
caption: Allow enterprise users to use ARC on unaffiliated devices.
desc:  |-
  Unless ARC is turned off by other means, then setting the policy to True or leaving it unset lets managed users use ARC on unaffiliated devices. Setting the policy to False means managed users may not use ARC on unaffiliated devices.

  Note that other restrictions, like those imposed by ArcEnabled and UnaffiliatedArcAllowed policies, continue to be respected, and ARC gets disabled if any of them specifies so.
example_value: true
default: true
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: false
- caption: Allow users to use Android apps on unaffiliated devices
  value: true
- caption: Do not allow users to use Android apps on unaffiliated devices
  value: false
- [email protected]
  type: boolean
- chrome_os:120-
tags: []
type: main