_numeric_keyboard_for_password = 95;
optional BooleanPolicyProto login_screen_primary_mouse_button_switch = 96;
optional StringPolicyProto device_minimum_version = 97;
optional SystemProxySettingsProto system_proxy_settings = 98;
optional IntegerPolicyProto device_chrome_variations_type = 99;
optional DeviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabledProto
device_login_screen_privacy_screen_enabled = 100;
optional RequiredClientCertificateForDeviceProto
required_client_certificate_for_device = 101;
optional DeviceCrostiniArcAdbSideloadingAllowedProto
device_crostini_arc_adb_sideloading_allowed = 102;
optional StringPolicyProto device_minimum_version_aue_message = 103;
optional ManagedGuestSessionPrivacyWarningsProto
managed_guest_session_privacy_warnings = 104;
optional DeviceExternalPrintServersProto external_print_servers = 105;
optional DeviceExternalPrintServersAllowlistProto
external_print_servers_allowlist = 106;
optional DevicePrintersAccessModeProto device_printers_access_mode = 107;
optional DevicePrintersBlocklistProto device_printers_blocklist = 108;
optional DevicePrintersAllowlistProto device_printers_allowlist = 109;
optional DevicePrintersProto device_printers = 110;
optional DeviceShowLowDiskSpaceNotificationProto
device_show_low_disk_space_notification = 111;
optional UserAllowlistProto user_allowlist = 112;
optional UsbDetachableAllowlistProto usb_detachable_allowlist = 113;
optional DeviceFamilyLinkAccountsAllowedProto family_link_accounts_allowed =
optional OBSOLETE_DeviceArcDataSnapshotHoursProto arc_data_snapshot_hours =
115 [deprecated = true];
optional BooleanPolicyProto device_allow_mgs_to_store_display_properties =
optional DeviceSystemWideTracingEnabledProto
device_system_wide_tracing_enabled = 117;
optional DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledProto
device_pci_peripheral_data_access_enabled = 118;
optional OBSOLETE_DeviceBorealisAllowedProto device_borealis_allowed = 119
[deprecated = true];
optional DeviceAllowedBluetoothServicesProto
device_allowed_bluetooth_services = 120;
optional DeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowedProto
device_debug_packet_capture_allowed = 121;
optional DeviceScheduledRebootProto device_scheduled_reboot = 122;
optional DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabledProtoV2
device_pci_peripheral_data_access_enabled_v2 = 123;
optional DeviceRestrictedManagedGuestSessionEnabledProto
device_restricted_managed_guest_session_enabled = 124;
optional HostnameUserConfigurableProto hostname_user_configurable = 125;
optional BooleanPolicyProto
login_screen_prompt_on_multiple_matching_certificates = 126;
optional BooleanPolicyProto kiosk_crx_manifest_update_url_ignored = 127;
optional DeviceI18nShortcutsEnabledProto device_i18n_shortcuts_enabled = 128;
optional BooleanPolicyProto chromad_to_cloud_migration_enabled = 129;
optional RevenDeviceHWDataUsageEnabledProto hardware_data_usage_enabled = 130;
optional DeviceLoginScreenWebUILazyLoadingProto login_web_ui_lazy_loading =
optional DeviceKeylockerForStorageEncryptionEnabledProto
keylocker_for_storage_encryption_enabled = 132;
optional BooleanPolicyProto device_run_automatic_cleanup_on_login = 133;
optional EncryptedReportingPipelineConfigurationProto
device_encrypted_reporting_pipeline_enabled = 134;
optional SAMLUsernameProto saml_username = 135;
optional StringListPolicyProto
device_login_screen_context_aware_access_signals_allowlist = 136;
optional StringPolicyProto device_printing_client_name_template = 137;
optional DeviceReportXDREventsProto device_report_xdr_events = 138;
optional KeyboardBacklightColorProto keyboard_backlight_color = 139;
optional DeviceHindiInscriptLayoutEnabledProto
device_hindi_inscript_layout_enabled = 140;
optional LoginScreenExtensionManifestV2AvailabilityProto
login_screen_extension_manifest_v2_availability = 141;
optional DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenEnabledProto
device_screensaver_login_screen_enabled = 142;
optional DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenIdleTimeoutSecondsProto
device_screensaver_login_screen_idle_timeout_seconds = 143;
optional DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImageDisplayIntervalSecondsProto
device_screensaver_login_screen_image_display_interval_seconds = 144;
optional DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImagesProto
device_screensaver_login_screen_images = 145;
optional DeviceSystemAecEnabledProto device_system_aec_enabled = 146;
optional DeviceLoginScreenGeolocationAccessLevelProto
device_login_screen_geolocation_access_level = 147;
optional StringPolicyProto device_login_screen_webhid_allow_devices_for_urls =
optional DeviceLowBatterySoundProto device_low_battery_sound = 149;
optional DeviceChargingSoundsProto device_charging_sounds = 150;
optional StringListPolicyProto device_authentication_url_blocklist = 151;
optional StringListPolicyProto device_authentication_url_allowlist = 152;
optional DeviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabledProto
device_switch_function_keys_behavior_enabled = 153;
optional StringListPolicyProto device_dlc_predownload_list = 154;
optional BooleanPolicyProto device_ephemeral_network_policies_enabled = 155;
optional OBSOLETE_ExtendedFkeysModifierProto extended_fkeys_modifier = 156
[deprecated = true];
optional DeviceFlexHwDataForProductImprovementEnabledProto
device_flex_hw_data_for_product_improvement_enabled = 157;
// New rules for device policies (see
// go/device-policy-generation-future-proofing):
// * All device policies should use common types (see
// policy_common_definitions.proto).
// * Field names should be the policy name (no underscores).
// * Field ID should be the policy ID.
optional BooleanPolicyProto DeviceHardwareVideoDecodingEnabled = 1185;
optional BooleanPolicyProto DeviceLoginScreenTouchVirtualKeyboardEnabled =
optional BooleanPolicyProto DeviceExtendedAutoUpdateEnabled = 1195;
optional StringPolicyProto DeviceWeeklyScheduledSuspend = 1209;
optional IntegerPolicyProto DeviceAuthenticationFlowAutoReloadInterval = 1247;
optional BooleanPolicyProto DeviceExtensionsSystemLogEnabled = 1252;
optional BooleanPolicyProto DeviceAllowEnterpriseRemoteAccessConnections =
optional BooleanPolicyProto DevicePostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled = 1276;
optional StringPolicyProto DeviceRestrictionSchedule = 1290;