
caption: Allow cookies on these sites
desc: |-
  Allows you to set a list of url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to set cookies.

            URL patterns may be a single URL indicating that the site may use cookies on all top-level sites.

            Patterns may also be two URLs delimited by a comma. The first specifies the site that should be allowed to use cookies. The second specifies the top-level site that the first value should be applied on.

            If you use a pair of URLs, the first value in the pair supports * but the second value does not. Using * for the first value indicates that all sites may use cookies when the second URL is the top-level site.

            If this policy is left not set the global default value will be used for all sites either from the <ph name="DEFAULT_COOKIES_SETTINGS_POLICY_NAME">DefaultCookiesSetting</ph> or <ph name="BLOCK_THIRD_PARTY_COOKIES_POLICY_NAME">BlockThirdPartyCookies</ph> policies if they are set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.

            See also policies <ph name="COOKIES_BLOCKED_FOR_URLS_POLICY_NAME">CookiesBlockedForUrls</ph> and <ph name="COOKIES_SESSIONS_ONLY_FOR_URLS">CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls</ph>. Note that there must be no conflicting URL patterns between these three policies - it is unspecified which policy takes precedence.

            For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see <ph name="WILDCARD_VALUE">*</ph> is not an accepted value for this policy.
- '[*.]'
- '*,'
  dynamic_refresh: true
  per_profile: true
- fuchsia
- [email protected]
- file://components/content_settings/OWNERS
    type: string
  type: array
- chrome.*:11-
- chrome_os:11-
- android:30-
tags: []
type: list