caption: Default legacy <ph name="ATTRIBUTE_SAMESITE_NAME">SameSite</ph> cookie behavior
deprecated: true
desc: |-
This policy is deprecated, if you still require legacy cookie behavior please use <ph name="LEGACY_SAMESITE_COOKIE_BEHAVIOR_ENABLED_FOR_DOMAIN_LIST_POLICY_NAME">LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList</ph>. Allows you to revert all cookies to legacy <ph name="ATTRIBUTE_SAMESITE_NAME">SameSite</ph> behavior. Reverting to legacy behavior causes cookies that don't specify a <ph name="ATTRIBUTE_SAMESITE_NAME">SameSite</ph> attribute to be treated as if they were "<ph name="ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SAMESITE_NONE">SameSite=None</ph>", removes the requirement for "<ph name="ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SAMESITE_NONE">SameSite=None</ph>" cookies to carry the "<ph name="ATTRIBUTE_SECURE_NAME">Secure</ph>" attribute, and skips the scheme comparison when evaluating if two sites are same-site. See for full description.
When this policy is not set, the default <ph name="ATTRIBUTE_SAMESITE_NAME">SameSite</ph> behavior for cookies will depend on the user's personal configuration for the <ph name="FEATURE_NAME_SAMESITE_BY_DEFAULT_COOKIES">SameSite-by-default</ph> feature, the <ph name="FEATURE_NAME_SAMESITE_NONE_MUST_BE_SECURE">Cookies-without-SameSite-must-be-secure</ph> feature, and the <ph name="FEATURE_NAME_SCHEMEFUL_SAME_SITE">Schemeful Same-Site</ph> feature which may be set by a field trial or by enabling or disabling the <ph name="FLAG_NAME_SAMESITE_BY_DEFAULT_COOKIES">same-site-by-default-cookies</ph> flag, the <ph name="FLAG_NAME_SAMESITE_NONE_MUST_BE_SECURE">cookies-without-same-site-must-be-secure</ph> flag, or the <ph name="FLAG_NAME_SCHEMEFUL_SAME_SITE">schemeful-same-site</ph> flag, respectively.
example_value: 1
dynamic_refresh: true
per_profile: true
- caption: Revert to legacy <ph name="ATTRIBUTE_SAMESITE_NAME">SameSite</ph> behavior
for cookies on all sites
name: DefaultToLegacySameSiteCookieBehavior
value: 1
- caption: Use <ph name="FEATURE_NAME_SAMESITE_BY_DEFAULT_COOKIES">SameSite-by-default</ph>
behavior for cookies on all sites
name: DefaultToSameSiteByDefaultCookieBehavior
value: 2
- [email protected]
- file://net/cookies/OWNERS
- 1
- 2
type: integer
- chrome.*:79-92
- chrome_os:79-92
- android:79-92
tags: []
type: int-enum