caption: Re-enable the deprecated async interface for <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph>
in File System Access API
deprecated: true
default: false
desc: |-
Starting in M108, all of <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph> methods will be invoked synchronously.
Until M110, this policy re-enables asynchronous invocation of <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph> methods.
If this policy is set to Enabled, <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph> methods are invoked asynchronously.
If this policy is set to Disabled or not set, all of <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph> methods are invoked synchronously.
example_value: false
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: true
- caption: Enables <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph>
methods to be invoked asynchronously
value: true
- caption: Disables any asynchronous methods of <ph name="FILE_SYSTEM_SYNC_ACCESS_HANDLE">FileSystemSyncAccessHandle</ph>.
value: false
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
type: boolean
- chrome.*:108-110
- chrome_os:108-110
- android:108-110
tags: []
type: main